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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 7 Jan 2004 15:41:16 -0600
text/plain (32 lines)

I agree. It seems inhumane to me. I did listen to Focus on the Family some
last night while working on a project, and they touched on the subject of
life support issue such as ventilators. And they had very supportive
evidence that keeping one on life support ventilator was actually cruel and
by no means killing anyone, but merely keeping a soul from the evident
passing and far from euphemism. That is somewhat different than removing a
feeding tube though. And besides, ask my wife, if I get hungry, I get
cranky, and I'm liable to jump up off that bed and wrastle me a nurse for
the chow line lol.


At 01/07/2004 on Wednesday, you wrote:
>Brad & Paul,
>The thing that kind of scares me is having someone give permission to
>allow me to starve to death as happens in too many cases today.  I may
>not want heroic intervention, but I don't think that I would want the
>simple feeding tube removed.  I wouldn't mind having a do not resuscitate
>order placed on my chart either if I was pretty far gone, but from what
>I've heard, having the feeding tube removed to allow starvation to take
>place is a pretty painful and slow way to go.  It can take from seven to
>fourteen days and I just don't think that that's right.
>Maybe I'm just cowardly Kathy, but there you have it!
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