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Kristina Carlton <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 13 Mar 2004 07:05:03 -0600
text/plain (29 lines)
I have never heard of a person whose asthma improved significantly through
dietary change. If such a person exists I would love to hear about her/him.
I know that I have been eating paleo, but I still can't take a walk in cold
air without wheezzing and becoming short of breath.


That's exactly what I have been wondering about. I have heard and read so
many times that the body has the ability to heal itself with proper
nutrition and maybe for a period of time supplementation, but I cannot find
anybody who has seen improvements with Asthma. We live in Austin, TX and the
weather is hot and humid for a large part of the year. Austin is also a high
allergy area - supposedly if you live her long enough you WILL get
allergies. I've been here 13 and don't have any - knock on wood. Our friend
is thinking about moving to Colorado.

I do appreciate everybody's feedback. I was hoping a dietary change may be
helpful for him but it doesn't sound like it. He has decided to try the
Hallelujah Acres diet which is a vegetarian approach and I don't see how
that will be helpful. They do allow grains and I don't think he would be
able to get enough protein. I have told him about The Metabolic Typing Diet
and copied the self-test portion out of it for him, but I don't think he is
receptive to it. And I sent him a link to Dr. Jordan Rubin's new book, 'The
Maker's Diet.

Thanks again everybody.
