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Mon, 8 Dec 2003 11:49:46 -0500
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I only got two responses to my request for a celiac specialist in
Wisconsin, and both mentioned Dr. Mark Reichelderfer at University
Hospital in Madison. One respondent did say that although he was
knowledgeable about celiac, "he does not understand the relationships
between Celiac problems and the rest of the organs and systems of the
body and how they all are all interrelated."

The responses to my question about cosmetics were many and interesting.
They split about 50-50 on the question whether cosmetics could actually
have an impact on celiac. About half were pretty adamant that only
ingested gluten could cause problems while many of the others agreed
that this was the common belief but that they personally felt that
gluten in skin products caused them problems. Most agreed that lipsticks
could be problematic if you got some in your mouth and swallowed it,
which I think we all manage to do! At least mine disappears as the day
goes by, and some of it must go down the hatch! It was suggested that if
you respond to cosmetics it was more likely an allergy to one of the
ingredients than a gluten reaction.

I was also referred to a summary in May of this year on lipstick and
other cosmetics, which I'm sure can be found in the archives.

Some of the particular responses:

I have put a lot of info regarding questions you are asking on our local
(Oklahoma City) website. Check it out at:
ac.com> www.OKceliac.com. I have tried to make it a one-stop site with
lots of info and resources.

I would suggest you to ask your questions at this other excellent forum:

On the question about mono and diglycerides:
"They are made from fats...and their original form is liquid & g.f.
When they are used it dry products--coffee creamer, cocoa mix, etc.
something needs to be make them into a powder form.  Could be dried
milk, corn starch, or even a gluten-containing starch.  So, if it's in
liquid form it's probably ok, if dry you need to check a g.f. list which
has contacted the manufacturer or do it yourself to figure out what else
has been added"

I hope this helps and that I have done the summary thing properly. This
is my first question-response-summary!

Thanks to everyone for their input.


*Support summarization of posts, reply to the SENDER not the Celiac List*