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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Bev Messner <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 28 Sep 2003 19:37:22 -0500
Bev Messner <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (184 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I received many responses about where my doctor (who also has celiac
disease) can get more information on the subject.  Below are some of the
responses I received.   Many were duplicates, so I just put the following
ones in.     Bev....Mansfield, OH

Your physician can order from CSA/USA the talk given by Dr. Joseph Murray
and dietitian Jacquelyn See at the annual education conference in
Omaha,Nebraska, last fall. The tape is $8, I believe. The title was
Managing CeliacSprue It takes a team, or something like that. Doctors could
receive continuing education credits for attending that conference, and
such may be true of allCSA/USA annual conferences. A call to CSA/USA will
be well worth his time.
I attended that conference and ordered the tape. It had so much good
information in it that I transcribed it for purposes of quick reference.
Dr.Murray is with Mayo Clinic and is one of the top doctors treating celiac
Try Intelihealth.com   It is the Harvard Medical School site.Very easy to
get information.
The Gluten Intolerance Group (GIG) does an Annual Education Meeting each
year, and basically have three separate educational meetings. One is for
professionals, a second is specifically for dietitians and nutritionists.
These two meetings provide Continued Medical Education (CME) credits for
doctors, nurses, dietitians, nutritionists, etc.These meetings are normally
about 4 hours long.

The third meeting is classified as the Patient and this portion of the
meeting runs from 2 to 2 1/2 days. Many of the professionals also attend
this meeting as they learn so much more. It is just that they do not get
CME credits for this portion.

I know there are other conferences across the country that your physician
maybe interested in. GIG celebrates it's 30th Anniversary in 2004 and their
Annual Education Conference will be in Portland, OR June 4, 5, and 6. You
may go towww.gluten.net for additional information as it becomes available.
The GIG conference last June has continuing education credits for
professionals.  Might be something to check into for next year.

GIG® 2003 Annual Education Conference will be held June 6-8 in
Denver,Colorado.  The conference will also include an educational program
for physicians and allied health professionals. Registration information
for both programs can be downloaded at the website shown above, or obtained
by contacting GIG.  The medical education portion of the program is
approved for the following:
· 4.0 Hours - category 1 credits toward the AMA Physician's Recognition
· 4.0 Prescribed credit hours by the American Academy of Family Physicians
· 4.8 Nursing contact hours through The Children's Hospital by the Colorado
Nurses Association
· 3.0 CPEU hours for dietitians and diet technicians by the Colorado
Dietetic Association &quot;

The CSA/USA conference will be in Buffalo this year, October 9-12.  As a
celiac, it would be a great time for him to go since it's close. Find info
online at www.csaceliacs.org


Your doctor should contact Dr. Peter Green at Columbia Presbyterian
Hospital in New York City. He is the head of the Celiac Disease Center and
is the top doctor for celiac disease in New York. He has spoken and written
about celiac and is very well respected in the field.
Peter Green
WOW... A doctor that actually asks for help!! I'm impressed.  
My physician had the same question.  She wanted to know what was available
for doctors and where she could go to get information.  I gave her the
email addresses of the Stanford University connection to celiac.  Dr. John
Murray's address at Mayo; University of Chicago's celiac department at the
university; etc.  The best thing to do might be to contact GIG and CDF
regarding their research.  Find out what their people do to get the latest

Last year I attended the first annual Patient Education Day at Columbia. I
think it's a tremendous source  of information for not only patients and
their families, but also for doctors and other medical staff. I'm on the
mailing list, so here's the email I got. Hope this helps (and its great to
hear about doctors who want to learn more about CD).
Susan in CT

Date:    9/3/03 2:20:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:    [log in to unmask] (Howard Winfield)

The Celiac Disease Center at Columbia is pleased to announce two major
events.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact Hal Winfield at

1.  The Second Annual Patient Education Day
     Date:  Saturday, November 15th, 2003
     Place: Alumni Auditorium
                650 West 168th Street
                New York – Presbyterian Medical Center
                New York, New York
     Aim:   To impart the latest information concerning celiac disease.

Last year over 500 attendees heard internationally renowned experts talk on
many different aspects of celiac disease. This year a similar group of
experts will discuss clinical presentation, epidemiology, complications,
prospects for alternate therapies and dietary management of celiac disease.

To register online for $50:  www.cdcc.hs.columbia.edu

The annual conference on Nov. 2, in Los Angeles given by CDF would be a
great learning experience.  Dr. Alessio Fasano is the keynote speaker and
we have several other prominent authorities speaking.  You can access the
program on our website www.celiac,org  And see what an informative day it
will be.  There will also be a dinner meeting for doctors where they will
have an opportunity to personally speak to Dr. Fasano.

The acg has a meeting in October.  Look up http://www.acg.gi.org/

Stephen Holland, M.D.


Can you clone your physician, so that we can all get one like him?
You are so lucky to have a physician who actually wants to learn more about
celiac disease. That one is a keeper     :)

The Gluten Intolerance Group has sessions for doctors at their annual
conference.  The 2003 conference was in Denver. The 2004 is in Seattle I
believe.  You can get more information by contacting gig.com.  I hope this


Depending on how far he wants to travel, Dr. Peter Green at Columbia is
having a 1-day education conference on November 15th.

The Celiac Disease Foundation is hosting its annual conference on November
2, in LA.  I also believe that Univ. of Chicago has an event coming soon.
You can email Michelle Melin-Rogovin      ([log in to unmask])


tell your physician that there are numerous articles on the subject in the
medical journals; these can be located through the Internet and such guides
as INDEX  MEDICUS, which, I believe, is also available online.

There's a NASPGHAN conference in Montreal in October (www.naspghan.org);
he can also attend the Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University's
conference on November 15 in New York (for info contact Hal Winfield at
[log in to unmask])  For specific questions he can contact the University
of Chicago Celiac Disease Center
(www./uchospitals.edu/areas/pediatrics/celiac-disease) or Dr. Peter Green
at Columbia or Dr. Fasano at the University of Maryland

In addition, we've just completed the publishing of the Going Gluten Free
Guide - a free resource for those newly diagnosed with celiac disease.  We
distribute this both to patients and physicians and would be happy to
provide the resource - simply ask him to contact us and let us know how
many copies and where to send them.

Hope this is helpful -

Lisa Weisman
Executive Director
Friends of Celiac Disease, Inc.
8832 N Port Washington Road, #204
Milwaukee, WI 53217
414-540-6679 / 414-540-0587 fax


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