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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Ingrid Bauer/Jean-Claude Catry <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 22 Apr 2004 01:15:23 -0700
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (91 lines)
> There is ALWAYS a danger of becoming too idealistic.

what is the danger ?
 The real danger comes from the fact as David Suzuki wrote in our news paper
this week , that  we are rushing at 100 miles an hour against a wall (
limitations of earth natural ressources ) and we are arguing who is going to
takes what seat . or like it was said in the movie the corporation that we
are falling from such a great height that we don't realise that we prefer to
believe we are   flying .

The fact remains that
> we DO NOT live in the paleolithic era. Unless we move to an isolated
> that has remained completely untouched for the last 50,000+/- years, there
> is no possibility of regaining a truly paleolithic lifestyle. And even if
> such a paradise existed, it would still not be "truly paleo".

why that ? because it is what is going to happens anyway . nature have its
own regulatory sytems , nothing have "fondamentally"  changed since then ,
the laws of how natural ecosytems establish themselves and regulate
themselves are still in effect .

the extinction of human species  will bring paleo time again .

 the illusion given to us to be able to remove ourselves from those laws
doesn't hold water . we can remove ourselves from the" experience" of them
not  from the actual laws .

 i will expect a paleo believer to extend what he knows is true for the
human body (genetic  inadaptation to new molecules ) to the earth.

> The best we can possibly do is live in a neolithic world, and try as best
> as we can to emulate whatever we can "guess" the lifestyle and dietary of
> paleos would be.

I have been practicing Natural way of farming for many years and knows fisrt
hand that the fondamental of the neolithic revolution ( cultivation of
soils ) is not the only way to interact with our environment to produce
abondant foods  . paleo hunters were not "consumers" of their environment
they were active in creating it.
> And, I'm actually quite surprised at your idealism regarding this,
> Jean-Claude. For someone who views the world organically, I would think
> you, of all people, would understand that a corporation is really nothing
> more than another organism. Motivated by profit (as well as survival),
> sure, but an organism none-the-less. Look at how quickly corporations have
> reacted to the Atkins fad (big read "A"s EVERYWHERE :). If paleo thinking
> ever became mainstream (we can only hope), they would react just as
> to provide us with paleo-like consumables.

any organism in an ecosytem is subject to regulative forces that limit their
taken over other species  .NOt true for this present economic  model who
have corporations as a principal actor . a corporation have all the
incentives to eat and grow ,eat more and grow more .... endless   it is a
predatory animal who is detroying the contributors to his wealth .( laying
off workers ,  inpoverishing the  customers , depleting ressources way
beyond its potential to replenish themselves like forests and soils ....)

the phenomenon of " recuperation" , by the system , of progressive
alternatives is well known by me . the day big companies go into the pelo
business that is the end of the movement as a meaningfull proposition to

> You will likely argue that whatever they provide us would not be "truly
> paleo". In response I would say, "re-read my first paragraph". I, for one
> (and I'm sure I'm not alone), would welcome a steady supply of grass-fed
> beef, and any additive or insecticide free veggies they could toss my way.
> Enough demand in the marketplace - and it will happen.

it will takes time to realise that this kind of paleo eating is not going to
meet its promises.helath problems will be discovered related to it .

that is idealism to believe that a diet of grass fed beef and industrially
grown  veggies ( even organic ) can compare with a wide diet of wild animals
and plants .

if paleo is just an idea and not a rigourous questionning of practices i am
wondering what is my place here .

I wish i hade a table comparing nutrients in wild plants  and their domestic

Ps i am myself encouraging my neighbours to produce paelo beef and lambs so
not to spit on progress, but there is much more to ask ....
