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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Vicki and The Rors <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 7 Mar 2004 16:31:53 -0700
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
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Thanks for your good update  Kathy.

I'm sure those three weeks were pleasant in many ways.  Maybe you could look
at it as one thing closer to find out what really works for Chris.

Praying for all concerned here.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Kathy Du Bois" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2004 2:35 PM
Subject: Update from the Mainiacs on the list from Maine!

> Hi Guys,
> Well, it has been kind of quiet on the list lately so I thought that I'd
> just give you a little update on how things are going for my family
> lately.
> Chris did a 21-day trial of a drug specifically for A.D.H.D. Called,
> Conserta, and it didn't do much, but make him tired so he is off it
> again. The doctor told him, "obviously, you don't have a medical
> condition, it's all you." Did you ever feel like screaming, "I told you
> so!" I will say this though, while Chris was on the Conserta, his lack of
> energy was a blessing of sorts. We had so little sibling rivalry for
> three weeks! It didn't help him with his concentration though, which was
> the big thing.
> He's still claiming to be a vegetarian, but I think it's closer to a
> carbroholic or something, if there could be such a word or condition. He
> still doesn't like to eat meat; he just doesn't want to eat vegies
> either. I guess that he does have a salad for lunch, at school, but he
> won't go near the greens here at home. I'm trying to just restrict what
> comes into the house to limit his choices at this point.
> Chris started group therapy with about five other boys two weeks ago.
> It's hard to tell if he is getting anything out of it. If he were, I
> doubt that he would let us know.
> I think that he is finally getting desperate enough financially to look
> for a job. We've just explained to him that our funds are limited and
> that, at his age, he is capable of helping to support himself, he just
> has to get out there and try. I think that it finally hit home the other
> night when he wanted to go to a hockey game with some friends, but he
> didn't have any money. He asked us if he could go and we said, yes." Then
> he asked us for money and we said, "no. He's experiencing the weaning
> process. If we had a prayer in this area it would be that he could find a
> job for no more then ten hours a week to start so that he isn't
> overwhelmed by the time demand or by having an abundance of money and
> begin to feel powerful in a whole new way.
> Also, he has begun to show an interest in the guitar so I've been
> teaching him a few chords for starters. Of course, I will only teach him
> praise choruses and he, right now, can't wait to get good enough to break
> away and do his own thing, but tough.
> One final note. Do you remember those stupid magic cards that created all
> the trouble at the end of last month? Well, Greg and I really prayed
> about it a lot. Greg finally sat down with Matt and Chris and learned the
> game. Finally, we decided to remove all the black cards and give them
> back to Christopher after his grounding period was over. Well, before I
> gave them back to Chris, I remember Phil talking about taking Gretchen's
> purse and praying over it so I did the same with the cards. I basically
> prayed that whatever foothold that the devil had hoped to gain through
> this entry point would be broken and that Jesus would cover those cards
> and break Chris's interest in them. Later that day, I handed the cards to
> Chris, but I let him know that they had been prayed over. He hasn't used
> them since. IN fact, he has told me that he thinks that they are stupid.
> Now, I do wonder if part of his disinterest is due to the fact that it is
> a very complicated game and he isn't mastering it very well, but I really
> believe that it is all the prayer in this situation that has made the
> difference. Thanks again for praying everybody.
> We are still taking Chris to court March 23 and none of us have any idea
> what to expect then. He has patched the holes in the walls, but he also
> made one new one last week when he got mad at me, and that was when he
> was on the Conserta too! I think that we still have some drywall left
> over. I have told him that I expect the hole to get fixed. Ah, the ups
> and downs of teenage life.
> Also, Phil and Sandy, I'm just praying with all my heart that this
> situation will work for Gretchen. Maybe she is finally with people who
> really know what to do because they have been there. I pray that this is
> so. Your family is so in my prayers.
> In Christ,
> Kathy
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