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"VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List" <[log in to unmask]>
Trippy Brown <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 9 Sep 2005 12:54:16 -0400
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Hi all,
Well, I have a huge question for you all and I don't want to screw up the brailling here, so, here's my question.
I have below a chapter of the Bible and the research numbers for the Strong's concordance included.  I'm sending you the exact chapter in 2 different formats.
I'd  like to know which one of these formats is better for brailling with a braille printer, and also if I were to read it with a braille display?
Is it format 1, or, format 2?
Now, format 1 as you'll see, has 12 spaces before each line starts.
Format 2 has no spaces, it's just the beginning of the line with no spaces.
So, drop me an email and tell me which one is better, will ya?
Thanks alot, never done this before as far as formatting for braille use.
The chapter is below in the 2 formats.
take care,
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            King James Version for Genesis 1:1-31
            Gen 1:1 In the beginning [07225] God [0430] created [01254] (8804) Qal Perfect
(with Strongs #
the heaven [08064] and [0853] the earth [0776].
            Gen 1:2 And the earth [0776] was [01961] (8804) without form
            [08414], and void [0922]; and darkness [02822] [was] upon the face
            [06440] of the deep [08415]. And the Spirit [07307] of God [0430]
            moved [07363] (8764) upon [05921] the face [06440] of the waters
            Gen 1:3 And God [0430] said [0559] (8799), Let there be [01961]
            (8799) light [0216]: and there was light [0216].
            Gen 1:4 And God [0430] saw [07200] (8799) [0853] the light [0216],
            that [03588] [it was] good [02896]: and God [0430] divided [0914]
            (8686) [0996] the light [0216] from [0996] the darkness [02822].
            Gen 1:5 And God [0430] called [07121] (8799) the light [0216] Day
            [03117], and the darkness [02822] he called [07121] (8804) Night
            [03915]. And the evening [06153] and the morning [01242] were the
            first [0259] day [03117].
            Gen 1:6 And God [0430] said [0559] (8799), Let there be a firmament
            [07549] in the midst [08432] of the waters [04325], and let it
            divide [0914] (8688) the waters [04325] from the waters [04325].
            Gen 1:7 And God [0430] made [06213] (8799) the firmament [07549],
            and divided [0914] (8686) the waters [04325] which [0834] [were]
            under [08478] the firmament [07549] from the waters [04325] which
            [0834] [were] above [05921] the firmament [07549]: and it was so
            Gen 1:8 And God [0430] called [07121] (8799) the firmament [07549]
            Heaven [08064]. And the evening [06153] and the morning [01242] were
            the second [08145] day [03117].
            Gen 1:9 And God [0430] said [0559] (8799), Let the waters [04325]
            under the heaven [08064] be gathered together [06960] (8735) unto
            [0413] one [0259] place [04725], and let the dry [03004] [land]
            appear [07200] (8735): and it was so.
            Gen 1:10 And God [0430] called [07121] (8799) the dry [03004] [land]
            Earth [0776]; and the gathering together [04723] of the waters
            [04325] called [07121] (8804) he Seas [03220]: and God [0430] saw
            [07200] (8799) that [it was] good [02896].
            Gen 1:11 And God [0430] said [0559] (8799), Let the earth [0776]
            bring forth [01876] (8686) grass [01877], the herb [06212] yielding
            [02232] (8688) seed [02233], [and] the fruit [06529] tree [06086]
            yielding [06213] (8802) fruit [06529] after his kind [04327], whose
            [0834] seed [02233] [is] in itself, upon the earth [0776]: and it
            was so.
            Gen 1:12 And the earth [0776] brought forth [03318] (8686) grass
            [01877], [and] herb [06212] yielding [02232] (8688) seed [02233]
            after his kind [04327], and the tree [06086] yielding [06213] (8802)
            fruit [06529], whose seed [02233] [was] in itself, after his kind
            [04327]: and God [0430] saw [07200] (8799) that [it was] good
            Gen 1:13 And the evening [06153] and the morning [01242] were the
            third [07992] day [03117].
            Gen 1:14 And God [0430] said [0559] (8799), Let there be lights
            [03974] in the firmament [07549] of the heaven [08064] to divide
            [0914] (8687) the day [03117] from the night [03915]; and let them
            be for signs [0226], and for seasons [04150], and for days [03117],
            and years [08141]:
            Gen 1:15 And let them be for lights [03974] in the firmament [07549]
            of the heaven [08064] to give light [0215] (8687) upon the earth
            [0776]: and it was so.
            Gen 1:16 And God [0430] made [06213] (8799) two [08147] great
            [01419] lights [03974]; the greater [01419] light [03974] to rule
            [04475] the day [03117], and the lesser [06996] light [03974] to
            rule [04475] the night [03915]: [he made] the stars [03556] also.
            Gen 1:17 And God [0430] set [05414] (8799) them in the firmament
            [07549] of the heaven [08064] to give light [0215] (8687) upon the
            earth [0776],
            Gen 1:18 And to rule [04910] (8800) over the day [03117] and over
            the night [03915], and to divide [0914] (8687) the light [0216] from
            the darkness [02822]: and God [0430] saw [07200] (8799) that [it
            was] good [02896].
            Gen 1:19 And the evening [06153] and the morning [01242] were the
            fourth [07243] day [03117].
            Gen 1:20 And God [0430] said [0559] (8799), Let the waters [04325]
            bring forth abundantly [08317] (8799) the moving creature [08318]
            that hath [05315] life [02416], and fowl [05775] [that] may fly
            [05774] (8787) above [05921] the earth [0776] in the open [06440]
            firmament [07549] of heaven [08064].
            Gen 1:21 And God [0430] created [01254] (8799) great [01419] whales
            [08577], and every living [02416] creature [05315] that moveth
            [07430] (8802), which the waters [04325] brought forth abundantly
            [08317] (8804), after their kind [04327], and every winged [03671]
            fowl [05775] after his kind [04327]: and God [0430] saw [07200]
            (8799) that [it was] good [02896].
            Gen 1:22 And God [0430] blessed [01288] (8762) them, saying [0559]
            (8800), Be fruitful [06509] (8798), and multiply [07235] (8798), and
            fill [04390] (8798) the waters [04325] in the seas [03220], and let
            fowl [05775] multiply [07235] (8799) in the earth [0776].
            Gen 1:23 And the evening [06153] and the morning [01242] were the
            fifth [02549] day [03117].
            Gen 1:24 And God [0430] said [0559] (8799), Let the earth [0776]
            bring forth [03318] (8686) the living [02416] creature [05315] after
            his kind [04327], cattle [0929], and creeping thing [07431], and
            beast [02416] of the earth [0776] after his kind [04327]: and it was
            Gen 1:25 And God [0430] made [06213] (8799) the beast [02416] of the
            earth [0776] after his kind [04327], and cattle [0929] after their
            kind [04327], and every thing that creepeth [07431] upon the earth
            [0127] after his kind [04327]: and God [0430] saw [07200] (8799)
            that [it was] good [02896].
            Gen 1:26 And God [0430] said [0559] (8799), Let us make [06213]
            (8799) man [0120] in our image [06754], after our likeness [01823]:
            and let them have dominion [07287] (8799) over the fish [01710] of
            the sea [03220], and over the fowl [05775] of the air [08064], and
            over the cattle [0929], and over all the earth [0776], and over
            every creeping thing [07431] that creepeth [07430] (8802) upon the
            earth [0776].
            Gen 1:27 So God [0430] created [01254] (8799) man [0120] in his
            [own] image [06754], in the image [06754] of God [0430] created
            [01254] (8804) he him; male [02145] and female [05347] created
            [01254] (8804) he them.
            Gen 1:28 And God [0430] blessed [01288] (8762) them, and God [0430]
            said [0559] (8799) unto them, Be fruitful [06509] (8798), and
            multiply [07235] (8798), and replenish [04390] (8798) the earth
            [0776], and subdue it [03533] (8798): and have dominion [07287]
            (8798) over the fish [01710] of the sea [03220], and over the fowl
            [05775] of the air [08064], and over every living thing [02416] that
            moveth [07430] (8802) upon the earth [0776].
            Gen 1:29 And God [0430] said [0559] (8799), Behold [02009], I have
            given [05414] (8804) you every herb [06212] bearing [02232] (8802)
            seed [02233], which [is] upon the face [06440] of all the earth
            [0776], and every tree [06086], in the which [is] the fruit [06529]
            of a tree [06086] yielding [02232] (8802) seed [02233]; to you it
            shall be [01961] (8799) for meat [0402].
            Gen 1:30 And to every beast [02416] of the earth [0776], and to
            every fowl [05775] of the air [08064], and to every thing that
            creepeth [07430] (8802) upon the earth [0776], wherein [there is]
            life [02416] [05315], [I have given] every green [03418] herb
            [06212] for meat [0402]: and it was so.
            Gen 1:31 And God [0430] saw [07200] (8799) every thing that [0834]
            he had made [06213] (8804), and, behold, [it was] very [03966] good
            [02896]. And the evening [06153] and the morning [01242] were the
            sixth [08345] day [03117].
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now, format 2, the exact same document
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King James Version for Genesis 1:1-31

Gen 1:1 In the beginning [07225] God [0430] created [01254] (8804) [0853] the heaven [08064] and [0853] the earth [0776].

Gen 1:2 And the earth [0776] was [01961] (8804) without form [08414], and void [0922]; and darkness [02822] [was] upon the face [06440] of the deep [08415].
And the Spirit [07307] of God [0430] moved [07363] (8764) upon [05921] the face [06440] of the waters [04325].

Gen 1:3 And God [0430] said [0559] (8799), Let there be [01961] (8799) light [0216]: and there was light [0216].

Gen 1:4 And God [0430] saw [07200] (8799) [0853] the light [0216], that [03588] [it was] good [02896]: and God [0430] divided [0914] (8686) [0996] the light
[0216] from [0996] the darkness [02822].

Gen 1:5 And God [0430] called [07121] (8799) the light [0216] Day [03117], and the darkness [02822] he called [07121] (8804) Night [03915]. And the evening
[06153] and the morning [01242] were the first [0259] day [03117].

Gen 1:6 And God [0430] said [0559] (8799), Let there be a firmament [07549] in the midst [08432] of the waters [04325], and let it divide [0914] (8688)
the waters [04325] from the waters [04325].

Gen 1:7 And God [0430] made [06213] (8799) the firmament [07549], and divided [0914] (8686) the waters [04325] which [0834] [were] under [08478] the firmament
[07549] from the waters [04325] which [0834] [were] above [05921] the firmament [07549]: and it was so [03651].

Gen 1:8 And God [0430] called [07121] (8799) the firmament [07549] Heaven [08064]. And the evening [06153] and the morning [01242] were the second [08145]
day [03117].

Gen 1:9 And God [0430] said [0559] (8799), Let the waters [04325] under the heaven [08064] be gathered together [06960] (8735) unto [0413] one [0259] place
[04725], and let the dry [03004] [land] appear [07200] (8735): and it was so.

Gen 1:10 And God [0430] called [07121] (8799) the dry [03004] [land] Earth [0776]; and the gathering together [04723] of the waters [04325] called [07121]
(8804) he Seas [03220]: and God [0430] saw [07200] (8799) that [it was] good [02896].

Gen 1:11 And God [0430] said [0559] (8799), Let the earth [0776] bring forth [01876] (8686) grass [01877], the herb [06212] yielding [02232] (8688) seed
[02233], [and] the fruit [06529] tree [06086] yielding [06213] (8802) fruit [06529] after his kind [04327], whose [0834] seed [02233] [is] in itself, upon
the earth [0776]: and it was so.

Gen 1:12 And the earth [0776] brought forth [03318] (8686) grass [01877], [and] herb [06212] yielding [02232] (8688) seed [02233] after his kind [04327],
and the tree [06086] yielding [06213] (8802) fruit [06529], whose seed [02233] [was] in itself, after his kind [04327]: and God [0430] saw [07200] (8799)
that [it was] good [02896].

Gen 1:13 And the evening [06153] and the morning [01242] were the third [07992] day [03117].

Gen 1:14 And God [0430] said [0559] (8799), Let there be lights [03974] in the firmament [07549] of the heaven [08064] to divide [0914] (8687) the day [03117]
from the night [03915]; and let them be for signs [0226], and for seasons [04150], and for days [03117], and years [08141]:

Gen 1:15 And let them be for lights [03974] in the firmament [07549] of the heaven [08064] to give light [0215] (8687) upon the earth [0776]: and it was

Gen 1:16 And God [0430] made [06213] (8799) two [08147] great [01419] lights [03974]; the greater [01419] light [03974] to rule [04475] the day [03117],
and the lesser [06996] light [03974] to rule [04475] the night [03915]: [he made] the stars [03556] also.

Gen 1:17 And God [0430] set [05414] (8799) them in the firmament [07549] of the heaven [08064] to give light [0215] (8687) upon the earth [0776],

Gen 1:18 And to rule [04910] (8800) over the day [03117] and over the night [03915], and to divide [0914] (8687) the light [0216] from the darkness [02822]:
and God [0430] saw [07200] (8799) that [it was] good [02896].

Gen 1:19 And the evening [06153] and the morning [01242] were the fourth [07243] day [03117].

Gen 1:20 And God [0430] said [0559] (8799), Let the waters [04325] bring forth abundantly [08317] (8799) the moving creature [08318] that hath [05315] life
[02416], and fowl [05775] [that] may fly [05774] (8787) above [05921] the earth [0776] in the open [06440] firmament [07549] of heaven [08064].

Gen 1:21 And God [0430] created [01254] (8799) great [01419] whales [08577], and every living [02416] creature [05315] that moveth [07430] (8802), which
the waters [04325] brought forth abundantly [08317] (8804), after their kind [04327], and every winged [03671] fowl [05775] after his kind [04327]: and
God [0430] saw [07200] (8799) that [it was] good [02896].

Gen 1:22 And God [0430] blessed [01288] (8762) them, saying [0559] (8800), Be fruitful [06509] (8798), and multiply [07235] (8798), and fill [04390] (8798)
the waters [04325] in the seas [03220], and let fowl [05775] multiply [07235] (8799) in the earth [0776].

Gen 1:23 And the evening [06153] and the morning [01242] were the fifth [02549] day [03117].

Gen 1:24 And God [0430] said [0559] (8799), Let the earth [0776] bring forth [03318] (8686) the living [02416] creature [05315] after his kind [04327],
cattle [0929], and creeping thing [07431], and beast [02416] of the earth [0776] after his kind [04327]: and it was so.

Gen 1:25 And God [0430] made [06213] (8799) the beast [02416] of the earth [0776] after his kind [04327], and cattle [0929] after their kind [04327], and
every thing that creepeth [07431] upon the earth [0127] after his kind [04327]: and God [0430] saw [07200] (8799) that [it was] good [02896].

Gen 1:26 And God [0430] said [0559] (8799), Let us make [06213] (8799) man [0120] in our image [06754], after our likeness [01823]: and let them have dominion
[07287] (8799) over the fish [01710] of the sea [03220], and over the fowl [05775] of the air [08064], and over the cattle [0929], and over all the earth
[0776], and over every creeping thing [07431] that creepeth [07430] (8802) upon the earth [0776].

Gen 1:27 So God [0430] created [01254] (8799) man [0120] in his [own] image [06754], in the image [06754] of God [0430] created [01254] (8804) he him; male
[02145] and female [05347] created [01254] (8804) he them.

Gen 1:28 And God [0430] blessed [01288] (8762) them, and God [0430] said [0559] (8799) unto them, Be fruitful [06509] (8798), and multiply [07235] (8798),
and replenish [04390] (8798) the earth [0776], and subdue it [03533] (8798): and have dominion [07287] (8798) over the fish [01710] of the sea [03220],
and over the fowl [05775] of the air [08064], and over every living thing [02416] that moveth [07430] (8802) upon the earth [0776].

Gen 1:29 And God [0430] said [0559] (8799), Behold [02009], I have given [05414] (8804) you every herb [06212] bearing [02232] (8802) seed [02233], which
[is] upon the face [06440] of all the earth [0776], and every tree [06086], in the which [is] the fruit [06529] of a tree [06086] yielding [02232] (8802)
seed [02233]; to you it shall be [01961] (8799) for meat [0402].

Gen 1:30 And to every beast [02416] of the earth [0776], and to every fowl [05775] of the air [08064], and to every thing that creepeth [07430] (8802) upon
the earth [0776], wherein [there is] life [02416] [05315], [I have given] every green [03418] herb [06212] for meat [0402]: and it was so.

Gen 1:31 And God [0430] saw [07200] (8799) every thing that [0834] he had made [06213] (8804), and, behold, [it was] very [03966] good [02896]. And the
evening [06153] and the morning [01242] were the sixth [08345] day [03117].

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