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"VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List" <[log in to unmask]>
Deborah Kendrick <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 8 Oct 2004 08:26:07 -0400
david poehlman <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
david poehlman <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (193 lines)
What they actually do is much more important than what they say they will do
or what they say they thing...

Johnnie Apple Seed

----- Original Message -----
From: "Deborah Kendrick" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 8:09 AM
Subject: [VICUG-L] Fw: ACTION ALERT!! Demand that Bush & Kerry Talk about

----- Original Message -----
From: "Justice For All Moderator" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 7:56 PM
Subject: ACTION ALERT!! Demand that Bush & Kerry Talk about Disability!

"ACTION ALERT!! Demand that Bush & Kerry Talk about Disability!"

Bob Williams, [log in to unmask], writes:

Send a letter to George Bush and John Kerry demanding that
they debate major concerns of Americans with disabilities
and their families.



1. Go to the United Cerebral Palsy website to send a letter
to George W. Bush and John Kerry demanding that publicly
clarify their position on key disability issues in the
final weeks of the campaign. Go to and
follow the appropriate links or directly visit

2. Forward this e mail on to your family, friends and list
serves and urge others to send the same letters.

3. Register and vote this November 2. Make certain others
do the same.

A National Organization on Disability/Harris survey
released in September found that 48% of voters with
disabilities support President Bush, 46% support Senator
Kerry, and 3% support Ralph Nader. However, the National
Organization on Disability found that the disability
community's support is still fluid.

Time is short but together we can and must make a
difference. Thanks!

Bob Williams

[A UCP press release explaining the campaign follows.]


October 7, 2004

Jim Baker
(202) 973-7114
[log in to unmask]

United Cerebral Palsy Challenges Presidential Candidates to
Address Disability Issues in Debates

Supporters can also TAKE ACTION by sending a free letter to
the campaigns
by logging on to

(Washington, DC)  United Cerebral Palsy (UCP), a national
leader in disability issues, has purchased full-page
advertisements in the Washington University Student Life
and the Arizona State University State Press to call on the
candidates for President of the United States to address
the urgent issues facing Americans with disabilities and
their families. Washington University and Arizona State
University will host the final two debates.

One in five Americans has a disability, making up the
largest minority group in the United States.

Yet more than 40 million eligible voters with disabilities
have heard little from the candidates on matters of
education, employment, health care, and accessibility for
people with disabilities.

The final Presidential debates present an opportunity for
the candidates to lay out an inclusive vision for the
future, said Stephen Bennett, President and CEO of United
Cerebral Palsy. And forty million voters with disabilities
have waited long enough to hear it.

To urge the candidates to speak directly to Americans with
disabilities, United Cerebral Palsy is calling on
supporters to write the campaigns through its Web site at

Activists can send a free letter urging candidates to
publicly clarify their position on key disability issues in
the final weeks of the campaign:

* What will you do to make sure all children, including
  those with disabilities, receive the best education
  America can offer?

* What will you do to decrease the 65% unemployment rate of
  people with disabilities?

* What will you do to reform Medicaid so people with
  disabilities of all ages can live in their own homes, not
  nursing homes or other institutional settings?

* What will you do to ensure that voters with disabilities
  have truly equal access to the voting booth?

* What will you do to support more effective enforcement of
  the Americans with Disabilities?

# # #


JOIN AAPD! There's strength in numbers! Be a part of a
national coalition of people with disabilities and join
AAPD today.

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Juno) may see JFA postings as spam because of the large
volume of JFA mail recipients and fail to deliver the
posting. If this happens, the JFA system may automatically
unsubscribe some email addresses. Should you stop receiving
JFA Alerts, please subscribe to JFA again as per the
instructions at
You may also need to contact your service provider to find
out how to prevent JFA postings from being recognized as

deletes subscribers that are over their message quota.
If you stop using an account please unsubscribe that old

With hundreds of inbound emails and thousands of outbound
emails daily, JFA can not respond to every message.

We thank you for your understanding and continued
outstanding advocacy!

JUSTICE FOR ALL -- A Service of the
American Association of People with Disabilities

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 VICUG-L is archived on the World Wide Web at

VICUG-L is the Visually Impaired Computer User Group List.
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 VICUG-L is archived on the World Wide Web at