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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Joe Sambou <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 30 Apr 2004 19:57:05 +0000
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Folks, below is an article culled from Foroyaa regarding the proposed
coalition and the vacant Jarra  seat.  I think it is reassuring to know that
the Alternative are willing to discuss the issue of a possible coalition
candidate for the Jarra West Seat.  I hope Kemeseng's canvassing of the
district is not a warning shot from the UDP to put up their own candidate
without giving the proposed coalition talks a chance.  I would not trust the
IEC on the timing of elections, thus it is really necessary for the
Alternative to commence informal talks as to their strategy should the IEC
surprise them with an election scheduled within the next month or two.  In
that case, Kemesengs early start is good for the Alternative individually or
collectively.  The important thing is that the Alternative should make their
decision based on what is best for the nation.  This is a warm-up to 2006
folks and we cannot afford to goof it up.  It is also refreshing that the
UDP has not made a decision and kemeseng's tour is not their party decision.
  Gambians want a coalition and that is what is best for our nation at this
time and I hope the UDP, PDOIS, NDAM, PPP, and NRP all realize and recognize
what's at stake here.  Please read on.



Foroyaa Interviews Halifa Sallah
FOROYAA: Following publication in other newspapers that Kemeseng Jammeh is
campaigning in Jarra West on behalf of the UDP does this mean that the
prospective coalition is a thing of the past? What is PDOIS’ position?

HALIFA: I have always emphasised that the establishment of a coalition is a
process and not an event. While the process is on, political parties are
free to conduct their own programmes if they so desire. Others may wish to
wait for the final outcome of negotiations to form a coalition before
initiating their own programme. PDOIS has reviewed developments in Jarra

Even though Kemeseng is reported to be campaigning in Jarra West the UDP
leader has told the press that they are yet to take a decision on the

FOROYAA: Will PDOIS contest the seat?

HALIFA: The ground is still open. Parties opposed to the APRC may have a
coalition candidate or put up different candidates. In both cases the option
is still open for PDOIS. It depends on negotiation in the best interest of
the nation.

FOROYAA: How can you come up with a coalition candidate?

HALIFA: This is not difficult. Personally I think of democratic solutions to
electoral issues. A coalition can incorporate equal participation of all
stakeholders in determining a candidate. For example, the law is that each
candidate for a National Assembly seat must be nominated by 300 persons. The
parties opposed to the APRC who want to put up candidates can be required to
mobilise 300 or more registered voters each. Each candidate will appear
before such voters to explain why he or she should be the coalition choice.
These voters would vote in a primary to choose the coalition’s candidate.
This is one democratic method of selecting the best candidate as a coalition

FOROYAA: Do you think all parties will agree to this?

HALIFA: Nothing has been said yet regarding the Jarra West seat. There is no
communication from the IEC at this moment. There is no discussion yet to
know whether such a suggestion would be acceptable. What is clear to me is
that there will either be negotiation on a coalition candidate or different
parties will be free to put up their own candidates. I hope all parties are
alert to the implications of splitting votes if election does take place at

FOROYAA: Are you implying that the elections may not take place?

HALIFA: It should take place as long as the present status quo remains.

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