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Ken Stuart <[log in to unmask]>
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 20 May 2004 18:15:09 -0700
text/plain (105 lines)
On Thu, 20 May 2004 17:15:19 -0700, Ken Stuart
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>On Thu, 20 May 2004 17:42:15 -0600, Dori Zook <[log in to unmask]>
>>How bad is the modern diet?  Check out the documentary "Super-Size Me."
>>It's both funny and serious.  Anyone who's seen it knows what I'm talking
>>about.  Of course, they talk more about fat than sugar and starch but
>>whatever.  In short, a guy ate nothing but McDonald's food, every meal of
>>every day, for a month.  Check it out, you'll love it.
>Actually, it is mostly a publicity stunt for the filmmaker.
>In fact, in order to demonstrate that it was just another attempt to
>shift responsibility for all our personal problems to "Them", a
>different person made a point of eating every meal at McDonalds for a
>month and lost weight.
>The "modern diet" does not consist of eating every meal at fast food
>restaurants, and straw man arguments don't get us anywhere.

I did a web search, and it appears more than one person has done this
and lost weight.   The one I heard about was a woman, but here is a

Super Size Me
LAST UPDATE: 5/11/2004 9:05:57 PM
Posted By: CyberBob 

Shelly Miles News 4 WOAI 

McDonald's is in the spotlight for their super sized portions. They've
even been sued for causing obesity. Now, a new film documentary called
"Super Size Me" is generating a big buzz. 

News 4 WOAI's Shelly Miles introduces us to a local man whose been
testing his own theory. The results will surprise you, but you wont
believe how many hamburgers it took to prove it. 

For thirty days Deshan “Woody” Woods ate more than sixty burgers and
enough fat filled french fries to feast on forever. 

But why do it? 

“To see what would happen to me if I documented it and ate nothing but
McDonalds for 30 days,” Woody told WOAI. 

Sounds pretty crazy, but Woody actually got the idea from a fellow Big
Mac binger. 

Morgan Spurlock has been in the limelight since the debut of his
documentary, "Super Size Me." Eating only McDonalds for 30 days,
Spurlock gained 25 pounds, almost lost a kidney and his cholesterol
went from 160-230. 

But Woody says his fast food feast actually improved his figure, and
he's ready to prove his fast food formula. 

“He picked McDonalds, so I'll pick McDonalds,” said Woods. 

Recording every meal on video and logging entries on his website,
Woody stuck to the same diet as Spurlock, with one exception: no
sugary sodas, only diet drinks. 

So how much weight did Woody gain? 

“Gain? No, I lost over 8 pounds,” explains Woody. 

And he improved his health. We compared Woody's blood work from before
the diet to blood drawn the day after. Would you believe...... 

“Everything went down,” Woody said. 

Cholesterol. Weight. Blood pressure. 

Okay. Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? 

“Woody's cholesterol has gone down from a slightly high 204 - down to
171,” Nutritionist Dr.Daniel Dent confirmed. 

But experts weren't surprised by Woody’s diet results. 

“Woody burns a lot of calories, that's just who he is genetically,”
said Dr. Dent. 

Dr. Dent says Woody is one of those people we love to hate. He can eat
anything and not gain weight. He also says dumping the sugar sodas
made a difference. 

Still skeptical? Woody wants to prove you wrong. 

“I'm going to continue doing it,” says Woody. “Because I have never
been this healthy – ever!” 

Most people could not eat the way Woody did and say the same thing.
Doctors say this just won't work for everyone. 

But it is working for Woody, and he is actually continuing his
McDonalds-only diet. Over the next 30 days we’ll monitor Woody's
progress, then check back in for the results.

[This is another data point for those who point to corn syrup as one
of the worst health hazards. -Ken]