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Thu, 3 Nov 2005 23:55:53 -0500
text/plain (21 lines)
Hi all,
I'm using a dell laptop with windows xp home and JFW version 4.5.
Now, here's the scoop.  I uninstalled Microsoft word from my computer in the past cause I thought I'd never use it.  I was using wordpad, and liked it.  Well, made a trip to our local library and a lady showed me Microsoft Word, and how it did spell checking for me, and folks, I need that bad.  I also was shown page breaks, which I also need to use and wordpad won't do either of those 2 features.
So, I reinstalled word, but now, I cannot type in the password no matter what I do.
Can someone give me a hand with this, talk me through it step by step?
I put my first and last in the name field, and my initials for my first and last name in the initial field, then I type none for organization, then there are text boxes, and they want 25 characters.  I know what they are, the letters are small letters, no caps, and numbers.
So, if someone has got a few minutes, can ya give me a phone number where I can call ya to do this and a good time to call ya?
Usually, I can type passwords with no difficulty at all, but this one's got me stumped.
I mean you can try to talk me through it using email, but I probably will misunderstand or do it wrong.
thanks for whatever help anyone can give me.

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