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Sat, 19 Feb 2005 16:06:32 -0700
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BBC NEWS: Saturday, 19 February, 2005, 18:06 GMT

W Africa puts sanctions on Togo

West African governments have imposed sanctions on Togo after its new army-appointed leader, Faure Gnassingbe, rejected calls to resign. The regional grouping, Ecowas, said Mr Faure's promise to hold elections within 60 days was not enough.

The sanctions include suspension from Ecowas, the recall of ambassadors from Togo, a travel ban on the Togolese leadership and an arms embargo.  The African Union has also condemned Mr Gnassingbe's refusal to leave office.

The new head of state was installed after the death two weeks ago of his father, President Gnassingbe Eyadema, who had ruled Togo for 38 years.

Mr Faure originally said he would serve his father's full term until 2008, but on Friday promised to hold presidential elections in the next two months.

Earlier on Saturday Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo - who currently chairs the African Union - told a Togolese delegation that Mr Faure should step down immediately. He was speaking after meeting a high-level Togolese delegation in Nigeria.

Rival rallies

Under the original constitution - which was amended to legitimise Mr Faure's installation - the parliamentary speaker should hold the presidency pending the election.

The opposition wants the new leader to step down immediately

In Togo itself, rival demonstrations by critics and supporters of the new leader passed off peacefully on Saturday. At least 10,000 opposition demonstrators marched through the streets of the capital, Lome.  Many carried placards denouncing the new leader as a "thief" who had stolen power.

Thousands of ruling party supporters gathered separately at the president's residence and said they would support him in the polls. Mr Faure addressed them, restating his determination to hold elections.

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