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Mon, 2 Feb 2004 19:22:14 -0600
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Hi, this is my third time to try and write this message.
It's real easy to get off into telling the story and I need to stick to the
We went and sat with some other family members this morning as moral support
for this couple.
When we got their, someone from the family had already spoken to the wife
and she was quite set on getting her way, getting her kids, the house, and a
divorce underway.
End of story!
The husband's idea was to walk in, ask that they have some sort of trial
separation during which they could attend counseling, listen to these Jimmy
and Karin Evan's cd sets he had me get for him, and he had also asked his
wife to attend this seminar we are going to soon.
She had refused to listen to the cds, and to go to the seminar and we
weren't holding out much hope once we got their, saw her demeanor and heard
what had gone on already.
We sat in the hall and my cousin kept coming out every break and telling us
what was on the table or what was going on.
We would give our thoughts on it, talk to him a bit and he would go back in.
This was not in front of the judge yet.
Just the lawyers standing off with them going back and forth but the judge
could see them and he saw the wife's demeanor and knew the story as it was
about to come before him.
Finally, my cousin asked that he and his wife just go and sit and talk
alone, without lawyers and see what they could come up with.
They sat down, in a room off the court room, did this and walked out with an
agreement which said, that they would rent a small efficiency apartment, one
would stay in the house, with the kids and the other in the apartment one
week, then they would switch.
Sounds disruptive for the kids but, maybe it will work.
In the mean time, they are to attend counseling, listen to the cd sets and
attend the seminar.
All of that was put down on paper and agreed to.
It's not the merical outcome but it is actually quite a miracle considering
how it started out.
Thank god!
I don't know if seeing the family members, willing to come down and sit it
out softened the wife's heart or if it might have gave her the idea that my
cousin is actually censear about wanting to fix himself and their
relationship but we are really relieved!
Please continue to pray for this family.

Thank you,
