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Munirah Chronicle <[log in to unmask]>
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Fri, 30 Jul 2004 08:18:25 -0400
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*                   Today in Black History - July 30                    *

1822 - James Varick is consecrated as the first bishop of the African
        Methodist Episcopal Church Zion (AMEZ). Varick had formed the
        first African American church in New York City in 1796 when
        forced to sit in segregated seating in the white John Street
        Methodist Episcopal Church and had established the first AMEZ
        church in New Haven, Connecticut.

1839 - Slave rebels, led by Joseph Cinque, kill the captain and take
        over the slave ship Amistad in the most celebrated of American
        slave mutinies.  The rebels were captured off Long Island on
        August 26.

1863 - President Lincoln gave an order to shoot a Confederate prisoner
        for every African American prisoner that was shot; it became
        known as the "eye-for-eye" order.  A rebel prisoner would also
        be condemned to life in prison doing hard labor, for every
        African American prisoner sold into slavery.  The order had
        restraining influence on the Confederate government, though
        individual commanders and soldiers continued to murder captured
        African American soldiers.

1864 - The Union Army explodes a mine under rebel lines near Petersburg,
        Virginia, commits three white and one African American divisions
        and is soundly defeated.  The African American division of the
        Ninth Corps sustains heavy casualties in an ill-planned attack.
        The only Union success of the day is scored by the Forty-third
        U.S. Colored Troops which captures two hundred rebel prisoners
        and two stands of colors.  Decatur Dorsey of the Thirty-ninth
        U.S. Colored Troops wins a Congressional Medal of Honor.

1866 - Edward G. Walker, son of abolitionist David Walker, and Charles
        L. Mitchell are elected to the Massachusetts Assembly from
        Boston and become the first African Americans to sit in the
        legislature of an American state in the post-Civil War period.

1866 - White Democrats, led by police, attack a convention of African
        American and white Republicans in New Orleans, Louisiana.  More
        than 40 persons are killed, and at least 150 persons are
        wounded.  Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, Military commander of the
        state, says "It was not riot; it was an absolute massacre...
        which the mayor and the police of the city perpetrated without
        the shadow of a necessity."

1885 - Eugene Kinckle Jones is born in Richmond, Virginia.  He will
        attend Cornell University where he will become one of the founders
        of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. After completing his education,
        he will become a social worker and first executive secretary of the
        National Urban League.  During his 20-year tenure with the
        league, he will  be instrumental in its expansion to 58
        affiliates and a budget of $2.5 million as well as expanding
        its fellowship program to train social workers. He will join the
        ancestors in 1954.

1945 - Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., activist and politician, is elected
        congressman from Harlem.

1956 - Anita Hill is born in Morris, Oklahoma.  She will become an
        attorney and educator best known for her accusations of
        sexual harassment against Clarence Thomas during his Supreme
        Court nomination hearings.

1959 - Willie McCovey steps to the plate for the first time in his
        major-league baseball career. McCovey, of the San Francisco
        Giants bats 4-for-4 in his debut against Robin Roberts of the
        Philadelphia Phillies.  He hits two singles and two triples,
        driving in two runs. It is the start of an All-Star career that
        will land McCovey in baseball's Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New

1961 - Lawrence Fishburne is born in Augusta, Georgia. He will become an
        actor and will star in many Hollywood productions, some of which
        will be "Boyz 'N' the Hood," "What's Love Got to Do With It,"
        and "Apocalypse Now."

1967 - Eight days of racially motivated disturbances end in Detroit,
        Michigan.  The uprising, the worst of its kind in the 20th
        century, kills 43 people, injures 2,000, and results in over
        5,000 arrests and over 1,400 fires.

1967 - A racially motivated disturbance occurs in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
        Four persons are killed.

1970 - Author, television columnist, and Hofstra University professor
        Louis Lomax, joins the ancestors after being fatally injured in
        a car accident near Santa Rosa, New Mexico.

1984 - Reggie Jackson hits the 494th home run of his career,  passing
        the Yankees' Lou Gehrig and taking over 13th place on the
        all-time home run list.  Larry Sorenson is the victim who gave
        up Reggie's milestone homer.

1988 - The first National Black Arts Festival opens in Atlanta, Georgia.
        The biennial festival includes over 50 architectural and art
        exhibits including the works of Romare Bearden, Edwin Harleston,
        Camille Billops, David Driskell, and over 140 others.

1994 - The first U.S. troops land in the Rwandan capital of Kigali to
        secure the airport for an expanded international aid effort.

           Munirah Chronicle is edited by Brother Mosi Hoj
              "The TRUTH shall make you free"

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