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Equal Access to Software & Information: (distribution list)


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"L-Soft list server at St. John's University (1.8d)" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
* EASI: Equal Access to Software & Information
Thu, 24 Jun 2004 06:08:42 -0500
text/plain (103 lines)
Thu, 24 Jun 2004 06:08:42

Your message  to [log in to unmask] has  been forwarded
to  a list  owner. If  you  receive this  message after  replying to  the
subscription request  for more information  or otherwise want to  reach a
human being,  you used the  correct procedure  and you should  IGNORE the
remainder of this message.

Please read on if: (1) you  are seeking information about eczema, (2) you
wish  to subscribe  to the  ECZEMA  Mailing List  (an electronic  mailing
list), (3) you are trying to send  a message to the mailing list, (4) you
wish to  leave the mailing list  or change your subscription  options, or
(5) you need to change the  e-mail address used for your subscription. In
any of  these cases,  the list  owners know that  you have  received this
message and  will not reply further.  However, feel free to  send another
message if you encounter any problem you cannot resolve yourself.
If you are  seeking information about eczema, please note  that we are an
e-mail   list  of   people  interested   in  eczema,   run  entirely   by
non-professional  volunteers. As  people with  eczema or  the parents  of
children with eczema,  we exchange e-mails of advice,  support, and news.
We don't have  the capacity or qualifications to  provide personal advice
or  information other  than what  you find  on our  Web site.  We do  not
publish a printed newsletter or have other printed information.

If you have access to the Web, you may wish to check our Web site at:


where you will find our FAQ and the "Pick of the List", an edited archive
of postings  to the list.  There are also links  to other Web  sites that
provide information.
If you would  like to be subscribed  to the mailing list,  please send an
e-mail message to:

                     [log in to unmask]

In the body of the message, type:

                  subscribe eczema first_name last_name

Do not put anything else in the body of the message.

This  will start  the regular  subscription process  and ensure  that you
receive important  automated messages sent to  new subscribers, including
information about the terms and conditions for participation.
If you were trying to send a message  to the mailing list, you sent it to
the wrong e-mail address. Resend your message to:

                      [log in to unmask]
If you  were trying to  send a command for  the computer to  execute (for
example, to unsubscribe  from the list), you sent it  to the wrong e-mail
address. Resend it to:

                     [log in to unmask]

Type the command in  the body of the message and put  nothing else in the
body of the message. The most common commands are:

SIGNOFF ECZEMA - to leave the list
SET ECZEMA NOMAIL - to temporarily suspend e-mail from the list
SET ECZEMA MAIL - to resume e-mail from the list

You may also make these changes by using the Web services at:


For more information, see "Help for Subscribers" at:


If you need to change the e-mail address of your subscription, you may do
so yourself if both the address  currently used for your subscription and
the  new address  are  active,  and if  you  have  registered a  Listserv
password. To change your email address, send a message to:

                     [log in to unmask]

from your current subscription address. In the body of the message, type:

             change eczema [new address] PW=[your password]

without the [].

For more information, see "Help for Subscribers" at:


 See EASI Special October Bonus offer at http://easi.cc/clinic.htm
EASI November courses are:
Barrier-free E-learning, Accessible Internet Multimedia and Business Benefits of Accessible IT Design:
EASI Home Page http://www.rit.edu/~easi

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