> You might add a few more grams if you're=
> into heavy exercise. But adding much more will only cause your body to
> nvert the excess to glucose and then fat.
Just an addendum. I think Jim's right on the money as far as protein
requirements are concerned. Don't be swayed by bodybuilding "experts" who
tell you to eat hundreds of grams of protein every day so they can sell you
a bunch of protein powders and bars. A few years ago Mike Mentzer explained
very carefully in one of his articles that in order to gain 10 lbs of
muscle in a year, only a few extra grams of protein were needed per day.
And in an issue a few years ago of "The Physicians and Sports Medicine" the
recommendation was given of .6-.8 grams per pound of bodyweight for
*serious* strength trainers (powerlifters, olympic lifters, etc.). Which,
for a 150 lb man is 80-120 grams of protein per day - very easily