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carol pearson <[log in to unmask]>
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carol pearson <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 16 Jan 2004 21:07:11 -0000
text/plain (59 lines)
Oh Kathy,

What a good laugh you gave me!  <Chuckle>

I sure needed it tonight.

Thank God that He has given us a sense of humour and, as such, He has one
too!  I wonder just what He'd be saying about all this . . ..


----- Original Message -----
From: "Kathy Du Bois" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 8:21 PM
Subject: a comedy of errors

> You guys,
> I am in the midst of a comedy of errors at this very moment that is just
> too funny to keep to myself.
>         Tonight we are having a memorial service at our church for a man
> who passed away last Saturday.  Tomorrow the daughter of the former
> pastor of this church is getting married in the same sanctuary.  Now I
> ask you, what do both services have in common?  Answer:  flowers of
> course.  Well, this morning, the wife of the man who died asked Greg if
> her son could drop off some flowers at the church.  Greg said that
>  that would be fine, but that he wouldn't be there.  Some of the ladies
> would  be there, however, to clean the church.  Well, while the ladies
> were cleaning, some flowers got dropped off so they locked the church
> when they left thinking that everything had been taken care of.  Well, I
> just got a call from a very upset widow and I'm sure that I don't need to
> explain why.
>         To top that off, remember the frozen pipes that we had last week?
>  Well, earlier this week the  hot water supply froze again to the
> bathroom that the boys use, but we didn't think much of it because they
> could still use the shower in our bathroom.   Well, we just got home.
> It's about 12 degrees right now, a regular thaw!  Anyway, the water is
> flowing now in the boys' bathroom, but now we can't shut it off!  Now we
> don't have hot water because the water heater can't keep up with the flow
> and when Greg can fix it is beyond us.  Another lady at church asked Greg
> to climb under her  house this afternoon to check on damage from the cold
> on her pipes, plus, he has to finish preparing for the memorial service
> this evening.  All I can do at this point is laugh because anger sure
> won't change a thing, so have a laugh with me.  I'm sure that God is
> having a chuckle over it.  "Oh, what a tangled web we weave."
> Kathy
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