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Cecily Ballenger <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 20 Feb 2004 13:32:52 -0800
text/plain (57 lines)
That's why I'm going twice.  On Monday night, my friend will read it to me,
but her voice is so soft so I may not be able to hear all of what she says.
I'm going again Tuesday night, so my friends (husband and wife) will each
read it to me I think.  I want to get it when it comes out too.  I'd like to
have Descriptive Video Service narrate it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Echurch-USA The Electronic Church
[mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of Kathy Du Bois
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2004 5:03 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: The Passion of Christ movie

        I definitely recommend the movie.  We're trying to get as many
people from our church, including my two oldest boys, to see it next
weekend.  I, however, may wait until it comes out on DVD so that Greg can
read  it to me without bothering other people in what may be a very
emotionally charged setting.  I know that I'll lose the big screen effect
and the wrap around sound, but I cry even now when I think of what Jesus
did for me so I don't know that I really need the punch in the stomach,
reality check.
        Mel Gibson did a very good job of holding his own in the
interview last Monday night.  He apologizes for nothing.  He talks about
his religious experience after wasting a lot of his life on drugs and
alcohol and the emptiness that it all brought into his life.  Also, I was
 pleased to note that they used pastors with an evangelical point of view
to explain certain points in the film, such as the Jewish statement, "his
blood be on our heads and on our children."  This subtitle has been
removed from the movie, although it is still spoken in aramaic.  I was
pleased that they used an evangelical to explain the meaning of this
statement since this is the same network that let Peter Jennings use
liberals in his documentary, "In Search of the Historical Jesus," to show
case all the Jesus seminar dribble a few years back.
        Dianne mentioned at the end of the interview that the review of
this movie had created a lot of discussion among the staff of A.B.C.
itself.  With this movie, and the ALPHA and Purpose Driven Life stuff all
hitting so hard right now, we have to wonder if something spiritual is on
the move.  I thought to myself yesterday, considering what is going on in
Massachusetts and San Fransisco, that every day that we continue in this
existance is definitely an act of loving grace on the part of a very
loving God.  What a stench we must be in His nostrils!

Oh Loving Father, forgive us of our many sins and help us lead others to
you, the only pure and Holy reason for being.  Amen.

In Christ's love,

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