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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Bev Messner <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 31 May 2004 15:54:40 -0500
Bev Messner <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks for the quick answers.  I even went back and added about a TBS. of
flour to the cookie recipe, and some xanthan gum.   They were just a little
bit better....and looked so great coming out of the oven.  But then they
cool and go flat as a pancake.    All ended up in trash.  I followed the
recipe to the letter!

Suggestions that were sent:
Too much liquid
Choice of shortening (which I was using rather than butter)
Might have needed to refrigerate the batter before baking
Stick with known recipes that work.  (only used the box recipe as this was
for the support group)

Than I attempted the recipe for ginger cookies on the box of Pure Baking
Supplement.   It suggested you could use the Montina flour blend in place
of the other flours....so I did this.   These cookies came out pretty
good....still very flat, but look decent and were salvageable.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST:  I also made the bread.  AS I said, I used the recipe
from the website, and followed it exactly as stated.  This barely rose,
even after 2 or more hours.   Nothing helped it.   It is now in the trash.

Since I don't bake bread, I am not sure what could have gone wrong.  Maybe
the humidity here in Ohio?  Been rainy, but not so humid today with cool
and windy.    I used yeast that had an expiration date of Sept. 2005.   I
let that sit and proof while I did the other ingredients.   The yeast
puffed up really good  while proofing.   So was the yeast good then??   Did
I wait too long before putting it in??  I have just enough of the samples
left that I could follow the recipe ON THE BAG and give it a whirl, but I
am a little gun shy right now.   I hate to waste all those ingredients
again!   And my reputation for bringing in MISTAKES to the support group
will really grow with this one.   I have more failures than successes.

Send HELP!!

Mansfield, OH

* Visit the Celiac Web Page at www.enabling.org/ia/celiac/index.html *