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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Pa Nderry M'bai <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 5 Sep 2005 21:13:54 +0000
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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September 5, 2005
The ALLGAMBIAN has been reliably informed about the visit of the Common
Wealth envoy and former Nigerian Head of State General Abubacarr to the
Republic of The Gambia over the Weekend. His visit we learnt was meant to
promote peace and unity among Gambians, as the country prepares for the the
2006 polls. If our memory serves us right, this the second visit of General
Abubacarr to the tiny West African country.

The Common Wealth and the civilised world are aware of the looming security
and political crisis taking place in the Gambia. We salute the Common Wealth
for its move in embarking on conflict resolution at this hour. This will
bring some sense of sanity among Gambians and the APRC thugs bent on
disturbing our country's cherished peace. We have said it time and time that
the current political trend is not promising at all. The Gambia is at the
brink of total collapse and any neglect on the side of the international
community will cost us dearly.

To avoid the Liberian, Ivorian, Burundian, and Sierra Leonian situations,
the international community must follow the footsteps of the Common Wealth,
by ending the Jammeh madness. We cannot afford to see our country to be
thrown into complete lawlessness. There is growing discontent among the
local populace and there is nothing that can stop people from flushing this
despotic and barbaric regime from power.

The writings are on the wall for all to see that change is inevitable in The
Gambia. We hope and pray that Jammeh will create the environment for
peaceful change. The future of our country lies in the hands of Gambians.
Knowing Jammeh's brutality, he will do whatever it takes to stay in power.
He had time and time said even it will cost him one thousand people to
protect the interest of The Gambia, he will not hesitate to do it. Such
statements of Jammeh are well document for all to see.

When we talked about a possible genocide in The Gambia, in view of the
recent Ghanaian "mass murders", some APRC supporters reacted angrily to our
editorial accusing my very self of "genocide thinker." Yes, you can call us
names if you want. We are not here to please anybody. We believe in
reporting the truth and nothing else. We are today vindicated by the second
visit of the Common Wealth visit to The Gambia. This goes to show that there
is indeed political crisis in The Gambia.

The Common Wealth envoy will not waste his busy schedules just to come and
see Yahya Jammeh and the opposition for nothing. There is indeed a problem
and we must start accepting this reality in good faith.

We have been reliably informed that Jammeh had told the Common Wealth envoy
that it's the opposition that "are provoking his supporters" and not the
Ruling APRC. This is a serious charge, which should not be taken lightly by
the opposition. Whether Jammeh's claims hold water or not, it's up to the
NADD leadership to clarify this serious indictment.

Since the advent of this regime, Jammeh and his cohorts had been linked to
all kinds of atrocities against the Gambian populace. In as much as the
international community, are abreast with the political developments in our
country, the opposition should not allow such a lie made by Jammeh to go

The visit of the Common Wealth envoy, should be an opportune moment for
Gambians to make their case heard by the international community. Gambians
should ask the Common Wealth to thoroughly monitor the political events
leading to the September by elections and the pending 2006 polls. We would
also want the Common Wealth to warn the current dictatorship to avoid any
electoral fraud, as it had been the case over the years.

Jammeh and his followers have not learnt from the Common Wealth, US and the
UK sanctions following their so called July 22ND coup. Sanctions are meant
to correct certain political actions in a particular country. But our
leaders don't seems to care about the welfare of their citizens. They are
bent on oppressing and silencing dissenting views in the name of "National
Security." The developed world should not recognise such despotic regimes.
Such regimes should be isolated. They have no place in any true democracy
and the civilised world.

Peace is an important commodity, which should not be played with. Yahya
Jammeh had long been taking Gambians for a ride. He had not only disturbed
our cherished peace, but had also destroyed the fabric of society in The
Gambia. From 1994 to date, many Gambians had died under mysterious
circumstances. There is no serious attempts by the regime to bring the
killer(s) of Deyda Hydara, Omar Barrow, Korro Ceesay, November 11 alleged
coups, and 14 defenseless school children.

Back to the General Abubacarr's visit, we hope that both the APRC and the
opposition will stick to their promise of nurturing the peace. In the
absence of peace, there can hardly be any development. The Gambia is denied
development today because of lack of peace.

Serious investors are no longer coming to our country. The current
government had not paved the way to attract such business minded
individuals. Regular electricity supply is lacking in The Gambia. No good
roads. No drugs in our hospitals. No food for citizens. It's only Yahya
Jammeh and his inner circles who are enjoying today in The Gambia. They
don't care about the plight of Gambians starving to death. We are indeed in
serious, serious trouble.

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