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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 20 Apr 2004 12:55:04 -0600
text/plain (123 lines)
If this is the Chuck Smith out in California that I have heard for years on
the radio who pastor's a Charismatic church, I am not only amazed at the
below comments but totally confused by them.  This article is one of those
things that does much more harm than good.  He even refuses to explain what
he knows is happening and totally dismisses it by saying, it is
unscriptural.  Does he think these poor people want this stuff happening to
them?  Does he think they chose to do it or to allow it?  What in hell is he
talking about in this article and I do mean, what in hell, because this
article is right down unholy and spiritually dangerous.  I don't believe a
Christian can be demon possessed myself but Chuck Smith, and Lord please
don't let this be the Chuck Smith out in California who wrote this horrible
article, could be any more wrong if he had never even read God's Holy Word.
Man.  No wonder the devil is screwing up the church today with this type of
garbage being taught.

snip snip.


(The Devil Made Me Do It!)

Article taken from the magazine: ANSWERS  Issue 8


The question has been forced upon us:  "Can a born-again  Christian
be possessed  by a demon?" The answer based on the Scriptures and logic
is an unequivocal NO!

The  proponents  of  this  unscriptural  doctrine  use  such  terms
as Christians being "invaded by demons" rather than demon possessed.
This is nothing  more  than  word  games and a smoke screen to hide the
Scriptural weakness of their position.

They also present an illogical supposition that the demons  can
invade or control the mind or body, but not the spirit.  God's Word
declares that the  body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in
us.  We are told to glorify God in our bodies and in  our  spirits,
which  are  His  (1  Cor.  6:19,20).

In 2 Corinthians the question is asked:  "What communion has light
with darkness?  And what accord has Christ with Belial...  And  what
agreement has  the  temple  of God with idols?  For you are the temple
of the living God.  As God has said: "I will dwell in them..." (6:14 -

To say that a Christian's body or mind can be possessed or  invaded
by demons  is  to  contradict  the  Word  of  God and declare that
there is a communion of light and darkness, that God and Satan are
dwelling together.

The Scriptures also teach us that Christ is seated  in  the
heavenlies far  above  all  principalities  and powers and mights and
dominions (Eph.  1:21,22).  These are references to spirit beings - and
Christ is far above them.  Where am I as a believer?  According to
Ephesians 2:6,  I am seated together with Christ in the heavenlies.

As  Christians  we  are  in  a warfare against these principalities
and powers (Eph. 6:12).  We need the help of God to stand, for these
rulers of the darkness can and do attack us in a variety of ways.  But
they  cannot come in and take control of our lives.

The  Scriptures also teach that we are in Christ,  and that He is in
us (John 14:20).  It is Christ in us which is our hope of glory (Col.
1:27).  Christ said concerning Satan,  "The ruler of this world is
coming,  and he has nothing in Me" (John 14:30).  If I am in Christ and
Satan has  nothing in Him, Satan can have nothing in me - praise the

We also read in 1 John 5:18,  "We know that whoever is born of God
does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the
wicked one does not touch him."

What about these experiences of Christians having demons  cast  out
of them?  What  are  the  voices  that  name themselves,  the writhing
on the floor,  and the regurgitation?  I do not know.  I am thankful
that since I do  not  engage in these unscriptural practices,  I do not
have to explain them.

Some of the names given by these supposed demons which are more
popular are: lust, hatred, liar, gluttony, envy, fear and jealously.
These things are classified in Galatians 5:19-21 as works of the flesh.
We are to "put off all these" (Col.  3:8) or by the Spirit to "mortify
the deeds  of  the body"  (Rom.  8:13,  6:3-14).  Not once are we
commanded to have them cast out.

It seems to me that this whole demon trip is a cop-out for  the
flesh.  I  would  like to find some easy way to get rid of my fleshly
nature,  and rather than the painful process of crucifixion,  I would
just like to have it  cast  out.  It  is  also  a  way of escaping the
responsibility for my fleshly actions.  How can I be blamed if "the
devil made me do it"?

In the Scriptures there does not exist one piece of evidence that
Jesus Christ,  His apostles,  or the early Church once sought to cast
demons  of the  flesh  out  of  anyone in the body of Christ.  The
works of the flesh were recognized,  and we are instructed how to deal
with them.  Never  are we taught they are to be exorcised.

Even in the supposed cases from the Scriptures that would confirm
that demons  could inhabit a Christian - Ananias and Sapphira,  "Why
hath Satan filled thine heart" (Acts 5:3);  or Simon the sorcerer,
"Thou art in  the gall  of bitterness,  and in the bond of iniquity"
(Acts 8:23) - Peter did not practice exorcism.  Instead,  there was
instant judgment of death  in the first case and a call to repentance
in the other.

It  is  sad  that  many  Christians  and  non-Christians seem to
have a greater interest in Satan and being possessed by demons  than
they  do  in Christ and being possessed by His Holy Spirit.

Those  who  fall  into the practices of exorcism soon seem to be
looking for and placing a greater emphasis on the power of Satan to
attack than on the  power  of  Christ  to  keep.   Demons  become  the
center  of  their conversations and teachings rather than Jesus Christ.

We  can rejoice in God's Word,  "Greater is he that is in you,  than
he that is the world" (1 Jn. 4:4).  Thanks be to God Who gives us the
victory through Jesus Christ our Lord!  We as Christians are told in
James 4:7  to "resist," not "cast out," the devil, and he will flee
from us.