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Tue, 3 Feb 2004 21:48:18 -0600
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thank you all so much.  The responses to my questions about what "processed" meant to you all were incredibly helpful.  I made changes in my diet immediately upon receiving input from you some three weeks ago.  Although my diet was already fairly restricted, the further restrictions have helped me feel so much better.  I have more energy, my thoughts are less foggy, and I generally feel happier than I have for quite some time.  Bless you all.  

Thirty people responded.  My questions were already slanting the responses as I was looking for answers from those of you who already were limiting your processed food to items that were (at least I thought) safely gluten free.  I have included my initial questions at the bottom of this e-mail to help clarify my summary. 

Twenty-five people responded to the using totally unprocessed or allowable gluten-free processed foods question.  Fifteen said they did not use any processed foods, including gluten-free flours and frozen or canned items.  Ten said they used gluten-free flours and frozen or canned items but were very careful about their choices, severely limiting added ingredients if allowing any at all.  Many also recommended lowering the amount of carbohydrates eaten regardless of if they were gluten free, several noting that a reduction in carbohydrate seemed to reduce symptoms that otherwise were commonly blamed on gluten.  (My experience in the past three weeks seems to  back up these statements.  Although I haven't lost weight, several friends have mentioned they thought I have.  I'm chalking this up to less bloating and fluid retention.  I do feel better.) 

Five people agreed that it wasn't good for them to eat out. 

Five people recommended that I do some additional allergy testing.   Several others suggested an elimination diet which would help me find possible problem foods/allergies.  

Some other items which I was cautioned to be aware of as possible problems were: canola oil (3 times), tamari (2 times), instant coffee, and BHT and other chemical additives to canned goods.

Some suggestions for other possibilities to help my situation were: bison meat and products such as: Primal Defense, Creon, Veratrum Alb, using organic foods, and seeing a naturopathic doctor.  

Again, thanks to you all.   My quality of life has improved because of your concern for my well-being.  It just plain feels good to have people care about me, to have some comradery with other celiacs,  and of course, to have answers to questions "regular" people around me couldn't give.  

Bless you,

I need some advise from those of you who avoid processed food.  What =
>exactly are your definitions of unprocessed food?  Do you totally eat =
>fresh fruit, vegetables, dairy, and meat, or do you allow some canned =
>items if they contain nothing more than the product itself, water, and =
>perhaps one other ingredient (gluten free, of course) to "preserve =
>freshness"? =20
>Do you eat pastas and allowable grains from well-known gluten-free =
>companies, or do you stay with the wild rice and rice staples and avoid =
>trying to make breads and desserts with gluten-free flours? =20
>I seem to be exceptionally sensitive.  I never eat out.  I've given up =
>on many items some claim to be gluten free because I have immediate and =
>long-lasting reactions.  I could obviously cut back to the totally fresh =
>idea detailed above, but would like the convenience and cost cutting =
>benefits of some processed foods.  I also miss bacon and ham.  Please =
>let me know what you think.=20

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