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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 14 Jan 2004 14:42:24 -0600
text/plain (58 lines)
To Everyone on the list.

I have yet to read through the many emails  yet, but I've seen enough to
know, forgive me Vicki if you would, to step in for a moment. People,
people! What is happening to us as a Christian body? Have we not let the
enemy have foothold? Do we really, in actuality believe that we are indeed
a body of believers here to support and pray with each other? And yet I
open my email box to see bickering,  accusations, opinions of others waxing
to and fro dependent upon anothers post. This has to and will stop now
please. None of us, myself being no exception are perfect or have all the
right answers. We are not judge and jury to others problems. We offer
support, hopefully based upon a prayerful post directed by the Holy Spirit.
We have let our own pride, our own designs and our own need to be heard
dictate and administer to the dismay of others on the list. If I were a new
comer to the list, I'd turn my tail out of here in a heartbeat in wonder of
what was that! I've been a part of such so-called Christian lists and it is
very upsetting.  So. please. I would ask that we all, stop for a moment,
and examine ourselves before God in our motives and intent in our recent
posts. I'd ask that we honestly look at how we may have handled ourselves
in a knee-jerk reaction to a post. We know full well the personalities on
this list of those who post regularly, and to be honest with you, I'd not
like to lose one person. Each has something to offer, each are at varying
levels of spiritual maturity, and I'm sure we'd all agree that we have yet
to reach our greatest day in that spiritual maturity. If we are going to
quote scripture, what about, be slow to speak, slow to anger, quick to
listen? How about reading Epheasians 4:22 through the beginning of chapter
6. Look we all make mistakes, we all can get caught up in a moment, we all
have our hang ups, our petty and not so petty things which may need work
on, and that is OK. What makes a mature Christian or mature person is
owning up to such mistakes, making them right with someone whom you have
ought with. Frankly I'm a bit surprised at the level this list as reached
in such a short time. It is a great list, filled with great people, great
support potential and it would be a terrible, terrible shame to give
foothold to the enemy to have anyone leave, especially for reasons guise
under spirituality. I know this note seems a bit harsh, but certainly you
can see the point I am making. I am a bit leery to be honest, to continue
my trek down my email program. So I ask you, as a list member, to consider
your behavior, your words, and lay them before God, and see if his stamp of
approval is met upon them.  Has not God asked us to pray for those we find
difficulty with? Did he say tear them up publicly? What happened to
humility, tenderness, and support. Agreeing to disagree where we disagree?
Before anyone makes a rash decision to leave or to stay, to rebuttal
against my comments or others, take a bit to cool off and spend a little
time before God. With that I'd also ask you to do as Jesus told the man as
he came with his sacrifice to the alter. He told him to resolve the ought
he had with his brother before bringing sacrifice to God, and it is better
to be obedient that to bring sacrifice.  I don't think anyone on this list
means to do others harm or make accusations that would injure the person or
other's view upon that person, you all  have shown a deeper level of love
for that, and I'd ask you return to that, and find a way to fit yourself,
your current mood, into God's word, and not the reverse. Perhaps we will
have forthcoming mail regarding this, but please, make them positive and
proactive and not hurtful.

Thank you,
