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carol pearson <[log in to unmask]>
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carol pearson <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 7 Dec 2003 20:32:33 -0000
text/plain (343 lines)
Good article, Phil.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2003 6:57 PM
Subject: Evil Soul Ties and Unholy Covenants

> Here is an article I finished today.  It is also on my Safe Place
> website under the Articles link.
> Evil Soul Ties and Unholy Covenants
>                          By Phil Scovell
>      The term "Evil Soul Tie," is not my invention.   I heard it
> for the first time from a Christian counselor by the name of Areon
> Potter.  He has worked for over 25 years as a Christian counselor
> and largely in the area of demonic influence in a person's life.
> Some would refer to what he does as deliverance ministry but it
> isn't.  Due to the nature of intercessory prayer, some people
> suggest what I do is deliverance ministry, too, but it isn't.
>      I learned about evil soul ties when I was pastoring a church
> in 1990 and it was discovered we had a witch in the church.  Some
> believe she was never born again but was sent to our church to try
> and destroy the church.  That certainly isn't uncommon and people
> of Satanic groups and mind control occults do exactly that.  I
> personally believe, however, she was truly born again but had
> never been fully delivered from the woundedness of her past.
> Thus, she returned to what had worked for her before and what had
> worked for her before was evil in nature.
>      This woman began saying that she wanted spiritual help and
> counsel concerning her past life and I began having counseling
> sessions with her.  She had no family and soon became associated
> closely, too closely, with our family.  This was my first church.
> I was young and pretty green and most certainly inexperienced.
> The subtleness of this woman was not detected by me or my wife at
> any time.  The goal seemed to be for her to come between my wife
> and I but it didn't work.  I have always used my wife's insight
> and sensitivity to give me input to the nature of others and
> especially other women.  As I said, my wife was even fooled by
> this woman.  It reveals the level of deception that was going on
> at the time.  My children began having horrible nightmares and
> many other unusual things occurred.
>      During this time, this woman began using her old tricks of
> the Satanist trade and I began being demonically attacked.  The
> attacks were so powerful, I called an elder of the church to come
> in the middle of the night two different times and we prayed all
> night.  At one time, I literally felt the demons as if they were
> tossing cold dirty buckets of water against my body.  I began
> hearing voices and having anxiety episodes.  For over two years, I
> lived every day in cold freezing demonic fear.  This was when I
> began spending time in Areon Potter's office.  He taught me about
> evil soul ties so I could pray and break the bondage this woman
> had placed upon me demonically and he taught me many other things
> along these same lines of demonic intrusion.
> * Definition
>      Simplifying the definition, an evil soul tie, or what might
> also be called an unholy covenant, is the creation of an unholy
> relationship between two people.  By its own title, the
> relationship implies one of unholiness.  The term "evil" further
> clarifies the relationship because of the demonic influence
> involved.  Since it is unholy, the enemy has a foothold, and
> probably worse, a stronghold which he has established by
> perpetrating deceit in the relationship.  He isn't about to give
> up this stronghold unless he is exposed and the lie is removed
> upon which the unholy covenant is based.  Furthermore, the unholy
> relationship opens the door for many demons to move into a
> person's life.
> * Good Soul Ties
>      The best example of a holy covenant relationship would be our
> relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.  Our souls are knit
> together with Him in love and holiness and we become one.  The
> Holy Spirit also comes to dwell within our spirits as The Witness
> that we are the children of God.
>      Another example of a normal soul tie, or what we can
> literally call a covenant between two people, was established
> between David and Jonathan.  Of course, we now have a whole false
> theology perpetrated which says these two men were homosexuals.
> Yet, the Scriptures say that they loved each other; surpassing the
> love of women.  This did not mean they were homosexuals; it meant
> they were brothers.  To read more into this covenant is less than
> Biblical interpretive honesty.  The picture of covenant between
> two is clearly framed due to the love these two men had for each
> other.  You can read about this covenant relationship in 1 Samuel
> chapter 20.  Upon Jonathan's death in battle, David makes his
> statement concerning his love for Jonathan surpassing the love of
> women in 2 Samuel chapter 1.  Again, to interpret this as
> homosexual in nature violates every hermeneutical rule concerning
> Biblical interpretation of a text.  Of course, you have no problem
> with the simple interpretation of this story unless you have an
> unholy agenda you are attempting to promote.
>      When considering what constitutes good soul ties, or covenant
> relationships, a marriage is a perfect example.  However, due to
> demonic influence in any relationship, even an evil soul tie can
> be created between married couples who love each other.  Yes, I
> certainly agree; that having an evil soul tie within the
> framework of a marriage is unique and seems impossible but due to
> the nature of an evil soul tie, it is not impossible but can be
> quite common.  Let me offer an example.
> * Evil Soul Ties
>      Let's say that sexual expressiveness in a marriage is lacking
> for some reason.  This could be due to any numbers of things but
> lets say one has a high sex drive and the other partner has a low
> sex drive and it is nothing more than that.  Let's say the husband
> becomes frustrated as a result of there simply not being
> sufficient sexual expression in the relationship.  What might
> happen in this case?
>      As the husband begins thinking, he begins wondering if it is
> something wrong in his own life.  thoughts such as, "Well, if I
> were a better man, made more money, could buy her more things,
> make her happy, take her out more often, afford a house instead of
> the small apartment we are living in, and maybe if I could buy her
> a new car, things would be better and I would be more attractive
> to her.  Maybe that's the problem," he thinks, "I'm just not
> attractive to her any more."  Thoughts such as these will stir up
> other feelings he has about himself in the blink of an eye.  He
> will begin considering that he might be inferior and he will
> quickly remember other events in his life which were not so
> pleasant.  What if he had been involved in premarital sexuality
> and he has never been freed from the guilt associated with the sin
> for which he has been forgiven.  More darkness gets stirred up.
>      Eventually, and I say this without reservation, this thinking
> will not only stir up things in the past for this man, but it will
> quickly and easily attract demonic interest in what he is
> thinking.  They will dump even more garbage on him as he continues
> trying to determine the nature of his problem.  Arguments ensue
> with his wife.  Eventually he breaks down and talks to someone he
> believes and trusts in at church.
>      Once he has tried everything he has been told by those he
> trusts at church and he finds nothing changes, or changes very
> little, more frustration sets in.  He knows, deep down inside, it
> is because there is something wrong with him and the tiny voices
> behind his thoughts encourage him to continue thinking along these
> felonious lines.
>      One day, because his car broke down and is in the shop for
> repair for a few days, a buddy at work starts giving him a ride
> home.  They talk about sports most of the time but before long,
> they become friends and start spending more and more time
> together.
>      On the way home from work one day, he decides, since no body
> else seems to know the answer, why not share his frustrations
> concerning his marriage with his new nonchristian friend.
> Besides, the man is older and has been married longer.  He and his
> wife seem to be very happy together.  Maybe getting input from
> someone who isn't a Christian might help.  So he expresses his
> frustration to his new friend.  His friend laughs when he finishes
> his story and says, "You wanna know what I did to solve that
> problem, Frank?"  He says he would appreciate knowing how he
> handled it.  "I went out and found me a nice prostitute and when I
> got home, I showed my wife the credit card receipt."  Frank burns
> his mouth with the coffee he is drinking on the way home and
> nearly chokes.  As a Christian, such a thing never remotely
> crossed his mind but he couldn't say so to his friend.  He
> inquires how something like that solved the problem.  "Well, it's
> this way, Franky, my boy," the older man says.  We had one huge
> fight that night and I ended up sleeping over at a friends house.
> A few days of me being gone, my wife calls me up and asks me to
> come home.  I did.  She apologized and said she was wrong and
> wouldn't let anything like that happen again in our marriage.  I
> told her if it did happen again, I would just do the same thing
> again so to get her act together and she did."  Frank, by this
> time, is hopelessly confused but the seed of deceit has been
> planted.
>      In this story, Frank does not go out; to sleep with a
> prostitute because his Christian convictions and beliefs won't
> permit him to do so.  Instead, he finds another answer.  He
> decides, with a little demonic help, that his wife doesn't really
> love him.  Jealousy begins to burn and because his wife is young
> and attractive, he begins to notice those other men looking at
> her.  The jealousy ignites his anger about himself and the way he
> feels about himself and they end up in a Christian counselor's
> office.
>      During the counseling sessions, the husband admits he is
> jealous.  The demonic influence by this time has blown his
> reasoning ability literally all to hell.  Meaning, of course, his
> reasoning is so beyond the biblical, he is thinking more in the
> unholy realm of demonic influence than in the Holy realm of God's
> Word.  He now even has come to believe his wife is sleeping around
> on him and that's why she doesn't express intimacy with him.  He
> has no idea how he knows this, as the counselor discovers, but he
> believes it with such strong fervor, he even refers to his wife as
> a whore throughout one of the counseling sessions.
>      In this story, I have made it easy to see the progression.
> the essence for this story is based on a true story that a
> Christian counselor friend of mine told me he experienced in his
> own counseling ministry with a husband and wife.   In my telling
> of the story, because I have altered the story and expanded it to
> make it easier to understand the nature of an evil soul tie, how
> did it come into play?  It was the result of the man's sexual
> promiscuity in his earlier days as a teenager.  In short, the
> unholy relationship he had before he got married, which was not
> fully taken care of in his walk with the Lord, was brought into
> the marriage.  The results of this created the evil soul tie, or
> the unholy covenant, between he and his wife.  The solution?  Deal
> with the lies in the husband's life and let the Lord heal him.
> Then if any residual conflict or incompatibility remains between
> husband and wife, address it directly.  With the evil soul tie
> broken and other spiritual issues healed, their will be nothing
> causing conflict between husband and wife and incompatibility
> issues can be easily solved.
>      An unholy covenant, or an evil soul tie, is created every
> time sexual immorality is committed.  The reason for this is
> simple.  The Bible clearly states that a couple becomes "one
> flesh" upon their marriage which is consummated by sexual
> intercourse.  The oneness of the marital union is thus holy by
> nature, therefore, and when we commit sexual sin by having sexual
> intercourse with someone other than our mate, an unholy bond is
> established.  Can't the Christian ask for those sins to be
> forgiven?  Of course and 1 John 1:9 confirms we can.  Furthermore,
> rightness with God is reestablished instantly.  However, since the
> soul tie created by the act of immorality establishes bondage, the
> Enemy has a foothold in a person's life.  This is why, when
> praying with people, they say things like, "I have prayed and
> prayed and prayed and begged God to forgive me but I still feel so
> guilty so he must not have forgiven me.  Maybe I can't be forgiven
> for what I did."  Such confessions become even more entangled as
> the Enemy builds a stronghold in a person's life over the years.
>      Evil soul Ties can also be established between friends.  For
> example, I had a friend for thirty years who was more a father
> figure to me than a friend.  This friend is not a Christian.  Over
> the years, he became involved in daily meditation.  He began
> believing in psychic phenomena or what is generally referred to
> now as parapsychology.  He eventually began believing in
> reincarnation and he even developed a relationship with a spirit
> guide.  A spirit guide is a demonic spirit.  He preferred calling
> it his guardian angel when talking to me because he knew I
> believed otherwise about such things.  His philosophy was, "If it
> doesn't do any harm and only does good, it can't be wrong or
> evil."  The devil loves to use this philosophy and many people
> believe it without question.  My friend was one of those who
> believed exactly that.
>      Swopping information along these lines concerning the
> paranormal verses the Biblical supernatural over the years, it
> became apparent his spirit guide no longer wanted him to remain in
> contact with me.  This is likely due to the ministry the Lord led
> me into which, through intercessory prayer, sets people free from
> such unholy covenants.  He created a conflict within our
> relationship that made it impossible to remain friends.  This was
> very likely his spirit guides idea and not his own.
>      I have written a brief article about an evil soul tie which I
> had with my daughter that you can find on my website.  In this
> case, my daughter was, by nature, bonded to me simply because she
> was my offspring.  My daughter became involved with drugs and
> alcohol and immorality.  The Lord clearly spoke to me one night
> through prayer and informed me that it was time to give my
> daughter over to Him.  In the process, He, my Heavenly Father,
> established a new covenant with me concerning my daughter.  I, in
> return, had to release my daughter.  The evil soul tie which was
> created was related to my wishes and desires that she be saved
> from the drug and alcohol abuse.  Yes, this is the same thing God
> the Father wanted for her as well.  The difference was, however, I
> felt responsible.  Why?  Because I felt I had failed as a father
> in raising her.  This was a lie of the Enemy and established the
> evil soul tie.
>      As the Lord spoke to me one night about this unholy
> relationship, I realized I was in the way because I was bonded to
> my daughter and I was attempting to force the issue of her healing
> on my terms.  God doesn't work that way.  He had to get me out of
> the way before He could do His work in her life.  I broke the evil
> soul tie, therefore, which in turn automatically returned my
> relationship with my daughter back to a good soul tie, or normal
> relationship with me, and thus God was allowed to do His work in
> her life on His terms.
> * Breaking Evil Soul Ties
>      As already mentioned, the way an evil soul tie is generally
> broken, is by discovering, through prayer, the lie upon which the
> unholy covenant was established.  It does not go away simply
> because we have asked for forgiveness for the sin we have
> committed.  Why?  Because an evil soul tie is established by
> implanting a lie.  That lie is normally buried over the years by
> thousands of life experiences.  In more dramatic cases, for
> example, sexually abused children often suppress the trauma so
> well, they may be 30 or 40 or 50 years of age before the original
> events resurface in their memory.  I recently prayed with a woman
> whose woundedness did not surface until she was in her sixties.
>      Sometimes the trauma is so severe and buried so deep, they
> have no memory of the actual event at all; yet it is still there
> buried deep within their mind and their emotions.  Current day
> events will eventually trigger the wounded emotions of the trauma,
> and out comes this roaring frightening horrible pain that seems to
> have no actual memory attached to it.  The solution?  Through
> intercessory prayer, the lie can be located, along with the actual
> memory, and the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ will expose the lie
> and remove the pain and heal the woundedness.
> * The Prayer That Breaks The Evil Soul Tie
>      I use a prayer that my friend Areon Potter wrote and uses in
> his counseling ministry to break evil soul ties.  This prayer,
> however, will not have lasting results unless the lie is first
> located, exposed, and replaced with the truth of the True Lord
> Jesus Christ.  Then the prayer will break the unholy covenant
> permanently and set the person free.
>      If you have more questions about evil soul ties, unholy
> covenants, spiritual bondage of any kind, or need prayer to be
> set free in some area of your life, call Safe Place Fellowship.
> Phil Scovell
> Denver, Colorado - Mountain Time Zone
> Phone:  303-507-5175
> WWW.SafePlaceFellowship.COM