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Thu, 18 Dec 2003 15:30:24 -0600
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Hi Phil,
Personally, I wouldn't let her live their for free, clean or not.  It sends
the wrong message.  I do not know if my mom ever got managing
conservitorship over my neice but I try to ask as little about the situation
as possible so that I do not get drug into it or have to listen to the poor
me stuff over things she has done to herself willingly for the attention.  I
love my mom above all others in my family but I have seen too much over the
years and know too much of how she operates.  It is hard to fully honor her
as I should as her child given some of the adult things she shared with me
throughout life.
I am speaking of decisions, I was asked my opinion on when I was a kid which
should have been strictly adult decisions handled and taken care of out of
my hearing.  My mom has always been an adgitator to her husbands, pushing
and pushing and playing games until they acted out of anger.
Once, she had pushed my stepfather much to far evidently because, she looked
into their bedroom and saw him loading an m1 rifle.  She evidently knew that
she had pushed him to far in some matter or other because she told me to
hold her arm and run when she told me too so we ran from the house and got
in her car and we both ducked down in the car as we drove away and my step
father was firing the whole time.  A neighbor assured us that he was not
firing over the car as a scare tactic, as he later claimed by pointing out a
bullet hole in a tree in our yard at about car door level.
Once the police delt with him and the gun was taken away and all and all
blew over, the step father was living else where for a while and my mom
asked me if I thought she should take him back.  I think I was all of 9
years old and it was obvious that my mom wanted to take him back, and what
is a kid supposed to say in a situation like that?
I told her if she thought so and they got back together for a few years
after that.
Adults have to be the adults in decision making and you can not ask a child
his or her opinion, nore can you let emotional outbursts rule.
You must do what is in the best interest of the child and yourself.
I was under the empression that your daughter was still doing well.

Take Care,
