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Linda Moser <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Fri, 13 Aug 2004 17:43:30 EDT
text/plain (156 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks  to all of you who took the time to share your lunch ideas. Here is 
the summary.  One of you wrote:
“I  think the trick to school lunches is to discard the idea that lunch must 
be a  sandwich.”
This really opened my eyes to the wonderful & creative suggestions  that 
follow. However, for those of you with finicky kids who think sandwich =  lunch -- 
here are the favorite breads: 
Kinnikinnick was the most recommended bread, they  make a white sandwich 
Chebe bread rolls were also mentioned  frequently 
A  sandwich bread made by glutenfreedelights.com.
Noah's  bread
"Food For Life" GF breads-Raisin Pecan, the China  Black Rice Bread (It's 
purple!) or their Bhutanese Red Rice Bread (Reddish),  their Rice Almond or Rice 
Pecan breads are better toasted and a little  bland
Gillian’s Food Rolls 
**Many  responders recommended getting a bread maker, but only one was 
mentioned by  name: Zojirushi  - with two blades and it makes a two pound loaf.
Favored Bread Mixes: 
Miss Roben's bread mixes (the dinner bread mix and  the home-style bread mix) 
Tip: Reduce the amount of milk the recipe calls for, and bake as rolls  
Sylvan Border Farms mixes 
Bette  Hagman's recipes, esp. from "The Gluten Free Gourmet Bakes  Bread."
Gluten free pantry pizza/bread  mix 
The Manna  from Anna  mixes, and Tom's  Light Bread  mix from the Gluten Free

Another  respondent wrote:
“I  try to make sure each lunch has a protein, a fruit or veggie, a carb, a 
drink,  and a treat.”
The  next suggestions are divided into those categories: Protein/Main Course, 
Fruit  or Veggie Snacks, Carb Snacks, Fun Treats
Protein or Main Course: 
Boiled  or deviled eggs
Cold  cuts rolled up and stuck through with a toothpick 
Cheese - Kraft American cheese, Velveeta and Sargento cheeses are GF,  or  
string cheese sticks 

Hot  dogs wrapped in cheese then again in a corn tortilla and 
this can be sent  and warmed up in a microwave.

Vans GF waffle sandwiches –PBJ, tuna, egg  or chicken salad, gf lunchmeats
Pancake/waffle  sliced into thick strips with syrup to dip
Homemade gf chicken nuggets with  ketchup to dip
Hormel tukey pepperoni (says on pkg that it's GF!)
Gorp  (dried fruit & nuts, gf cereal)
Thai  kitchen noodle dinners
Gf  pantry meals in minutes
Amy's gf mac and cheese 
Vietnamese soft rolls or spring rolls 
Pad  thai
Kraft  cheese cubes or sticks
Deli  meats that are GF - (not sliced at the deli counter, but in 
packages)Oscar Meyer  bologna, Carl Buddig turkey, *Boars Head products (posters’ 
opinions differ as  to whether Boars Head Meats are GF)
PB&J  on banana bread, or ham and cheese on cornbread or a corn  muffin
Cheese  sandwiches 
Two  of Pamela's Peanut Butter Cookies with jam in between to make mini PB&J  
Individually wrapped cheese sticks (Trader Joe's, Sargento, Precious,  etc.) 
Gillian Brand roll with "Steak-Um" steak and cheese. Keep hot in a round  
Nancy's cottage cheese and yogurt 
Quesadilla/sandwich  - organic corn tortillas cut into quarters, zap them for 
about one minute-it  steams them soft, put a folded slice of organic sliced 
turkey breast or a slice  of cheese in between. 
Skippy  individual PB squeezes
Gf  pizza, store bought or homemade - send all of the ingredients precooked 
and let  child put it together himself. 
Kinnikinnick  peanut butter and jelly. Put in plastic bag BUT DON'T seal the 
bag...that way it  won't get soggy.

GF  Bread and Mozzarella sandwich with roasted pepper and a little tapenade. 
Take  off the crusts to make a little tea sandwich
GF  bagels and cream cheese. Toast but don't seal the bag so it doesn't get  

Pigs  in the blanket - use the gluten free pantry pizza/bread mix and make 
using a  large hotdog, cook and freeze. See if he can have reheated at school.  
Yogurt  or gogurt
Crepe roll-ups
Salad  (rice one day, mostly lettuce another, sometimes w/ beans, tuna, hard 
boiled  eggs)
Pizza--Take  half of a Deland flat bread or an individual size rice crust 
toasted and split  to make thinner, add about a Tbsp. of pizza or spaghetti 
sauce, cover with  pepperoni and sprinkle with "cheese". Cook in a toaster oven for 
a few minutes.  Let cool, place in a baggie. 
Goat  cheese on gluten free crackers
Turkey Sticks (Old Wisconsin is GF) 
Lazy  sushi – Combine cooked white rice, avocado, GF soy sauce (Bragg's is 
good), a  bit of mayo (Hellmans Mayo is GF). Variations: add cooked carrots, 
broccoli,  mushrooms, or water chestnuts. Get fancy w/a nice meat sauce, tomato 
sauce, or  even chili. 
Shakshuka  - a tomato base egg dish (recipe?)
Tuna  noodle casserole – use rice noodles, Starkist, Chicken of the Sea are 
Pulled  chicken - cook two breasts of chicken for 30 minutes, use two forks 
to pull it  into shreds, put on barbecue sauce and recook at 300 degrees for an 
hour or so.  Good hot or cold. Variation: Put on top of rice
Egg  salad - Chopped egg with mayonnaise and green onion
Homemade  Lunchables: Buy one from the store, empty & wash. Stock with 
gluten-free  crackers, cut up gf lunch meat and pack them inside. Or use gf peanut 
butter or  gf dressing with vegetables such as celery, carrots, brocolli, 
cucumbers to dip.  
Dry  cereal – Pour into a bowl with a lid, pack a thermos of milk or 
substitute, a  banana, raisins, or blueberries. Breakfast for lunch is "cool".  
GF  Graham cracker (Hagman recipe) sandwiches - cut them into hearts or stars 
and  top with pb&j. 
Fancy  Rice cake sandwiches -  top with  peanut or almond butter, gf 
sprinkles on top (cakemate brand). Put it in a  baggie with a piece of waxed paper on 
PB/Banana  sandwiches - Toast a roll & slice it in half, slather it with pb, 
add sliced  bananas, shredded coconut, sesame or sunflower seeds. (Gillian's 
Food rolls  )
Cold  potato Latkes (made with gluten free flour or cornstarch) with 
applesauce or  sour cream for dipping
Pull  top tuna or salmon canned
Refried  beans with gf corn chips
GF  pasta salad or pasta with tomato/meat sauce
Corn  tortillas with bean, meat, fish or cheese fillings
Sausage links
Armour  Vienna Sausage (if nitrates aren't a problem)
Fish sticks
Noah's bread  made into mini pizzas 
Peanut butter on gf rice krispie treats
Mini tacos  
Mini gf pancakes and Shelton sausage patties
Mini-homemade corndog  nuggets with sauce to dip
Hotdogs cut up and cooked and sent in a  thermos
Chili in a thermos with corn chips to *scoop*
Hard or Soft shell  tacos (no cheese or I use a dab of Tofutti's fake cream 
Dry Roasted  Peanuts
Roast beef strips
Tostito bites make nice platforms for sandwiches  and fillings, cubed chicken 
mixed with honey 
Thermos  Items:

GF  Soups (chicken and rice, etc.) 
Rice  (fried)
GF  Pasta
Mashed  potatoes with gravy & cut meat
Heat  corn tortillas, melt cheese, leftover meat in each. Roll, wrap in wax 
Yogurt  in a tube, traditional yogurt and spoon, or yogurt "meal" drink.
(Yoplait  custard recommended)
**Thanks  to all, read part 2 also.

*Support summarization of posts, reply to the SENDER not the CELIAC List*