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Sanusi Owens <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 12 Feb 2004 12:11:02 +0000
text/plain (162 lines)
Uncle Badou

Thanks for this.

By the way, what is the latest on IFANG!! When are we
going to hear a track dedicated as a tribute to our
Beloved Father of Gambian Music Pap Touray RIP???


A Child of the Afro-Manding Generation

 --- Badou Jobe <[log in to unmask]> wrote: >
The many ardent admirers and fans of The Gambia's
> newly appointed Cultural
> Ambassador will be thrilled to see the content of
> the following link:
> The featured pictures provide a true and rare
> document of the new
> ambassador's contribution to Gambian culture, in the
> same time offering a
> sneak preview of his agenda how to boost Cultural
> tourism in the country, as
> promised in his postings to the
> Gambia-Post/Gambia-L.
> "De Buddy's" are a Dutch boys choir who - through
> mr. Oko Drammeh's
> excellent connections and good offices - got invited
> to highlight the 22nd
> of July celebrations last year.
> De Buddy's are led by mr. Drammeh’s associate Ton
> Buitinga, a hard-core
> child pornographer who got arrested after the
> Gambian tour, but should be
> back on the job before the summer, as the boys crew
> are scheduled to visit
> The Gambia again.
> Noteworthy are the pics featuring:
> [PICTURE] The president of Gambia, Yahya Jammeh,
> meets son of Oko, Matarr
> [PICTURE] Oko drammeh addresses the presidential
> celebrations, on july 22nd 2003
> [PICTURE] The national assembly leader Hon. Baba
> Jobe with Oko and the buddy's
> [PICTURE] The national assembly leader Hon. Baba
> Jobe with Oko and the buddy's
> [PICTURE] Ton buitinga, musical conductor of the
> buddy's, and Oko
> [PICTURE] The president of the Gambia welcomes Oko
> [PICTURE] The president of the Gambia honours Oko in
> Banjul
> [PICTURE] De Buddy's with the president of the
> Gambia and his wife, Mr. and
> Mrs. Yahya Jammeh
> [PICTURE] De Buddy's with the president of the
> Gambia and his wife, Mr. and
> Mrs. Yahya Jammeh
> [PICTURE] De Buddy's and the NAPSA students of the
> Gambia (the national
> patriotic students' association - formed 10 august
> 2001)
> Meanwhile the world is awaiting mr. Drammeh’s next
> extravaganza: Stokeley
> Carmichael’s widow  performing in Kanilai, the
> bespoke venue for the IRF.
> Badou Jobe
> [e-mail  posted to Gambia|Post e-Gathering]
>     * Subject: Re: [>-<] FWD: Oko Drammeh is IRF New
> Cultural Ambassador
>     * From: Oko Drammeh <okob@xxxx
>     * Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2004 16:17:59 +0100
>  (...)
> Â Thank you for your word up!. I want to bring
> festivals and music business
> executives to the Gambia and to make the world to
> visits the Gambia always
> for extravaganga and cultural Events.
> I want to change some of the filty habits of
> tourism.
> I want to share my skills to the Gambian youths and
> talents. I want to bring
> back live music and festivals in the Gambia and to
> controll the flow of
> cultural domination by anyone. I will have regular
> Seneambian shows in Dakar
> in the stadiums and at Sorano and in Banjul.
> I have an agenda and friends in the business and a
> team.
> (...)
> I am introducing Cultural tourism  I am doing this
> because Gambia can't
> find her way in the music and art world and each
> year it is getting worst.
> So I decided to go and live in the Gambia for few
> years to get my hand on
> tthe nitty gritty.
> I will not be involvrd in politics, I know poly
> tricks, I am only doing a
> job for the people. Politicians come and go but The
> atrists is eternal so I
> know .
> Thank you, I will give support to our youth and they
> all make money and
> improve their art and their lives.
> your brother
> Oko Drammeh
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