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Tue, 6 Jan 2004 13:48:35 -0600
text/plain (25 lines)
Ah, my brother, the one who did drugs, has a prayer something like that
about people who act as if they are above him.
Something like, God grant me the strength not to pop these people while they
are near me.
That's my inturpritation, not the actual prayer.
He screwed up a lot and there are many of us in the family who know it and
we are now going through the struggles involved in raising our own children,
and we have not turned to drugs, so it's hard not to look at a person such
as him and, knowing what we know of his [past behavior, not to act above him
since we have not turned to drugs and we are making it.
The people he aims this prayer at get on my nervs too though.  Very uppity
without any reason to be.
The woman is a teacher in her 40's who acts like some of the teenagers she
teaches and the husband is a walmart employee in charge of produce.  The
husband was given a promotion and couldn't handle the extra responsibilities
so asked to be downgraded to his current position again.
Dem bulbs who lean on their parents for money a lot.
So, when they act uppity around us, it really becomes a joke.
They are above my brother as far as life style, but spiritually, I think he
has some on them.
Of course, I am sitting here assessing, or judging, so I won't hold the
meater up to myself.
