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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Binneh Minteh <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 15 Mar 2004 15:34:58 -0500
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (167 lines)

Looking into the above phenomenon in the civilize world, the issue of
mercenaries in Africa should not be viewed or treated in a  mild way.
Mercenaries are hired to fight.During and after those battles they either
dislodge,install or destablise regimes. Mercenaries are not always ex
soldiers,they could also be highly educated people. What causes mercenaries?

Mercenaries are usually bent on gaining financially,regardless of who
dies,lives,flees,becomes an orphan or a refugee. They are out to be paid
and fight a fight for anyone who wants to fight that fight.They never ask
for causes,they only ask for destinations and down payments. Bad as their
profession may sound,logically one should try to see it as one,instead of
calling for emotions and sympathy. When dealing with the issue on
mercenaries one should bear in mnd that! evolution knows no
morality.Mercenaries are part of the "evil" components that help evolution-

In Africa the land is so rich with natural resources that people tend to
fight over the gold,diamond and other mineral resources rather than use a
methodology that can help us make good use of them.

 African governments cannot be left to rest in peace in this! Mercenaries
are an out come of decadence and disorganisation.
Biafara,DRC,Liberia,Sieraleone,Ivory Coast etc etc.At anytime these people
are called in governments either use them or fight against them.
Mercenaries are answerable to their base and command centers like any other
army.The only difference between the two is that the former works on
contractual agreements and the latter should or is expected to work under
the rule of law.That is armed forces acts,constitutions or defence pacts
and so on...

Now differentiating the two especially in today's Africa is a big challenge
because we have war lords,dealers and blood-hungry parasites running the

How can someone hire,use and befriend these mercenaries in order to be able
to become a head of state,and then turn around teaching them decency?
Knowing the art is one thing,however,using the art for one's selfish goals
is another thing.

The art of war helps expell undesirable elements like Hitler,Saddam,and so
on.Indeed the same art if used by money-making dogs of war becomes dirty
and endless.

Mercenaries in whatever form do not want to be in a peaceful
environment,because peace threatens their means of survival.It will sound
strange or even senseless to people but that depends on what one's
perspective is.If someone is thinking about democracy and the rule of law
then mercenaries are bad elements.If one is selfish,power hungry or a
homicidal maniac for whatever beliefs,then mercenaries are good eggs to

Some Presidents in Africa especially in West Africa,have the bad habit of
hiring the services of mercenaries. They use them in full scale operations
or for selected and specific assaults against single or collective targets.
The most dangerous mercenaries are not the ones that are oustanding
ie;those who come in the open and start fighting towards a specific
target,no! the worst are those who blend and serve the state that fails to
protect its citizens. There are two areas to think about here; 1)The
mercenaries who are in a system pretending as helpers while fermenting a
large scale operation within that particular area.They will brief and
debrief these so-called heads of states they are serving when at the same
time they are planning hidden coups with others in the army,police(rarely)
and youths. Remember that! the mercenary sees money instead of reason,logic
or a purpose that benefits the population.

Mercenaries study the whims and weaknesses of their bosses first and
foremost when they blend.

This is what Francisco Caso did in The Gambia he came and befriended those
who see themselves as the ones who are close to the seat of power.
Francisco won the confidence of Yahya and then was given the chance to
stay,kill and party. He created the the JUNGLERS,THE GREEN BOYS and so on.
Gambians remember when Caso used to leave dead bodies in his car's booth
moving around showing them to aspirants(those who were being groomed to be
Junglers etc).The aim was to harden their hearts and show them that before
one could be a man,it is better to kill another human being.

Well should that surprise those who know about the Iltalian Mafiosi and
their dirty culture?

In Italy(Where Caso came from) the cult and spirituality that surrounded
the mafiosi was based on hacking limbs and smearing members with blood!
History channel has those cassettes in their archives.

Francisco Caso lured some army boys to speak in a disgruntled way and then
made them believe that he was on their side.He planned a coup with them and
then asked for the samples of weapons that they wanted to use during the
assault.He picked up those weapons,rushed to NIA and informed Kujabi and
others that there was  a coup in the making.This is the same way he used to
go to Dumo Sarho's place (vous) listening to what they were saying(usual
complains).He submitted these people's names and then stayed away as if it
was not  him.He blind folded both sides.He told the gullible gvt officials
not to say that he was their informant and then told the army boys to get
ready for a possible assault.Caso wanted to play the smart and then cause a
conflict thus a rebellion between the two forces would have started.That is
the state guard and yundum barracks. It was Pa Mbye former CID officer who
revealed the real story and then stepped in to advise the NIA.

Caso knew that Mbye was  a trained detective and could dig deeper and
deeper into what he was upto.

Being the mercenary he is Caso,never hesitated to lie against Mbye! He
formulated another story against poor Mbye calling him a UDP this and that
(well the usual ways they baffle Yahya).Mbye instead of being honoured was
asked to go home.See?!!!!!!!!! Why we call Yahya a mad man? He would open
his Toni Daabaa mouth today and pretend that he knows everything Lies!!!!!!
He was hijacked as usual. This very Caso is highly suspected of being
behind those took part in the killings of in April 2000.Everything was
planned'combined and then our poor kids were the victims of ploys from a
gang of state-sponsored mercenaries and those who wanted to get a way of
making money through a conflict.The whole thing was so mixed up that! one
has to really read between the lines thus be able to decipher the coded
messages which were wrapped in total confusion.

During and after the April 2000 massacre Caso was busy spreading his plans
to cause a war therefore have a chance of reeping The Gambia off!!!
(through Yahya) once and for all.

Those who really wanted to fight against the state guard are still in the
army.Caso instead deviated the whole show and then implicated Almamo,Lalo
Jaiteh and others because they were his threats at the state house. He did
so in collaboration with Lt Sonko and his cunning buddies,as we reported
here earlier on. Lalo Jaiteh never respected Caso and saw through the guy's
trues colours! This very cooked up so-called coup was then spreading behind
the scenes.Innocent soldiers who were so loyal to Mad Yahya had to be
chained and dumped in mile two! Caso used to point his fingers at some of
them with stern warnings that he would teach them lessons. Exactly as
justice Paul is doing to our lawyers today.

Remember that Paul is also a legal mercenary who is serving his boss Yahya
the adder.

Caso did not rest! he profiteered on the situation and then implicated
others and others.

He was trying to prove to Yahya that the elements were still within and he
promised to dig them out!!!!!!!!!! We all know that Caso will never tell
Yahya who the real rebels in the army are because that would spoil his
market.These rebels were not going to fight to free Gambia but they were
also money-magnets. Where is Caso now? Why did he go or stay out of the
scene? Yahya Jammeh please Goooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Next we will discuss on what Dumo Sarho's statement was said to be.

Binneh S Minteh

New York University.

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