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Mon, 9 Feb 2004 17:26:34 -0800
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

        Since many of us gluten intolerant share common ailments, I thought some
of you may benefit from my experience in this regard.  My skin has become
progressively drier & scalier in recent years.  I dehydrate very quickly
and always have dry chapped lips.  I've been advised to drink more water,
but it never seemed to improve the condition.  Recently, I stumbled upon
an unexpected and very inexpensive solution -- SALT WATER.
        When I began thyroid replacement following a complete thyroidectomy, I
wasn't tolerating the thyroid very well.  I was told that it was because
of adrenal fatigue.  I began reading a book recommended by several list
Wilson.  He recommends drinking salted water for people with salt
cravings and low blood pressure.  Since I qualified on both accounts, I
decided to try it.  Within just a few days, I began to notice the skin on
my hands was smoother and that I only needed apply lotion once in the
morning instead of two or three times a day.  That was a few weeks ago
and now without even applying lotion, my legs aren't "ashy" and scaley
like they usually are.  Even my face seems a little smoother as are my
        My blood pressure is still low, but I rarely get that dizzy feeling upon
standing anymore.  When I do, I push a little saltier water & the problem
quickly goes away.  I have not gotten "water bloated" or edema from all
the extra salt as I used to many years ago.  [If you try the salted water
& get bloated, then that could be a sign that you don't need it.]
        The problem is caused by the adrenal gland's failure to produce adequate
levels of aldosterone, a hormone that keeps blood pressure propped up by
retaining sodium in the blood.  [Water always hangs out where the sodium
is.]  When the aldosterone levels drop, the kidney's excrete sodium,
water follows the sodium then the blood pressure drops causing weakness,
fatigue & dizziness.  In an effort to remedy the low sodium level & blood
pressure in the blood stream, the body's tissues shunt sodium & fluid to
the blood, then the cells become dehydrated in the process.  This causes
the dry skin and even more fatigue because cells don't function will
without adequate fluid and sodium.  [This is an oversimplified
explanation.  Read the book for a more accurate in depth explanation!]
        When I first heard about drinking salt water, I thought it sounded
gross.  But to my surprize, it tastes refreshing rather than salty to me.
 I guess that's evidence of how badly I needed the extra sodium.
        Dr. Wilson recommends 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of plain salt in a glass of
water several times a day.  He says everyone will need a different amount
and to let your taste & the way you feel be your guide.  For some people,
simply adding extra salt to food is enough.  He makes other
recommendations about diet that have been very helpful as well, such as
eating fruits only after lunch, etc.  This book has some valuable
information in it that's not available anywhere else I've seen.  I thank
the list members who told me about this good book and I highly recommend
it.    ~Valerie in Tacoma

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* Visit the Celiac Web Page at www.enabling.org/ia/celiac/index.html *