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"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 10 Dec 2004 00:29:46 +0000
"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Deri James <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (59 lines)
Hi Wanda,

Ryan sounds great.

I'm Deri, the resident Welshman. Another computer programmer (we're rather
"over represented" on this list!!). An Associate Director in the UK's largest
private client stockbrokers (part of Barclays Bank).

Chip in whenever you feel like it - the more the merrier.



PS Pretty frazzled after a 6hr meeting today. Still I think I managed to spray
the working lunch over all and sundry - good job I'm not self conscious!!

On Thursday 09 Dec 2004 07:27, [log in to unmask] wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I'm Wanda, and I have been mostly lurking on this list for several months.
> I have only posted when something really got the best of me, like when
> someone described symptoms of a mini-stroke (Ken, was that you?  I didn't
> want to scare you, but I was so glad that you went to the doctor!).  Or
> when the young man posted about his obnoxious coworker.  Or today, about
> the Rifton stander.  I try not to say too much here, for I fear I will say
> something offensive out of shear ignorance.  If I do, would you please let
> me know?  I'm a Texa-sippian, an adopted Texan transplanted from
> Mississippi, and we are all pretty straight shooters and appreciate having
> it shot straight back.  Well ... I do.
> You guys are a tight list and I am not sure how you feel about us lurkers.
> I want to let you all know that I enjoy this list.  Real people talking
> about real stuff, which may or may not have anything to do with CP.  That's
> how I see my son, and you all give me inspiration that I see him correctly,
> even when the rest of the world thinks I'm nuts.  Recently, several of you
> introduced yourselves to a new member.  That was great!  You have no idea
> how awesome it is to a mother to hear your stories.
> I thought it was time I introduced myself.  I am 45, live in a tiny town
> between Fort Worth and Denton, and my main occupation is being Ryan's mom.
> Ryan is my son, who is 8 years old.  He loves Scooby Doo, horses and cows,
> and bowling on Saturday with his Dad.  He is afraid of dogs and other small
> things that move quickly.  He thinks he might want to be a writer when he
> grows up.  Oh yeah ... he also had a primary diagnosis of CP.  I fought a
> school system for 5 years trying to get them to help him learn to
> communicate, to no avail.  They had more politics and tricks than I could
> master.  We homeschool since May. He learned to communicate with his
> Dynavox since then.  And BOY does he have a lot to say!  He is a very
> bright little boy.  Scarily so, at times.
> So ... if I pop up from time to time, now you will know who I am.  I hope
> that's okay.
> Back to lurk mode now.
> Wanda