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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 13 Mar 2004 17:05:49 -0600
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Ted's highly insightful post a couple of weeks back, which I just read,
leads me to share part of a powerful series that ran recently in the Los
Angeles Times.  There is a drive to find the lowest cost, led by retailing
giant Wal-mart.  Here's how the world of work is changing led by this trend.
yes, we benefit when we can buy a high quality computer for $450 but there
are downsides to this as well.


    Los Angeles Times

    November 23, 2003

    First of Three Parts

    An Empire Built on Bargains Remakes the Working World

    Wal-Mart is so powerful that it moves the economies of entire
countries, bringing profit and pain.

The prices can't be beat, but the wages can.

By Abigail Goldman and Nancy Cleeland
Times Staff Writers

    LAS VEGAS -- Chastity Ferguson kept watch over four sleepy children
late one Friday as she flipped a pack of corn dogs into a cart at her new
favorite grocery store: Wal-Mart.

    The Wal-Mart Supercenter, a pink stucco box twice as big as a Home
Depot, combines a full-scale supermarket with the usual discount
mega-store. For the 26-year-old Ferguson, the draw is simple.

    "You can't beat the prices," said the hotel cashier, who makes $400 a
week. "I come here because it's cheap."

    Across town, another mother also is familiar with the Supercenter's low
prices. Kelly Gray, the chief breadwinner for five children, lost her job
as a Raley's grocery clerk last December after Wal-Mart expanded into the
supermarket business here. California-based Raley's closed all 18 of its
stores in the area, laying off 1,400 workers.

    Gray earned $14.68 an hour with a pension and family health insurance.
Wal-Mart grocery workers typically make less than $9 an hour.

    "It's like somebody came and broke into your home and took something
huge and important away from you," said the 36-year-old. "I was scared. I
cried. I shook."

    Wal-Mart gives. And Wal-Mart takes away.

    From a small-town five-and-dime, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. has grown over 50
years to become the world's largest corporation and a global economic

    It posted $245 billion in sales in its most recent fiscal year - nearly
twice as much as General Electric Co. and almost eight times as much as
Microsoft Corp. It is the nation's largest seller of toys, furniture,
jewelry, dog food and scores of other consumer products. It is the largest
grocer in the United States.

    Wal-Mart's decisions influence wages and working conditions across a
wide swath of the world economy, from the shopping centers of Las Vegas to
the factories of Honduras and South Asia. Its business is so vital to
developing countries that some send emissaries to the corporate
headquarters in Bentonville, Ark., almost as if Wal-Mart were a sovereign

    The company has prospered by elevating one goal above all others:
cutting prices relentlessly. U.S. economists say its tightfistedness has
not only boosted its own bottom line, but also helped hold down the
inflation rate for the entire country. Consumers reap the benefits every
time they push a cart through Wal-Mart's checkout lines.

    Yet Wal-Mart's astonishing success exacts a heavy price.

    By squeezing suppliers to cut wholesale costs, the company has hastened
the flight of U.S. manufacturing jobs overseas. By scouring the globe for
the cheapest goods, it has driven factory jobs from one poor nation to

    Wal-Mart's penny-pinching extends to its own 1.2 million U.S.
employees, none of them unionized. By the company's own admission, a
full-time worker might not be able to support a family on a Wal-Mart

    Then there are casualties like Kelly Gray. As Wal-Mart expands rapidly
into groceries, it is causing upheaval in yet another corner of the
economy. When a Supercenter moves into town, competitors often are wiped
out, taking high-paying union jobs with them.

    Wal-Mart's plans to enter the grocery business in California early next
year have thrown the state's supermarket industry into turmoil. Fearful of
Wal-Mart's ability to undercut them on price, the Ralphs, Vons and
Albertsons chains have sought concessions from their unionized workers in
Southern and Central California, leading to a work stoppage now entering
its seventh week.

    Half a century ago, the nation's largest and most emulated employer was
General Motors Corp. "Today," said Nelson Lichtenstein, a history professor
at UC Santa Barbara, "for better or worse, it's Wal-Mart."

    GM brought prosperity to factory towns and made American workers the
envy of the world. With a high-wage union job, an assembly-line worker
could afford a house, a decent car, maybe even a boat by the lake.

    There was a bit of truth, Lichtenstein said, to the famous assertion by
Charles Wilson, General Motors chief from 1941 to 1953, that what was good
for GM was good for the country.

    With Wal-Mart, the calculus is considerably more complex.

    'We Have Split Brains'

    Glenn Miraflor used to chide his wife for shopping at Wal-Mart.

    As a member of Ironworkers Local 416, the 50-year-old father of four is
well aware of the retailer's anti-union stance. But when the family's
credit card debt topped $10,000, Wal-Mart's deals suddenly looked

    "Where else are you going to find a computer for $498?" he asked,
looking for a PC with his wife, Debbie, at the Supercenter on Serene
Avenue, far from the glitz of the Las Vegas Strip. "Everyone I work with
shops here."

    Surveys by the Teamsters and the United Food and Commercial Workers -
the two unions most threatened by Wal-Mart - show that many of their own
members shop at the discounter.

    "We have split brains," said Robert Reich, U.S. secretary of Labor
under President Clinton and now a professor of economic and social policy
at Brandeis University in Waltham, Mass. "Most of the time, the half of our
brain that wants the best deal prevails."

    The connection may be lost on many, Reich said, but consumers'
addiction to low prices is accelerating a shift toward a two-tiered U.S.
economy, with a shrinking middle class and a growing pool of low-wage

    "Wal-Mart's prices may be lower," he said, "but that's small
consolation to a lot of people who end up with less money to spend."

    Others insist there is a net benefit whenever consumers can get more
for less. "If you have lower real prices, you're saving money," said Arthur
Laffer, a key advisor to President Reagan who is now an economic consultant
in San Diego. "The prices' falling, in effect, raises the wages of everyone
who buys their products."

    That's basically the way the Miraflors saw it as they cruised the
aisles of the Supercenter - Wal-Mart Store No. 2593 - and snapped up deals:
Ragu pasta sauce for 89 cents, Aunt Jemima pancake mix for 48 cents, pork
shoulder steaks for $1.49 a pound and five cans of Del Monte vegetables for

    After making their way through the groceries, the Miraflors turned
their attention to the housewares section, stopping in front of a 20-inch
box fan. Glenn Miraflor checked the price and made room for it in their

    "Ten bucks," he said. "You can't beat that. That's why we come here."

    Vendors' Alley

    The fan was made 1,700 miles away in Chicago at Lakewood Engineering &
Manufacturing Co. A decade ago, the same fan carried a $20 price tag.

    But that wasn't low enough for Wal-Mart. So Lakewood owner Carl Krauss
cut costs at every turn. He automated production at the red-brick factory
built by his grandfather on the city's West Side. Where it once took 22
people to put together a product, it now takes seven. Krauss also badgered
his suppliers to knock down their prices for parts.

    In 2000, he took the hardest step of all: He opened a factory in
Shenzhen, China, where workers earn 25 cents an hour, compared with $13 in
Chicago. About 40% of his products now are made in China, including most
heaters and desktop fans. The Miraflors' box fan was assembled in Chicago,
but its electronic guts were imported.

    "My father was dead set against it," Krauss said of the move overseas.
"I have the same respect for American workers, but I'm going to do what I
have to do to survive."

    Survival in an age when consumers are hyper-vigilant about prices means
shaving expenses again and again. "Nobody wants to be on the shelf with the
same item for $1 more," Krauss said.

    All the retailers he supplies - including Home Depot Inc. and Target
Corp. - drive a hard bargain with manufacturers. But none is as tough as
Wal-Mart, Krauss said.

    Twice a year, his sales representatives travel to Wal-Mart headquarters
to pitch their products. There, competitors sit side by side, waiting to be
ushered into one of 60 glass-sided cubicles - a space some call Vendors'

    Then the haggling begins. "You give them your price," Krauss said. "If
they don't like it, they give you theirs."

    The suppliers are at a disadvantage. The Wal-Mart buyer can always go
out to the waiting room and find someone who will go lower. "Your price is
going to be whittled down like you never thought possible," Krauss said.

    After moving much of his manufacturing abroad, Krauss doesn't see any
way to push costs lower. "If you're doing things legally, you can't," he

    He may have to find a way.

    At the Serene Avenue store, shopper Sarah Saxon, 17, pulled a $40
Lakewood heater off the shelf. She looked it over, then put it back in
favor of an AirTech model selling for $34.88. She said it looked better
than the Lakewood.

    "Besides," she said, "it's cheaper."

    Wal-Mart's culture of cheap emanates from Bentonville, a town of 20,000
tucked into the low green hills of northwest Arkansas, where a young Sam
Walton opened his first five-and-dime in 1950. Even then, Walton had a
vision of a different kind of retail.

    Rather than charging a little less than his competitors, Walton wanted
to slash prices as much as he could and still make a profit. Other stores
would use price breaks from manufacturers as a way to boost their bottom
lines, paying less at wholesale while leaving retail prices untouched.

    Walton passed such savings on to his customers as his discount business
evolved into Wal-Mart stores in 1962. He figured he would make up the
difference in volume. He was right.

    By the mid-1980s, Wal-Mart's success had catapulted Walton to No. 1 on
the Forbes list of richest Americans. Still, he drove an old pickup truck
to haul around his bird dogs, refused to fly first class and shared hotel
rooms with colleagues on business trips.

    Bentonville, like the man who put it on the map, is a combination of
Southern charm and Midwestern practicality. The town square is anchored by
the original Walton's five-and-dime (now a visitors' center) and dotted
with small shops. But the real action is down Business Route 71, where the
Wal-Mart Supercenter rises up, big enough to fit three 747s with room to

    Across the street is the base of Wal-Mart operations: the Home Office.
The world's biggest company occupies an industrial-looking hodgepodge of
windowless work spaces, connected by bunker-like hallways. The drab
gray-and-blue walls display the visage and sayings of Sam Walton, who died
in 1992:

    "Listen to your associates.... They're the best idea generators."

    "To succeed, stay out in front of change."

    "Swim upstream. Go the other way. Ignore the conventional wisdom."

    Lists abound. The best-performing stores. The worst-performing stores.
Under a picture of the founder asking, "Who's taking your customers?" is a
roster of competing retailers, including Costco Wholesale Corp., Circuit
City Stores Inc. and Target, with the name and picture of each company's
chief executive.

    It's all part of the Wal-Mart culture: a zealous attention to
competition, customers and costs.

    Wal-Mart employees, unlike their counterparts at other retailers, are
forbidden to accept so much as a soda from vendors - or anybody else the
company does business with - on the theory that such frills ultimately are
paid for by consumers. The company's meticulous management of the flow of
goods, from the factory floor to the store shelf, has shaved shipping and
inventory costs to a degree that retailing experts say is unprecedented.

    "You could argue that some of what Wal-Mart does to cut costs has been
win-win," said Richard S. Tedlow, a professor of business administration at
Harvard Business School. "What's being squeezed out is waste."

    The company is so ruthlessly efficient that 4% of the growth in the
U.S. economy's productivity from 1995 to 1999 was due to Wal-Mart alone,
researchers at the McKinsey Global Institute estimated last year. No other
single company had a measurable impact. Wal-Mart also has forced
competitors to become more efficient, driving the nation's productivity -
output per hour of work - even higher.

    Walton, who still is referred to as Mr. Sam throughout the corporation,
worked in a ground-floor office barely big enough for a conference table.
The current occupant, Chief Executive H. Lee Scott Jr., is the keeper of
Mr. Sam's vision. Like all Wal-Mart executives, he empties his own trash
and shares budget hotel rooms when traveling. Everyone flies coach.

    "We do not have limousines," said Scott, who certainly could afford
one, having made nearly $18 million last year in salary, bonus and stock,
plus options with an estimated value of $11.3 million. "I drive a
Volkswagen Bug."

    Wal-Mart's stinginess reaches from the executive suite to the loading

    Some truckers complain that they must unload their own cargo - or pay
Wal-Mart to do it. Other big retail chains absorb that cost themselves.
"They're awful," said independent driver George Hauschild of Palm Springs.
"They don't even let you use the bathroom."

    At every one of the 2,966 Wal-Marts in the U.S., thermostats are kept
at a steady 73 degrees in summer, 70 degrees in winter; raising or lowering
the temperature is considered a waste of money.

    Such measures seem mild compared with what Wal-Mart has done to cut
payroll costs. In one case, a jury in Oregon last year found that company
managers had coerced hundreds of employees to work overtime without pay.

    The managers were driven by intense pressure from Bentonville,
witnesses said. Managers whose labor costs were considered too high were
singled out during the company's weekly in-house satellite broadcasts. In
response, managers tampered with electronic time cards or bullied employees
to work off the clock, according to trial testimony.

    The Oregon jury found last December that Wal-Mart's behavior was
illegal and willful. A separate trial to determine damages for the 290
plaintiffs is set for early next year.

    Wal-Mart settled similar overtime suits in Colorado and New Mexico for
undisclosed amounts. More than 40 other cases are awaiting trial.

    The company says it prohibits off-the-clock work and blames the
problems on a small number of rogue managers.

    Last month, Wal-Mart ran into trouble because of another cost-cutting
practice: using dirt-cheap janitorial services.

    A grand jury is investigating whether Wal-Mart knew that janitors
provided by subcontractors were illegal immigrants cheated out of overtime
pay. Federal agents raided 61 Wal-Marts across the country and seized boxes
of documents from the Bentonville headquarters. Wal-Mart has denied

    Scott, the CEO, lauded Wal-Mart's employment record. Even in tight
labor markets, he said, the company never has trouble finding workers.

    "It is not forced labor," he said. "The truth is, I go to the stores
and shake hands with the associates, and they like working at Wal-Mart."

    On the Fast Track

    Aaron Rios liked working at Wal-Mart so much that he decided to make
his career there.

    Like two-thirds of Wal-Mart's store managers, Rios started off as an
hourly worker - in his case, stocking shoes on the graveyard shift at the
Wal-Mart in his hometown of Hanford in the San Joaquin Valley.

    After two years, Rios was recommended for management training - the
company's fast track - leading him to quit community college and pursue a
climb through the Wal-Mart ranks.

    "There's just something about a Wal-Mart environment," said Rios, who
became manager of the Serene Avenue Supercenter in Las Vegas at age 26. "It
changed who I am, where I was going and what my career goals were."

    Wal-Mart store managers earn about $95,000 annually, including bonuses,
according to the company. Supercenter managers earn $130,000.

    A management position requires long hours - as many as 80 a week - and,
often, a willingness to relocate. Rios worked at six California Wal-Mart
stores before taking the helm at Serene Avenue.

    "It doesn't come free," said Rios, a divorced father who shares custody
of his 2-year-old son.

    Still, he said, the benefits outweigh the sacrifices.

    "I have an open opportunity. I could go into real estate for Wal-Mart.
I could do systems, analysis, accounting. It's endless," Rios said. "If I
wanted to go to Germany or Japan or Brazil or any of the markets we have, I
believe I could go."

    A few weeks later, Rios snared another promotion, moving back to
California as a district manager in the Antelope Valley, overseeing seven
stores from Barstow to Palmdale.

    Larry Allen had his own dreams of climbing the Wal-Mart ladder.

    In the fall of 2001, he and his wife, Jacque, left Portland, Ore.,
where the economy was sputtering, and headed to Las Vegas. He was an
executive chef and she worked in catering. They looked forward to a fresh
start in unionized casino jobs, making more than $15 an hour, with health
insurance and pensions.

    But their timing was lousy. Recession and terrorism were hitting the
gaming industry hard, and work of any kind was scarce.

    Just before their money ran out, the Allens lowered their expectations
and took jobs at the Serene Avenue Wal-Mart. Jacque, then 43, worked the
counter at the in-store restaurant, Radio Grill. Larry, 46, stocked
produce. They each earned $8 an hour.

    Despite the letdown, Larry Allen said he attacked the job with
enthusiasm. Inspired by tales of well-paid Wal-Mart managers who had
started out as hourly employees, such as his manager Aaron Rios, he figured
on working his way up. That was Sam's way, he said.

    "I've been following Sam Walton since the 1970s," he said. "He's the
American dream."

    The glow faded quickly. At his 90-day review, Allen said, he received
an unenthusiastic write-up and an hourly raise of 35 cents. His supervisor
told him that if he continued working hard, in two years he might make his
way up to $10 an hour.

    Allen thinks he knows why he received such mediocre marks. For one
thing, he was prone to question company policy. Then, Allen committed the
ultimate act of disloyalty: He openly promoted unionization.

    West Coast Ambitions

    For decades, Wal-Mart has tantalized and frustrated union organizers.
But the company's move into the grocery business - a labor stronghold - has
raised the stakes dramatically.

    Union organizers say the high wages and benefits of their members are
at risk, as Wal-Mart expands its Supercenters beyond the South and Midwest.
The company recently established a beachhead in Las Vegas, with five

    Next stop: California, where Wal-Mart plans to open 40 Supercenters
starting early next year. In a sense, it has already arrived. Wal-Mart's
low wages are a central factor in the labor dispute between California's
three major supermarket chains and the United Food and Commercial Workers.

    "They are the third party now that comes to every bargaining
situation," said Mike Leonard, director of strategic programs for the UFCW.

    Over many years of hard negotiating, the union has won and maintained
premier contracts for its 800,000 grocery workers. But with the opening of
each new Supercenter, the union's clout erodes.

    Every one of the giant stores sucks away about 200 UFCW jobs, said
retail consultant Burt P. Flickinger III, who runs Strategic Resource Group
in New York. That means less power at the bargaining table and less money
to hire organizers.

    On average, Flickinger says, Wal-Mart's wage-and-benefit package is
about $10 an hour less than those offered by unionized supermarkets.

    For shoppers, that makes a big difference. A cartful of groceries is
17% to 39% cheaper at a Wal-Mart Supercenter than at a unionized
supermarket, according to a survey last year in Las Vegas, Dallas and
Tampa, Fla., by investment bank UBS Warburg.

    Wal-Mart's move into groceries has led 25 regional supermarket chains
around the nation to close or file for bankruptcy protection, eliminating
12,000 mostly union jobs, Flickinger said.

    With this in mind, Safeway Inc. recently aired a videotaped message to
employees, whose contract in Las Vegas expires next fall.

    "Wal-Mart wants our customers and your jobs," said Safeway executive
Larree Renda. Total wage and benefit costs represent 15% of sales at
Safeway, Renda said. At Wal-Mart, they account for 9%.

    "If we don't change," Renda said, "you bet we'll lose jobs - and it
will be in the thousands."

    Staying Unorganized

    From their first day on the job, Wal-Mart employees are advised to
avoid unions and to report any organizing activities to their supervisors.

    "If a union got in here, every benefit we've got could go on the
negotiating table, every one of them," says a man identified as Russell, a
veteran employee, in a video shown to new hires. "Unions will negotiate
just about anything to get the right to have dues deducted out of
paychecks. You see, they need big money to pay union bigwigs and their

    Company policy prohibits any union talk in work areas, and organizers
say they routinely are asked to leave stores. The retailer sought, and last
year received, a court order keeping organizers out of all of its stores in
Arkansas. The state Supreme Court nullified the order in July.

    At the first hint of union activity, Wal-Mart managers are supposed to
call a hotline, usually prompting a team visit from Bentonville.

    Wal-Mart spokeswoman Mona Williams said the intervention was meant to
help store managers respond effectively and legally.

    "Our philosophy is that only an unhappy associate would be interested
in joining a union," she said, "so that's why Wal-Mart does everything it
can to make sure that we are providing our associates what they want and

    But dozens of times in the last four years, attorneys for the National
Labor Relations Board have claimed that the company infringed on the
supermarket union's legal right to organize.

    Although some of those claims have been thrown out, others have been
upheld by administrative law judges, who have ruled that Wal-Mart illegally
influenced employees with offers of raises, promotions and improved working
conditions just before they were to vote on whether to join a union.

    Judges also have found that Wal-Mart illegally implied that workers
could lose benefits such as insurance and profit sharing if they unionized.

    What's more, managers illegally confiscated union literature,
threatened to close down a store if workers voted to join the union, fired
several union supporters and failed to promote others, according to rulings
from Minnesota to Florida.

    Stymied in their previous attempts to organize Wal-Mart workers, UFCW
leaders adopted a new strategy in 2000. They decided to marshal their
resources for a concerted organizing effort in one place: Las Vegas.

    The union reached out to workers with a Web site and a weekly radio
talk show, and posted organizers outside Wal-Mart stores at all hours. When
they could, UFCW members would leave union literature inside stores, hoping
that workers would see it before managers ordered the material thrown away.

    Larry Allen got his first glimpse at a union pamphlet last year as he
carried it to the garbage at the Serene Avenue Supercenter. He was hooked,
and began advocating for an election to bring in the union.

    "Somebody has got to step up and fight for what is right," Allen said.

    Ripple Effect

    Less than a mile away from the Serene Avenue store, another shopping
center stands deserted, in desperate need of an anchor.

    A year ago, the Raley's grocery store here drew thousands of shoppers
who spilled out to neighboring businesses, buying flowers, mailing
packages, getting their nails done. Today, the store is gone. The remaining
shops are struggling.

    "I'm probably down 45%," said Bonnie Neisius, who owns a UPS Store
franchise in the center. "I just don't get the foot traffic anymore."

    A few doors away, Windmill Flowers owner Diana I. Murphy leaned on a
table where she would have been arranging bouquets - had there been

    "There are a couple of things in play," Murphy said. "The recession,
terrorism. And Wal-Mart. It's had a direct effect on me, because they sell
flowers, too.... They even deliver."

    Unlike small towns with boarded-up commercial centers, fast-growing
Vegas quickly loses track of its Wal-Mart victims.

    Wal-Mart's costs to the community tend to show up in subtler ways.

    In an informal survey in the late 1990s of people who used Las Vegas
emergency rooms for routine medical care, patients who said they were
employed but uninsured were asked where they worked.

    "Wal-Mart came up more than any other," said Dr. Raj Chanderraj, a Las
Vegas cardiologist and chairman of the Clark County Health Care Access
Consortium, a group that works to provide medical services to the

    The reason, say critics: Because Wal-Mart pays such low wages, many
employees can't afford the health insurance the company offers. And those
who do have health coverage through the company often can't afford
deductibles that run as high as $3,000 a year.

    "Their employees are ending up at the county hospital and become the
burden of the county," said Clark County Manager Thom Reilly.

    Wal-Mart disputes that. Williams, the company spokeswoman, said that
48% of employees are covered by Wal-Mart's health insurance plan. Among
those who aren't, 26% have coverage from another source such as a spouse's
employer or Medicare, Williams said.

    The notion that Wal-Mart doesn't provide adequate health coverage is
"just rhetoric," she said. "It's simply not true."

    According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute in Washington,
nearly 44% of workers in the retail sector as a whole have
employer-provided health coverage. Among big companies in all industries,
the figure is 66%.

    Those who accuse Wal-Mart of shortchanging its employees, Williams
suggested, don't understand the modern service economy. "Retail and service
wages are what they are," she said, "whether you look at a department
store, a discount store, the local dry cleaners, the bakery or whatever.

    "Wal-Mart is a great match for a lot of people," Williams added. "But
if you are the sole provider for your family and do not have the time or
the skills to move up the ladder, then maybe it's not the right place for

    'I Still Believe in Wal-Mart'

    Larry Allen spent about a year advocating for the supermarket union
while working at Wal-Mart.

    In the parking lot and in the break room, he passed out fliers and
talked up the benefits of unionizing. But he and his fellow union backers
didn't get as far as they hoped. About 42% of workers in the grocery
department at Serene Avenue signed UFCW cards - not enough for the union to
feel confident about winning an election.

    In August, Allen was fired. NLRB attorneys said it was because of his
union activities and filed a complaint against Wal-Mart, seeking his

    On a recent afternoon outside the Supercenter, dozens of union members
rallied to support Allen. "Larry, Larry, Larry," they chanted. Over at the
store entrance, the demonstration was a muffled, distant bit of noise.
Store managers watched on a screen as surveillance cameras scanned the

    Asked about the commotion, a gray-haired Wal-Mart greeter named Robert
just smiled. "They want to make the store union," he said. "But that would
make the prices go up for our customers. We can't let that happen."

    On some level, even Larry Allen understands. "I still believe in
Wal-Mart," said Allen, who now is on the union payroll as an organizer. "I
like the idea of it - give a quality product at a low price. It's what the
American public wants."

    COMING MONDAY Overseas, Wal-Mart's low-cost suppliers feel the heat.

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