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Tue, 18 Apr 1995 19:57:21 -0400
"Debra Hindes (617) 270-1690" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Lisa--Don't know if my experience is relevant to your situation or not,
but...  6 yrs ago I was diagnosed w/ CD after upper GI and sm intestine
biopsy.  Symptom had been uncontrollable diahhrea.  But, for the past 5-7
yrs before that, I'd had recurrent severe heartburn--so bad that it hurt
to swallow _anything_ , even water.  I lost lots of weight.  Seemed to
get worse with stress, but was pretty painful a lot of the time.  Since
1989, on GF diet, I've never experienced it again.
Best of luck to you in tracking down your problem.
Debra Hindes, Burlington, Massachusetts

On Tue, 18 Apr 1995, Jeff Overton wrote:

> I am in need of some information regarding diagnosis and symptomology of
> Celiac Disease. I have had 3 1/2 months of severe heartburn and have been
> on anti-ulcer medication since end of January. Heartburn and gas have
> worsened despite medications, I have lost about 12 pounds over the last
> year. I had an endoscopy done a few weeks ago. The gastro-entrologist
> said my esophagus, and stomach checked out ok but the biopsy from my
> small intestine showed it was flat, damaged micro-villi which is
> normally consistent with Celiac Disease. He said it was a
> totally unexpected finding but recommended I go on the anti-gluten diet.
> I know Celiac is not a common disease in North America. Is it possible
> that my symptoms are just differrent from the normal celiac patient?