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John Schwery <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 11 Jan 2004 17:19:57 -0600
text/plain (155 lines)
Here is a cute but sad and true, forward.

>>Hi all.  Penny sent this to me, and I thought I'd share it.
>>    >> By Coach Dave Doubenmire
>>    >> January 8, 2004
>>    >>
>>    >> What is all of the fuss about? Mad cow disease is nothing new. It
>>    >has been poisoning America for years.
>>    >> It is an insidious disease, scientists tell us, attacking the
>>    >central nervous system. The results are not immediate, sometimes
>>    >taking years to manifest, but the results are devastating. It
>>    >slowly hinders ones ability to think, leading eventually to
>>    >dementia and the total loss of the power to reason.
>>    >> "Is our meat supply safe?" the headlines ask. Can you trust
>>    >Wendy's and McDonalds? Can you be sure that the meat at your local
>>    >grocery is not tainted? Just to be safe, maybe it would be wise to
>>    >stop eating meat. >
>>    >> Perhaps we should ask pastors the same questions. Is the meat
>>    >they are serving us safe?
>>    >> The Church, for generations the central nervous system of America,
>>    >has been ravaged by Mad Cow. Once the safe-guard of our nation, she
>>    >has lost her ability to reason. How else can you explain the
>>    >inability to distinguish those who are churched from those who are
>>    >not? Dementia is running rampant because we have been fed a
>>    >contaminated Gospel. >
>>    >> Hebrews 5-14 But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full
>>    >age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to
>>    >discern both good and evil.
>>    >> The disease infected us quietly. Despite the firm warning of some
>>    >of our veteran chefs, our seminaries were turning out a new breed
>>    >of cooks, with fancy recipes for a new casserole. It looked good,
>>    >it tasted fine, and it appeared to have no negative effects on
>>    >those who ate it. America, we were told, was ready for a new dish,
>>    >one that could be easily prepared in the micro wave, and we liked
>>    >this new chef. He seemed like such a nice man. Certainly he would
>>    >not give us tainted food. >
>>    >> Many pastors were leery at first, holding fast to older, proven
>>    >methods, warning about the dangers of feeding people this rotten
>>    >flesh. But gradually, as they began to watch those short-order
>>    >cooks who served this meat grow larger churches, the temptation
>>    >became too great. This new, improved hamburger helper, flavored not
>>    >with salt, but with the spices of diversity and tolerance, looked
>>    >and smelled the same. But it was easier to digest than the food the
>>    >pastors use to serve and it required almost no chewing. Seven
>>    >course meals were out and fast food was in. Three points and a poem
>>    >replaced fire and brimstone. >
>>    >> "Feed my sheep", Jesus said. So the churches did. The new,
>>    >seeker-friendly menu was great for business. The cafeteria was full,
>>    >and more customers were coming every week. A generation starving
>>    >for spiritual nourishment was being spoon fed poison meat.
>>    >> Consider the entrees these enlightened chefs served.
>>    >> "Jesus loves you in spite of your sin. He will be your best buddy"
>>    >> "Divorce is okay because God wants you to be happy"
>>    >> "Jesus died to deliver you from poverty. He wants you rich"
>>    >> "God made you gay. He loves you and so do we"
>>    >> "Abortion isn't murder. It is a difficult choice between a woman
>>    >and her Dr."
>>    >> "Open hearts, open doors, open minds"
>>    >> "Who are you to judge?"
>>    >> "All religions are the same. People just have different names for
>>    >God." >
>>    >> Sort of makes your stomach growl, doesn't it?
>>    >> Pardon my cold-heartedness PETA, but the chickens have come home
>>    >to roost. >
>>    >> Someone call the FDA! Some pastors are spreading Mad Cow disease
>>    >and America is losing her mind!
>>    >> Check the symptoms. Gays want to marry and churches bless the
>>    >union. In fact, we now have gays offering the sacraments. MOO!
>>    >> Fifty percent of all Christian marriages end in divorce and the
>>    >Church crows about defending the sanctity of that union. MOO!
>>    >> We have condoms to prevent disease and abortion to prevent
>>    >children. MOO! >
>>    >> We educate our kids in Godless schools but rave about their sports
>>    >program. MOO!
>>    >> But why worry? Our attendance is up and so is the Dow. Things are
>>    >looking better.
>>    >> Mad Cow has taken over. We are losing our minds.
>>    >> In the area where I live Amish food is gaining popularity.
>>    >Restaurants serving "Home-style cooking" have customers standing in
>>    >line. Sick of fast food and microwave dinners Americans are finding
>>    >something of value in the old ways of cooking. It has a more
>>    >lasting taste, and as Grandma used to say, it "sticks to your ribs".
>>    >> We need a new diet. The time has come when pastors must feed the
>>    >flock something that "sticks to the ribs". Years of greasy Grace
>>    >have lead to a dazzling showcase but an empty stockroom. Rewrite
>>    >the menu and include some old family basics.
>>    >> "The soul that sins, it shall die"
>>    >> "God hates the workers of iniquity".
>>    >> "In righteousness He doth judge and make war."
>>    >> "Be not deceived for God is not mocked. For whatsoever a man sows,
>>    >that also shall he reap."
>>    >> "Be ye Holy, for I am Holy".
>>    >> Alexis de Tocqueville is credited with having said:
>>    >> "I sought for the key to the greatness and genius of America in
>>    >her her fertile fields and boundless forests; in her
>>    >rich mines and vast world commerce; in her public school system and
>>    >institutions of learning. I sought for it in her democratic
>>    >Congress and matchless Constitution. Not until I went into the
>>    >churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness
>>    >did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is
>>    >great because America is Good, and if America ever ceases to be
>>    >good America will cease to be great." >
>>    >> Any nutritionists will tell you "You are what you eat." America,
>>    >look in the mirror. Do you like what you see?
>>    >> Moo!
>>    >> © 2004 - Dave Doubenmire - All Rights Reserved
>>    >>
>>    >--------------------------------------------------------------------
>>    >------ ------ >
>>    >> Coach Dave Daubenmire hosts a talk show called Pass The Salt
>>    >heard on The Word 880am WRFD in Columbus, Ohio. A former high
>>    >school football coach sued by the ACLU in 1999 for praying with his
>>    >football team, Coach Daubenmire is President of Pass The Salt
>>    >Ministries and Minutemen United www.minutemenunited.
>>    >org, which are dedicated to standing for Christian values in the
>>    >Public arena. Coach can be contacted at [log in to unmask] >
>>    >>
>>    >--------------------------------------------------------------------
>>    >------ ------ >
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>>    >>
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