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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Binneh Minteh <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 13 Mar 2004 10:28:50 -0500
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (124 lines)

I like the words from Karamba:"KICK DEY NYAKKA KICK DEY" sure "KICK ME YOU
DIE,DO NOT KICK ME YOU DIE" Brother Karamba that was classic.
Well OPTV has been saying it over and over that!!!!!!!!! the whole mess was
nothing but a wretched movie.Ask yourselves this question-Who would spend
nights,days and hours on a computer only to talk about a mad man if he was
riding on our folks with  bloody axe?!!! Who?!!!
Ok back in 1994 we all remember when the US embassy wrote warning Jawara
that USAID funds were being squandered.Andrew Wimter was the ambassador
then.The daily observer may help those who can pay for the search and copy
fee get the archived articles.They were out just before the dark day of
July 22nd.Our colleagues in the army remember when Yahya was happily
distributing those artcles saying that Jawara should be over thrown.Well
that was the USAID a branch within branches.Here we have an international
body telling Yahya that his report was false and everything his policy
analyst sent to DC during all these years were lies and lies and lies.
Goodness!!! Will Yahya's cronies call the IMF also fabricators now?
These were the very signals that started decending in Monrovia when the
smoke was attacking Taylor in his hole,afterwards the flames roasted Taylor
right? Yahya and his cronies were told from the onset that OPTV is not here
to blow hot hot air for no reason.
How about when Ouedraogo and his team also ask Yahya to settle the 80000
USD they owe the world bank?
When Amadou Toumani Toure over threw Musa Traore,Malian authorities found
out that Mali had en external that was @2 Billion USD.Well interestingly
Traore's own account had the exact amount intact! What Alpha and Toure did
was they withdrew the money throw legal means and then brought it back
home,simple as that.MusA Traore was ruthless but lesser evil when compared
to Yahya,so he was jailed and then later on freed.Musa never used foul or
arrogant language towards the west.Well does Yahya think that all those
documented speeches he made from Sukuta then to Koina have been forgotten
by the west? Does he think that having insulted Blair,the queen,Clinton and
others and others will just be forgotten in a minute?!!! These countries
contribute towards these international bodies so what does he expect from
their tax payers,technocrats etc etc? That is why when Yahya's cronies
started bluffing that Baba Jobe was going to be handed over to the
Sieraleone war crimes tribunal OPTV! sent a loud cry calling him a liar!!!!!
Let him to do so and see.The Sieraleone war crimes tribunal has already
discovered more on Yahya than he thinks,they will come to him at a time he
does not expect! He will be seeing things for himself.
How about the arms that he inherited from a contingent that was serving in
This contingent was from an Esatern European country,right? Yahya knows
what OPTV is saying here very well.
IMF and the world bank can never be seduced by a wretched movie.OPTV has
been calling everyone's attention to the FIU in Dakar.The Finanial
Intelligence Unit! Aftter being asked to pay within thirty days Yahya will
also be asked to explain issues surrounding the money shop along Kairaba
avenue etc etc...Just wait and see.
Yahya's best bet if he wants to stay alive as a selfish person as usual, is
for him! to resign!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and then wait for the verdict of the
Gambians is collaboration with the international financial institutions.
Ealier we saw their so-called diplomats parading here that Yeah Gambia is
on AGOA again.OPTV warned them and said how about if those very sources
turn against Yahya? Well some of them said that OPTV was an angry bunch of
people who are only fabricating therefore that is why we said in response
to that said, the more Yahya and his cronies disbelieved what OPTV says the
better.If they relax and think that we are fabricating then that is good.
Be on AGOA and the be called a liar and a thief by IMF? Let them think
about that!
Are they studying what is happening to Uganda's leader? Well we were told
that he was a pet child in DC and Ghadaffi was a bad boy.Yahya's cronies
sent here with a lot of noise for that matter,when a Musevini team from
Kampala visited Banjul!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yoweri Musevini so what?
Now where is Boy Naar or Ghadaffi in all this noise within the geopolitical
arena and where is Yahya? What does Yahya think? Ghadaffi has forgiven him?
He will because Ghadaffi and him were together and then he inturn thought
that he was ok so he kicked Tripoli on the back.Poetic justice is very
sweet.Ghadaffi knows how to handle unruly beggars and fake Pan
Africanists.It is now that the real classic movie is ready start.
Amateur diplomacy and amateur propaganda can never surpcede reality and
We also heard that last october the new SOS Finance,Balla Gaye, the so call
SOS Singhatey,and the so call SOS Blaise Jagne came to lobby the IMF and
the world bank! OPTV was laughing because every minute and every bit of
what they did and said was received and countered forthwirth.
Yahya has to know that OPTV and other Gambians in the diaspora(the silent
majority) are working with less noise than his cronies.Life will certainly
be harder for Yahya and his cronies.Yahya thought that saying he has
discovered oil was enough.Is he really sure that his latest lies have not
angered some people (top brass) in Paris,London and DC?
He lied and they know that he did because those people are exposed to the
laws of the sea and other issues more than Yahya and his phony globe-
I hope Yahya will not pour some crude oil on the sand in Brufut,Tanji and
other places and then call Bora Mboe to film that.Yahya is a half-baked
illiterate trying to fool real illiterates when those people have sons and
daughters who can teach Yahya for decades.
Who amongst us will sit around and allow Yahya read life's long letter to
our parents?
The rumours back home are...Will Yahya resign because he can never settle
these things with the IMF within 30 Days(Gambians cry do not
laugh!!!!!!).Also people are asking why do all what he did to Baba Jobe and
co and then get this slap from the IMF?
OPTV reminds Yahya as follows: "The soul you grew with and then duped is
the same soul that has set the flames"
"Poetic justice is,what goes around,comes around".Baba and Yahya were
together so when a husband divorces a wife that he met in the street for
having seen her there again, will really not make sense to witnesses. Yahya
could not defend Baba Jobe when he was accused of being part of what the UN
proved beyond reasonable and then turn around expect the IMF would believe
his latest wretched movie.Yahya should also know that the suit cases that
were being carried by Lang Conteh,Abdoulie Kujabi,Ansumana Kujabi ,James
Kujabi, the last lady,likewise the cheques etc etc were being screened at
all international airports.Let him ask the IMF to prove as he used to
rhetorically spew onh the UN back in 2000 and see?
Let him do so now and see.There are so many forces that have gathered
enough against Yahya and Karamba is right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Binneh S Minteh
New York University.

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