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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Jabou Joh <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 18 Dec 2003 09:57:21 EST
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (50 lines)
> While international courts have ruled out the death penalty as a barbaric 
> >punishment, with an Iraqi puppet court, the US can put Saddam Hussein 
> >speedily to death while claiming that it is merely doing the will of the 
> >Iraqi people. 
> > 
> >The other advantage of such a procedure is that dead men tell no tales. 
> >Hussein can be denied the one defense he would inevitably make before an 
> >international court: that the greatest crimes of which he stands accused— 
> >the Iran-Iraq war, the gassing of the Kurds and suppression of the Shiites— 
> >were carried out with either the direct support or tacit approval of US 
> >administrations in Washington. 


The above is really what this haste to put Saddam Hussein to death is all 
about. If he  is given the venue of an international court where he can bring 
forth evidence in his own defense, he will look like an angel compared to his 
handlers/enablers in the United States government over the years when he was 
their best ally so long as he was killing people they considered enemies, and that 
is the last thing they will allow.

The United States is set to violate international law here and they do not 
care. Like Isreal does in the refugee camps, the soldiers in Iraq have also 
started invading and blowing down walls and doors of people's homes with innocent 
familes inside in the name of  looking for insurgents. This time, they are 
actually showing the footage on the corporate media, no more hiding it from the 
people because the de-sensitization
of the public to these sorts of things is taking hold.
The saddest part is that this illegal proceeding to try Saddam Hussein in an 
Iraqi court that most internationl law experts consider illegal because the 
courts at this point will be operating under laws set up by the U.S and not by 
the Iraqi people themselves, will be packaged in such a way that the blood will 
be on the hands of the U.S appointed puppet government who think that their 
race towards positions of leadership will be safe-guarded by the killing of 
Saddam Hussein.
It will be a most disastrous decision.

Jabou Joh

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