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Lurisia Dale <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 11 Feb 2004 00:39:47 -0800
text/plain (85 lines)
>Show a little mercy folks.
>She's already backtracked on almost all of her
original points.
>>On Wednesday, February 11, 2004, at 04:34  AM,
Lurisia Dale wrote:
>>> 3. If you are exercising and dieting at the same
>>> time(as you should be, if you want to cut fat)
>>> carbs to the levels required to acheive ketosis
>>> almost certainly reduce the intensity of your
>>> and make them much more difficult.
>>Sorry, I can't buy this one. I run long distance,
including racing the
>>10K. Running and even racing is no problem at all
without carbs. My
>>best 10K time in recent years was done when under
strict low carb.

My my, boys.  Please settle down.

I will address you each in turn.

First off, Tom, if you consider 10K to be long
distance, or to be an intense workout, you should not
be calling yourself a long distance runner.  I run
7-10 miles at least 6 times a week, and yes, you can
run a 10K now and then if you are on a very low carb
diet.  But I have also run the New York Marathan every
year since I was 24 (I am now 31), and I assure you
that you cannot do that on a very low carb diet.  This
is not just my opinion.  All marathon runners carbo
load before long races.  You also cannot effectively
strength train on a very low carbohydrate diet.  Ask
any professional athlete.  You need carbohydrates to

As for you Chuck, the only thing I "backtracked" was
admitting that the jury is still out on the dangers of
long-term ketosis, as far as scientific studies are
concerned.  However, the fact that cutting fruits and
veggies is unhealthful, and that, by extension, so is
long-term ketosis, is not just my opinion.  I quote
Dr. Loren Cordain, from "The Paleo Diet" (p. 14):

"A major problem with low-carbohydrate weight-loss
diets is what they do to health-promoting fruits and
vegetables--they nearly eliminate them.  Because of a
technicality--a blanket restriction of all types of
carbohydrates, even beneficial ones, to between 30 and
100 grams per day--fruits and veggies are largely
off-limits.  This is a mistake.  Fruits and
vegetables--with their antioxidants, phytochemicals,
and fiber--are some of our most powerful allies in the
war against heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis."

Or again, from p.11:

"...almost all of these low-carbohydrate diets permit
unlimited consumption of fatty, salty meats (such as
bacon, sausage, fatty ribs, and lamb chops) and dairy
products (cheeses, cream, and butter) while
restricting the consumption of fruits and vegetables.
Cancer-fighting fruits and vegetables!  This dietary
pattern is drastically different from that of our

You two both seem a little edgy from your prolonged
carb depletion.  Perhaps what you need is a nice piece
of licorice.


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