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Jabou Joh <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 4 Apr 2004 14:35:32 EDT
text/plain (33 lines)
Congratulations to our neighbours on the occasion of their independence. Long
live democracy, the harmony and cooperation that thrives among the

Jabou Joh

In a message dated 4/4/04 4:07:44 AM Central Daylight Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

> We would like to congratulate all our senegalease relatives on our
> Gambia-list and everywhere in the world, for the celebration of their 4th april
> independence.
> May the Almighty Allah ( SWT ) continue to bring peace, love, solidarity and
> harmony in Senegal and between all of you. Your Radio Tam Tam debates on
> Senegal affairs has proven to the whole world your independence and the true
> democracy in Senegal. Our prayers are with all of you, and we wish you a
> happy
> independent celebration.
> Kind regards
> Elhadj Tapha Fye & family.

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