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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Jassey Conteh <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 6 Apr 2004 21:53:34 -0400
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Jassey Conteh <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (419 lines)

This is definitely your problem.  I was replying to Jeng and I stated that 
he had every right to of not trusting me.  In that statement I said:  "it is 
politics and that history will judge me."  I was not referring to you but to Jeng's 

Please read between the lines.  I will never stoop that low and call you  
names.  I know better.  I still believe that you are a spy.

We are one family.  Politics should not tear us down.  As far as I am 
concern this case is close.

Comrade ML Jassey-Conteh

-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Sambou <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Apr 6, 2004 7:59 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Joe Sambou & Tribalism/ Conteh/Soffie/Jeng

Conteh, so this is a game you were playing.  You just did not think I will
react this way?  You scumbag!  This is politics to you after all?  Do I look
like I am playing politics?  No, you got to come with something better.  I
am not going to let your short behind off the hook Conteh and you know that
by now.  If you can tell such a big malicious lie about me, what else can
you lie about.  I see misery loves company and I say rot in your cesspool of
lies.  You must be out of your damn mind to think you can lie and then hide
in docility.  Come on shorty, I know you got game.

Chi Jaama

Joe Sambou

>From: Jassey Conteh <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Jassey Conteh <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Joe Sambou & Tribalism/ Conteh/Soffie/Jeng
>Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2004 19:02:17 -0400
>Mr. Jeng:
>You have a right to not trust me.  History will tell.  I don't know you,
>but I
>respect your position.  This is politics.  I should get use to it.
>Comrade ML Jassey-Conteh
>-----Original Message-----
>From: [log in to unmask]
>Sent: Apr 6, 2004 2:36 PM
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Joe Sambou & Tribalism/ Conteh/Soffie
>It is sad that someone who over the years has done so much to the struggle,
>but people are still willing because of personal beef, to come up with such
>lies. If we are going to be honest with our struggle to create democracy in
>the Gambia, we cannot allow vindictiveness to take over our souls. I hate
>to single out JAbou and Elhadj, but all they have is a beef with Joe, and
>these things do happen. To manifacture lies to try to discredit a committed
>person like Joe is downright unfair to him, and  to what we are trying to
>do. As for Jasseh Conteh......., I hate to get personal, people will just
>have to make their own judement about you.I for one do not trust you at all
>base on your actions on the lsitserve over the years.
>Musa Jeng
> >
> > From: Joe Sambou <[log in to unmask]>
> > Date: 2004/04/06 Tue PM 01:55:02 EDT
> > To: [log in to unmask]
> > Subject: Re: Joe Sambou & Tribalism/ Conteh/Soffie
> >
> > Soffie, Jabou is going to tender proof of this venom she spitted.  And
> > says she is a Muslim.  Chei Jabou?  I find you to be a hypocrit from
> > day on and I suggest that you kneel down and beg for forgiveness from
> > God, for you have literally attempted to murderd your fellow being
> > of spite.  But, this fellow here is not a push over and I'll run you
> > before you do me.  You will someday publicly apologize to me in this
> > public forum that you came to attempt to assasinate me.  I want any APRC
> > person to come say that I ever called them or spoke with them.  Any.  l
> > not talked to Tijan Ceesay but twice since his association with Yaya.
> > first was when a mutual friend informed me of Tijan working at the
> > Essa Sey was the Ambassador at the time.  I came to this very forum and
> > blasted him for being an opportunist and serving tea to Essa.  After
> > termination, he told me how Tijan was all over him thinking that he Essa
> > spreading that message.  Now, Essa is right here on line.  Ask him if he
> > not contact me after he was fired?  The second was during the Omar Gaye
> > with Tijan Ceesay and again, all on this forum heard and saw my stance
> > that was the last time I spoke with Tijan.  You see Jabou, my conscience
> > clear, thus I can speak on things freely with no baggage.  But at the
>end of
> > the day, you will tell Gambians about this big lie of yours.  Jabou, if
> > can talk about Allah the way you do here and come to lie this blatant, I
> > wonder what else you could do to a humanbeing.  To all that entertain
> > here, religiously, I say to you, you are dealing with a very vindictive
> > person and a hypocrit.  You are dealing with a person that will go to
> > lengths to lie big time about any that she cannot control.  They gheeza
>is a
> > control freak and she knows that I am one fellow that does not entertain
> > craziness.  Look at her bedfellows in this lie, they constantly are
> > each other's ego and will because they are all drunk with malice.
> > if they succeed in this filth they are creating in a tribal war in
> > yours and mine are going to be the victims.  I thought I encountered
> > in my life, but this cabal redefined slime to a whole new level.  A
> > grandmother and a liar.  Most folks would shape their lives to age
> > gracefully, but not this gheezer.  However, I am here to stay, so bring
> > on.  Just pathethic and shameful.
> >
> > Folks, I hate to clutter your mails with this filth, but I am not going
> > let this gheeza or anyone spread this filth here about me.  Jabou, you
> > committed yourself, so Gambians are expecting the dirt you have on Joe.
> > are not going to run away with this one.  So, out with it.
> >
> > Chi jaama
> >
> > Joe Sambou
> >
> >
> > >From: "Ceesay, Soffie" <[log in to unmask]>
> > >Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
> > ><[log in to unmask]>
> > >To: [log in to unmask]
> > >Subject: Re: Joe Sambou & Tribalism/ Conteh/Soffie
> > >Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2004 09:13:24 -0700
> > >
> > >Sister Jabou, thank you.  I agree with you.  Those aspects of 'Maslaha'
> > >which are detrimental to our lives and livelihood, like many of our
> > >harmful traditions, has to be done away with by pre-emption.  My
>concern is
> > >when we start to label each other with that which we are not, because
> > >how we might have come across on this medium, our effectiveness in our
> > >fight against the tyranny becomes weakened.  Use of tribe for personal
> > >is what's happening, this is Yaya's game and Gambia's problem.
> > >sycophancy, which has side-lined tribe, is Gambia's problem.  It
> > >our problem when we do not see it for what it is being used for, and
> > >counter that vigorously by foiling his sinister plan.  How do we do
>that -
> > >Transforming how we think and how others who make thoughtless comments
> > >think, through civil dialogue; questionning ourselves about our "forgna
> > >dehs" and make attempts
> > >to "hamm" and ask when we do not; and come together to forge the
> > >plan to help Gambia.  It is wrong and dangerous to single out the Jolas
> > >vent our anger and frustrations at, for the mis-deeds of a leech who
> > >sucking you dry, hand you over to be fried.  I am asking that for this
> > >fight, let us join hands, hearts, and minds.  Let us deal with the
>issue of
> > >tribalism in the country on it's own.
> > >
> > >Soffie
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >-----Original Message-----
> > >From: Jabou Joh [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> > >Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 10:45 AM
> > >To: [log in to unmask]
> > >Subject: Re: Joe Sambou & Tribalism/ Conteh/Soffie
> > >
> > >
> > >Soffie,
> > >
> > >As always, I appreciate your imput and thanks.
> > >However sister, if we off-handedly label this issue as just part of the
> > >Jammeh problem without bringing it into the open so that we can
> > >any larger
> > >problems that will arise later when it is too late, I think we wil
> > >regrets only after things have gotten out of hand. The fact that there
> > >favouritism in the allocation of high ranking positions in the army as
> > >as even
> > >the availability of basic services like electricity and the cost of
> > >which
> > >is a basic Gambian staple tells me that this issue is potentially
> > >unless and until we talk about it openly, and in so doing, those who
> > >interest in fermenting this sinister plan will know that the people are
> > >aware. That
> > >simple fact itself can be a deterrent. We Gambians are used to adopting
> > >least confrontational mode and simplifying things to our own detriment.
> > >We cannot afford to leave any problematic area that this regime has
> > >to
> > >create.
> > >Diplomacy cannot change the feelings of hostility that these actions
> > >brew
> > >on the local level, and these seemingly minor details have led to
> > >hostilities
> > >and became much larger problems elsewhere. Only full exposure of the
> > >problem
> > >can be the deterrent.
> > >
> > >Jabou Joh
> > >
> > >In a message dated 4/6/04 9:20:02 AM Central Daylight Time,
> > >[log in to unmask] writes:
> > >
> > >
> > > > Brothers and sisters -
> > > >
> > > > The grey on my head is multiplying (no kidding), thanks to the daily
> > >grind
> > > > of life in the US and the struggle we have to wage for Gambia's
> > >liberation.
> > > > And, thanks also to dialogue that has only helped to fan the flames
> > > > mis-understanding between those of us who are fighting the same
> > >I hate to go
> > > > against what my elders say and so I apologize before hand but, what
> > >pertains
> > > > in the Gambia is not a JOLA problem, but Gambia's problem.  That
>Yaya is
> > >a
> > > > tribalist we all agree on.  A tribalist for whom and against whom,
> > >hard
> > > > for me to say and I will dis-agree with anyone who singles out
> > >tribe.
> > > > The Jola's are as much at the receiving end of his tyranny as
> > >else.
> > > > Those who've helped prop him up come from every strata of Gambian
> > >society
> > > > and to allow ourselves to miss this point sends shivers up my spine.
> > > >
> > > > At our last demonstration in New York, when reporter Ebou Waggeh
>asked a
> > > > question (I do not recall what it was), this lady pushed forward and
> > >began to
> > > > spew spittle about the Jolas this and the Jolas that.  I was
> > >-
> > > > frightened because she was speaking from her heart and frightened
> > >she has
> > > > allowed herself to be manipulated into segmenting our society by the
> > >shenanigans
> > > > of a loony.  If I were to turn around and ask her what any Jola has
> > >to
> > > > her or her family before Jammeh or now, she would have pointed only
> > > > Jammeh.  My response to that comment, to Waggeh, was this - Yaya was
> > >born a Jola
> > > > and that is as far as he can claim.  Those who benefited from and
> > >supported him
> > > > run the tribal gamut.
> > > >
> > > > Some of us are lucky and can claim to be a bonafide Wollof,
> > >Jola,
> > > > Sarahuleh, Manjaago, or whatever.  So what?  At the end of the day,
> > >does
> > > > that bring you?  I will suggest that many Gambians are like me who
> > >cannot
> > > > claim to be a bonafide anytribe even if I grew up speaking only
> > >I will
> > > > also suggest that it is people in our families and tribes who will
> > >the
> > > > screws to you without a second thought and Yaya is no different.
> > > > political expediency, he uses whatever he can and if tribalism is
> > >readily available
> > > > and he's proved that it can polarize the opposition, why not use it.
>  My
> > > > sincerest apologies to all as well as my regards.  I now go back to
> > >plantation
> > > > grind.
> > > >
> > > > Soffie Ceesay
> > > > A Gambian
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
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