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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Joy Mendez <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 19 Dec 2003 17:24:31 -0500
Joy Mendez <[log in to unmask]>
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

And one list member offered the following:

Here is a summary for different flour mixes.  You'll find plenty of ideas to
play with flours.  Also, if you want to see the thousands of GF recipes I
have voluntarily posted, go there:

Dry Flour Mixes

Mix ahead for baking days or trips: Decide type of baking/mix, Store in a
closed container,  Label ingredients.
At baking time add Baking Powder, Yeast, brown sugar or powdered
Sweeteners, & Powdered egg white [beaten & added at end].  Do not mix them
with flours for long time storage.  Tightly store them separately.
Add additional Flavorings [1 t. Cinnamon to ½ each nutmeg, & clovers]
Learn your grains.   Alternative flours are heavier & less tasty than

Blend 2 to 4 Gluten-Free flours for better texture, flavor & cooking.
Tapioca adds stretch, but too much make things gooey.
Quinoa, millet, & amaranth are  rich in protein & amino acids, slightly
heavy, tasty &  good additions.
If  bean, lentil or nut flour are added, compensate with lighter flours
and sweeten for taste.  Granular sweeteners can be used such as granular
honey or pear.  Buckwheat [a nut] has a strong flavor.
Light all starch flour mix for Pizza: [sweet or glutenous] white rice,
tapioca, potato, arrowroot, cornstarch,
Medium starchy blends for Cakes & Cookies: as white rice flour + tapioca
or potato starch
Heavier blends for Fruit Cakes or Waffles: ½ rice + ½  mix of bean [soy],
lentil, nut, or seed [flax, pumpkin] flours

A good balanced mix may include:
-     ½ of mix being rice flour (3 parts brown rice to 1 part white)
-    1/4  or more  starch [potato/tapioca/arrowroot],
-    1/4 quinoa or millet and/or fava/soy or other bean/nut/lentil flour or
egg white powder [for protein], + salt,
-    + leavening agent such as egg, baking powder & soda, tofu, & gums
[especially for yeast breads], + gelatin.

Sample combinations:

Basic Rice - 1:1 minus 1 t. per cup
3 parts brown rice to 1 part sweet rice flour.
Use for anything. Just will not rise much.
[To this add quinoa &/or pea flour for enrichment.]

Quick rise Rice Flour mix
½ C. brown rice & ½ C. sweet rice flours,
1 Tb. baking powder, 1 1/4 t. baking soda.
1/4 to3/4 t. salt-optional.

Self-Rising, rice & potato flour Mix    1:1
<up to 1 C rice flours (1 brown to 1 white),
2 T potato flour,1 t. zanthan or guar gum or pre-gel starch,½  t. each
bicarbonate soda & cream of tartar

Rice Flours + Tapioca Base  1:1 for flour
Those less sensitive may cut rice with millet, quinoa, oats & buckwheat.
May lightened with egg whites.
4 C. brown rice flour,      1½  C. sweet rice flour,
1 C. tapioca starch flour,     1 C. rice polish,
1 Tb. guar gum [to make lighter, may act as laxative]
Add a little sugar, salt, unflavored gelatin, ascorbic acid.

Kathy Przywara’s whiter Rice Mix    1:1
1 1/4 C. white rice flour,      1 C. brown rice flour,                 3/4
C. sweet rice flour,   2/3 C. tapioca starch,                    1/3 C.
arrowroot starch,  1/4 C. potato starch,                  2 t. xantham
gum, more if needed for some recipes.
Sift together twice and mix well.

Best GF Mix for Baking
4 C Brown rice [may cut with quinoa, millet, amaranth buckwheat, lentil,
or others], 1 ½  C Sweet rice flour,
1 C Tapioca or Potato Starch Flour, 1 C Rice polish,
1 T Guar Gum or ½ t. xanthan gum, 2 T. unflavored gelatin, 1/4 t. ascorbic
Last two ingredients hold baked goods together.
Whisk all ingredients together. Tip: Make large batches and store in
plastic zip lock bags in freezer.

French Bread / Pizza Mix (Makes 6 Cups)
3 ½  C white rice flour, 2 ½  C tapioca flour, 2 Tb. each -  xantham gum
&. EnerG Egg Replacer, 1/4 C. sugar.
[2 Tb. egg replacer = 1 egg + 1 Tb. water later]
Mix &  keep in airtight container.  Stir before using.

Ener-g Brown Rice Baking Mix (a bought alternative)
To order & reicpes:    1-800-331-5222
Good for sugar & milk free baking.
Brown rice flour, Tapioca Flour, Almond Meal, Safflower & Sunflower Oil,
Methycellulose, Pear juice, Plain Gelatin, Rice bran, Vinegar.
Quinoa could be added for nuttier taste & binding.

Heart Healthy Mix
1.) 1/3 quinoa, 1/3 brown rice &/or millet, 1/4 starchy flours, dab of
flax and sesame seed meal.
2.) Brinda Lee’s blend:  corn starch, buckwheat groats, ground sesame
seeds, chana (chickpea) flour and rice flour.
Gf Buttermilk Bisquick Mix (Betty Hagerman’s?)
    Base Mix: 2 ½ C rice flour (could be white, brown or half & half), 1 2/3
C potato starch, 3 t. baking powder, 2 ½  t. salt, 2 T sugar, ½ C dry
buttermilk powder (if using whey powder add vinegar), 3 T egg replacer
powder (supermarkets over eggs section) .
Cut in 1 C - 1 T shortening until no lumps appear. Store in the fridg. or
freezer because of shortening.

B.H.’s Light Bean Flour Mix for breads only
3 C. each garfava bean, tapioca, + cornstarch, arrowroot or potato starch.
Does not exchange C. for C.
B. H.’s Four Flour Bean Mix Modified 1:1 ratio.
Good protein.  Substitutes arrowroot or potato starch for corn starch.
  1 part potato starch or arrowroot + 1 part tapioca.
  Add: 2/3  garfava bean, 1/3 quinoa or sorghum
B. H.’s Four Flour Bean Mix Modified by Bob’s Red Mill.  A ready to use
mix that uses potato starch.

B.H.’s GF Flour Mix  - 9 cups   1:1 ratio
6 C. rice flour: 2 C potato starch: 1 C tapioca starch
  2 parts:             2/3 parts:            1/3 part
  May cut the rice flour with quinoa, millet or buckwheat, or more tapioca
starch. It is slightly grainy and has lower protein than wheat.
Thus, add protein &/or leavening such as egg whites, whey or milk powder,

BH’s featherlight Rice Mix 1:1
3 parts each white rice, tapioca & cornstarch + {1 t. per C. of} potato
flour (not starch).

Modified B.H.’s Featherlight Rice & Starch Mix
3 C. white rice flour,    3 C. tapioca starch,
2 C. arrowroot starch,  1 C. additional starch flour,
3 Tb. potato flour
Sift ingredients together in large airtight container.  Shake or stir well
before each use.

B.H.’s Rice/potato/corn/soy Mix
7/8 C. rice flour
5/8 C. potato starch flour
1 C. soy +1/4 C. potato starch flour
    Or ½ C. soy flour + ½ C. potato starch flour
1 C. corn flour
1 scant C. fine cornmeal

* Please remember some posters may be WHEAT-FREE, but not GLUTEN-FREE *