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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 2 Nov 2005 13:00:57 -0800
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (70 lines)
                      Author:-Essa Bokarr SEY.

                  Poem:-Where Silhouettes Trying to Tame Time!

The big wheel of life is turning on and on. Innocent Souls are being
betrayed more and more. These souls are being beaten up by a team of evil
claws. Is this what those who rose during King Arthur's era called..."the
world of rulers and ruled?"

Freedom Fighters! Your trajet is a very long one! We foresee the bubbles
that are floating on those giant waves creeping near the sea shore. Waves!
O! Waves! Fort Bullen has been insulted before by a colonial master. Hear
this historical "shrine" crying again! An old worker was captured and
beaten near this very Fort. Cry Gambia! Cry! colonialism was a mad disease
from abroad. Chei!today we have tyranny mixed with whips and electrocuting
wires! This is a killing machine!

Hello you the son of Africa.Should you rule your brethren worse than a
colonialist? Power is indeed not an excuse for total ignorance. Ignorance
and Arrogance! Chei "Beww akk Nyoraddi!" Trying to Tame Time where regrets
are being coated by deceptive silhouettes. I Swear by the Almighty Truth
will never fail! I Swear by the Almighty that Satan cannot shatter unity!
I Swear by the Almighty that the torch has been lit at the end of the dark
Truth is ready to tackle this stinking cave where a snake is twisting
facts to match fraudulent tactics. Can Silhouettes Tame Freedom? Freedom
is the twin of a flying mind that is hovering over a steady course.
History! You are the great teacher who erases the big board of Time.
History am whispering these words of concern into my own ears.

History! tell us please if Time is being Tamed or Caned? Nay! to the
questioning mind and the listening ears! Nay! I say! Time cannot be
caned,caged or Tamed! Those episodes in the big chamber of history are
still there. The iron curtain has been torn! Appartheid has been chased
out of Pretoria! No machine of oppression could Tame Time!Who is the
coward? The dictator! Who is a coward? A dictator! Time says to
history!...."One day theft will be kept" Times says to history!...."One
day torture will be captured" Hide or Low Tide....? Hmmm...Captain do you
know the difference?

Captain your ship's rudder has been smashed by the wild waves. O! Life!
You are this big Screen posing before Time. No palm can master the
features on your giant remote control. Sekou Toure's Camp Boiro has sailed
in this wild sea called time! Chei! Mile Two will never be spared. The
rotting torsos will one day rejoice.

The rejoicing muscles will one day rot! Poetic Justice has already solved
the equation."Fir'awn" could not Tame Time when Musa was sailing in its
wild sea of protection. Hello Old Friend and new enemy.Chei! remember
where Justice calls for mercy.You will need this mercy very soon!
This trajet is a long one bro! Fatigue is not part of the vocabulary in
our dictionary.

No freedom is cost free. The tree of freedom is watered by the blood of
those being captured,maimed and threatened. Stop stalking behind the real
beings when you know that you are nothing but a silhouette of evil
"Yalla dina Nyeww leygi tey!"

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