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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Vicki and The Rors <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 23 Mar 2004 21:41:17 -0700
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
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Awesome!  Maybe this will become a natural way of life for him and he'll not
have to go through as much as stuff as grown ups do.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 9:34 PM
Subject: My Grandson and Jesus

>      Recently our grandson has been getting stomach aches.  He has
> been to the doctor a couple of times and even blood tests show
> nothing.  Well, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure
> the little guy is worried about some pretty big things in his life
> with is mom in a drug rehab situation and all.  Plus, with his
> parents getting divorced, even though he gets to see his mom and
> dad and gets along with his step dad very well, these are still
> some mighty big things to worry about.  Frankly, they are
> impossible things for most adults to live with without being
> emotionally effected and he is only eight years old.
>      Today, my youngest son, who works in the same house my
> grandson goes to school in, begins complaining about another
> stomach ache.  His uncle, my young son, brings him home a few
> minutes earlier than normal because he is not well at all.  I had
> just finished a two and a half hour prayer session with someone
> and my son came and told me he had to bring little Everett home
> early.  Little Everett, we call him little Everett because he was
> named after my youngest son, so my youngest son gets called Big
> Everett, was laying on the couch curled up in a ball with a
> blanket covering him because he said he was cold.  I talked with
> him and he said he couldn't walk because his legs hurt real bad.
> He said his stomach was really hurting, too.  I prayed for him and
> in a few minutes I went back to check on him.  He was falling
> asleep so we let him sleep for a couple of hours.
>      We had taken his temperature several times and at one point,
> it was over 102 degrees.  So, if you think that we can't have such
> physical reactions due to loneliness, sadness, guilt, anger, or
> fear, think again.  Our bodies react to things just like our
> emotions do.
>      By the time he awakens, he is asking if he can go play
> because he heard that his uncle and his little brother and his
> cousin were playing outside in the backyard.  We let him go play
> and he was fine.
>      Later in the evening, I went to my grandson's bedroom and
> opened the door.  I told him when his TV show was over, I wanted
> to talk to him.
>      He said, "What did I do now?"
>      I said, "You didn't do anything; I just want to talk is all."
> He said ok but I know he thought he was still in trouble.
>      After his show was over, he came quietly into my room and
> asked me what I wanted.  I asked him to sit down in the chair and
> I went and sat across from him.  I began by asking him what
> happened at school today.  He said nothing, of course, so I asked
> him about his stomach ache.  He said it happened when he was
> eating lunch.  I asked, "What were you thinking about when you
> stomach began hurting.
>      He said, "My mom."
>      "What about your mom?" I asked.
>      He said, "How sad I was and missed her."
>      I asked him about how he felt about his mom and he said he
> felt bad for her.  I asked how he felt about them getting divorced
> and he said he just felt bad.  I asked him if he thought it was
> his fault they were getting divorced.  He said no but this had
> come up before and he had admitted to us that he felt it was his
> fault.  I reminded him that divorced people often get remarried so
> that it could happen that way and he said he knew that.  I
> additionally asked him if he felt it was his fault about his mom
> and where she was now.  He said no.
>      I told little Everett I wanted him to think about today when
> he was at school and to think about how sad he was and how his
> stomach started hurting.  He said ok and I began to pray.  I asked
> the Lord if there was anything He wanted to tell Everett.  Nothing
> happened for several moments so I told little Everett just to
> listen to his own thoughts and let me know if he hears or sees
> anything.  He said ok, and I reminded him to think back when he
> was in school and eating lunch and then getting very sad when he
> missed his mom.  He said ok, he would, and I began to pray again.
>      "Lord, is there anything you want to tell little Everett
> about his sadness or his stomach pains today or about his mom?"
>      My grandson quietly said, "I heard Jesus say that He could do
> something about my sadness."
>      I told him that was good and prayed again.  "Lord, is there
> anything you want to say or show Everett about his sadness he had
> today or his stomach ache or even about his mom?"
>      After a few moments of waiting, I said, "Everett, do you ever
> think that maybe your mom won't come home?"  He said he did think
> that sometimes.  I said, "Think about that, Everett, and feel
> those feelings you have when you think your mom won't be coming
> home and I'll pray again."  He said ok.
>      I prayed and said, "Lord Jesus, do you want to say something
> to Everett or show him something about his mom?"  Nothing
> happened.  I prayed again.  "Lord Jesus, is it true that
> Everett's mom is never coming home again?"
>      Soon, in a quiet voice, little Everett said, "I heard him
> say, no."
>      I said, "No, what, Everett?"
>      Everett said, "Jesus said, no, it is not true that my mom
> won't be coming home."
>      I talked with little Everett a little while longer and told
> him how important it was for him to remember that Jesus told him
> two things tonight.  First, I instructed him, the next time he
> started feeling sad, that Jesus told him that He, Jesus, could do
> something about his sadness.  I told Everett just to tell Jesus
> that he was starting to feel sad and to help him.  Everett said
> that he would.  I then told him that any time he feels like his
> mom isn't coming home, or if someone tells him she's not coming
> home, or if he even hears it in his thoughts that she isn't coming
> home, to say, "No, that's a lie.  Jesus said it was a lie that my
> mom wasn't coming home."  I additionally instructed to go find
> his uncle at the school or to go talk to his teacher about his
> feelings.  His teacher, by the way, is my oldest sister.  I also
> told him it was important he let me or his grandma know how he was
> feeling and what he was thinking.  He said that he would and left
> my office.
>      I thank God that He, the Creator of all things, even talks to
> little eight year old boys about the things they are worried
> about.
> Phil.
> I Flew Kites With Jesus