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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Littlekat10 <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 25 Aug 2004 00:49:54 -0400
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (100 lines)
Oh, Pat!  How awful about your mother and you!  I'm praying hard about that.
Also about that dear sweet oady with cancer.  I hate that we have to go
through such awful things sometimes!!!

And oh how lucky you are to have met Brad and Brenda.  I wanna meet
everyone, too!!!

Hugs all around!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Pat Ferguson" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 10:10 PM
Subject: Some prayer requests and we met Brad and Brenda

Dear Loving EChurch Family,

First of all, I want you all to know that I'm praying for all your prayer
requests, no matter what they are.

I'm Praising God that on Saturday night, we had the neatest surprise! our
door bell rang, I went to answer the door, and I said "Who is it?" The next
thing I heard was: "It's Brad Duns from EChurch." I was so surprised! I
opened the door and let them in, and I gave them both a big squeeze! Yes,
it was the Loving Brad and Brenda Duns! I was so surprised, and so very
happy to see them! We had a wonderful visit with them and I took some
pictures of them, and Vernon took one of the 3 of us.

Brad is just as we all know him! You know he's funny and sweet and loving!
Yes, Brenda is a real sweetheart! I love her a bunch! Next time they will
stay with us!

Vernon likes them a lot, too! I'm Praising God they came to see us!

Now for my few prayer requests.

Please pray for Vernon's Sister-in-law's, Aunt Mary. She has cancer of the
colon and it has spread to her liver and other places. They didn't get it
all during the surgery, but they did remove her intestine and they told her
she would have 2 years of quality life. Only God knows, and I pray for a
complete healing for this loving lady. She is 86 years old. So far, she's
doing great, and eating everything. Please pray that if she has chemo and
radiation, that she will do okay with that, and have no problems. Please
pray that she can stay in the same house that Vernon stayed in, so she'll
be close to the hospital for her treatments in Mitchell. Betty, Dean's wife
and the rest of Betty's family are very close to her. They have been taking
her back and forth to the doctor.

My next prayer request is about my Mom's and my relationship. Actually, it
could include most of my family.

You all know, unfortunately what rejection is like. I feel as though I've
been rejected by my Mom and she'll see to it that everyone in my family is
on her side. I'm very hurt about what I'm about to tell you.

I called her Saturday night, before Brad and Brenda came, and I said the
usual "Hi! Loving!" She said hi and then she said. "You know what Pat! I'm
really getting tired of this loving stuff. Every Other word is 'loving'." I
told her that's not true. I couldn't believe what I was hearing from her.
She wasn't drinking, either. She said it in a really crabby voice which is
so much like her when she's not drinking.

I lashed out, and I told her that Harvey and Joe don't mind it, but
Sherilyn, Birdie and her don't like it. I also told her that all my friends
love me for who I am and that they love me unconditionally. I told her my
friends love me more than my entire family loves me. Of course, she denied
it. I started crying and I was really upset.

We continued to talk about other things, but I was upset and didn't want to
talk to her any more. I ended the conversation and told her that I loved
her and hung up.

I called her on Sunday afternoon and left a message on her answering
machine and I apologized for the things I said. I've not heard from her at
all. In other words, she has not acknowledged my apology at all.

I'm not going to call her for a long time.

I did ask for God's forgiveness for what I said to her. I should have
worded it different.

I'm so tired of rejection from my family. I actually thought things were
getting better, but it's obvious that they only put up with me because they
feel they have to. I do all the calling, and they never call me very often.
I doubt they will even call me on my birthday.

Please pray that I can deal with this rejection and that she doesn't turn
the whole family against me. I think she'll probably do that.

Thanks much for your prayers and for listening. All your advice is
appreciated. I could write a book about this stuff, but I don't think you
want to hear it.

I love you all so very much. Thanks for always putting up with me and for
being my friends.

Love and Blessings,
Pat Ferguson