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PCBUILD - Personal Computer Hardware discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Diane Duncan <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 10 Mar 2004 22:35:43 -0800
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PCBUILD - Personal Computer Hardware discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
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At 08:46 PM 3/10/04 -0500, Bill wrote:

>As for the computer with the box that won't open. Could you
>describe it?

Better!  Did some digging.  It's an En-6680 from the Enlight Corp.
I got the cover off.  Sure is dusty in here, but runs well. The cdrom is
cabled to the HD and the MB, and I'm comparing this inside to the inside of
the machine with the dud Fujitsu HD, and this HD has a green card-type
thing on the bottom of it.  I cannot actually see the brand of the HD, but
I can see stuff about it in the BIOS.

>By the way, was the lithium battery on the motherboard of your
>P133 computer okay?

Yes.  The time and date are correct.

>  Was the function key "F1" the key to get into "BIOS Setup"?

No.  The Delete key.  The BIOS is Award Software.

Since I know this machine works, I'd like to remove the Win95 OS and put
linux OS on it and make it a server. (Apache)  This will not be a
live/online server, but a learning tool for me.

What do I need to do to it so I can make that happen?  This HD is only
about 2 Gigabytes (info from Windows95 info) and the Power Supply box says

The MB is a P55-VX.  I believe that's from Epox.  The following info is
from the manual specs page:
-Intel Pentium operating at 75-200MHz and P55C with 321 ZIF socket 7 and
scalability to accept faster Processors in the future. Intel 82430VX PCIset
-supports up to 128 MegaBytes DRAM(minimum of 8MB) on board (72 Pins SIMM x
4), and BIOS auto FP DRAM and EDO DRAM configuration.
-supports Onboard Pipelined burst (synchronous) L2 Write Back Cache.  The
cache memory combination could be 256KB/512KB (32KB*32 or 64KB*32 SRAM
-supports 3 16 bits ISA slots, 4 32 bits PCI slots, and provides 2
independent high performance PCI IDE interface capable of supporting PIO
Mode 3 and 4 devices.  The P55-VX supports 4 PCI Bus Masters and a
jumperless PCI INT# control scheme which reduces configuration when plug in
PCI I/O controller card(s).

There's more in the specs...is this enough info?


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