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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Binneh Minteh <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 17 Feb 2004 13:16:10 -0500
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (174 lines)

OPTV is lamenting and shedding tears because the more time flies the faster
the war that is being predicted in The Gambia approaches.The eggs are about
to be hatched and the end will be bitter.Waa Juwara has been sentenced and
some of us are still laughing thinking that,life can continue as usual? Waa
represents a party as a politician but he represented the lives of those
who are being trampled upon when he called for a demonstration. A Political
demonstration worths being jailed for six months? How about if Waa was to
be voted in as an MP and then lobbyied for Jammeh to be impeached?
He was going to be buried alive then.
It is certain that Waa was going to be jailed after he came and spoke to
important people in the United States of America.The Atlanta meeting has
always been percieved as the spring board that could justify the reason why
many people should be killed by mad Yahya.It was an opportunity for Waa to
reveal a lot. Gambians in the diaspora  were denied the opportunity of
knowing how mad Yahya kills and buries people unoticed.
After that meeting we all saw Yahya trying to ridicule Halifa Sallah with
puerile charades which were coming from a mad mind.Yahya had nothing to
talk about towards Halifa except his hair style and certificates?! Halifa
disappointed us a little bit because why should he  have even attempted
answering to a mad man?!  Mad Yahya and his cronies are qualified
practioners when it comes to personal and childish gibberish especially,
when caught urinating in public.

OPTV wishes that there were no ethics and rules attached to these fora,then
Yahya and his cronies would have lived to regret why they were born in the
first place.If they fabricate case files in court or personal attacks
towards decent people,OPTV is so eager to tell these people so many
stinking things that some of them would  prefer taking sleeping tablets
like their Boss,(we have been told by close aides that Yahya is taking
tranquilisers these days?). We are constantly praying that mad Yahya's
cronies step in with their threats.That will be a leeway for OPTV to send a
signal to Yahya.We will start from Alabama,Bakau New Town,Guinea
Bissau,Libya and then leave the fire ball flying up in the sky. Yahya will
never in his right mind entertain someone to go personal with OPTV by
defending him. Let them try! Anyone who chooses to defend Yahya on line by
using threats and personal attacks should go and ask Yahya first before
starting.OPTV has been heeding advises from G! ambian elders within USA and
home,if not by now The Game would have been over!
However,we are all ears.Please let mad Yahya's cronies bear in mind that
revealing some stuff on Yahya is more harmful to them than them attacking us
(personally). Members of OPTV expect fabrications and lies because we know
that we are dealing with people who were homeless before today.
OPTV is not like those wavelengths that can be silenced by charades. We
have a lot of out lets at our disposal and Yahya will certianly live to
hear and read about things that he would have never thought of! Give it
try. The interview that is being organised with those radios that helped
people in Haiti is going to take place immediately after the Radio Tam-
Tam.OPTV has also approached diplomats and will adress them whenever the
respective deans of the diplomatic corps in Newyork and DC are ready.OPTV
invites everyone including those threatening us on line to come and hear us
speak at different places of importance.The Gambia-l and Post are good out
lets however we have created an over whelming avenue of information and
connections that Gambians will see if OPTV is bluffing or realistic?! We
have so far scheduled so many meetings. We are not hiding we will certainly
touch the sky with Yahya and his cronies. I do not think threats are what
someone should use to handle OPTV!! ar
Gambians ask yourselves these questions?

1/Who is Justice Paul?
Justice Paul came to serve in The Gambia and was handpicked by mad Yahya.He
is neither part of the commonwealth team nor the Nigerian technical
assistance team?
He is a direct hire and a legal mercenary.Paul and magistrate King are the
They are answerable to money and disrespect the independence of the
Maybe sending this message to Justice Paul could help OPTV get a leeway
therefore jump start! mad Yahya to think of suing people for libel( at
least!).  OPTV will send an open letter to Justice Paul and then challenge
him to sue it. He is a judge therefore capable of suing and defending
himself we hope?

2/Why did he over stay his contract as an attorney at the AMRC?
Justice Paul over stayed his contract at the AMRC because he was a good
agent for Kausu Gibba,mad Yahya and Manlafy Jarju. Paul was directly hired
after having been tested and  then passed with flying colours.He then
became another certified tseste fly.
This very Paul will help Mad Yahya cause an uprising very very
soon.Gambians should look out for Paul when the guns start cackling he
should not leave because he is part of those who are brewing anarchy in our
small beloved country.
Ask Bory Touray and others if Justice Paul is not what OPTV has just said?
As far as Paul is there anyone who has an issue with mad Yahya will
certainly face him.
OPTV challenges Paul to tell us why Lawyer Silla was shot?
There are different ways that a snake like Justice Paul can implicate
people.Now OPTV wants to ask the police if Justice Paul is better than
Nigerian taxi driver Stevens who was complaining few days ago? If mad Yahya
can call attention our towards the protocol he dreams about,then let him
also tell us why Justice Paul is being embraced at Kanilai every weekend?
Qualified Gambians to be given chances before foreigners? Not over
foreigners like Justice Paul anyway.
OPTV visited the (ECOWAS protocol)but could not see where 13 Badjie was
quoting from?

Justice Paul should be very careful because he is destroying a noble
profession that should be guided by the finest traditions and ethics within
the framework of all lawful means. Have we ever seen any Judge from a
foreign land be so rude and bold like Paul?
Paul insulted journalists in the court room.He yelled on lawyers.He even
went to the extent of arguing with some journalist and then warned that he
could throw him in jail directly.Paul sees any person in that court room(if
you are  charged by mad Jammeh) like a dog.
Anyway Justice Paul is being reminded that however long a stick stays in
the river it can never ever become an aligator.

3/Why are all cases being given to Paul?
Citizens of our land should study the trend and see! Any case that affects
mad Yahya's interest is brought before Justice Paul.Mad Yahya likes Paul
and he is being aided and abetted by that very reckless judge! to twist and
turn cases! Paul is a shameless lackey who would not could not even have
been a district magistrate in countrie's like his own!
Justice Paul should be encouraged to debate Gambians on line and then he
will be taught some ethics and fine traditions which he should adopt when
dispensing justice.At the moment Paul is ruling without reason,he only
listens to one side and then fumbles through the files(cynically) before
sentencing people.Paul comes to the court house with a mind set.Omar Joof
was smart enough to refuse going back and face trial after the student's
demonstrations.He was certainly going to face Paul and then that shameless
man would have jailed him for sedition period.Here we have a judge who
hails from a country that has been witnessing the bloodiest and harshest
demonstarations in Africa! At the same time shamelessly helping a mad man
silence our people by using an old wick and poisonous bottle of ink.

As far as Paul is there no other judge will be entertained to handle cases
like that of Baba Jobe,Dumo Sarho and others. Baba Jobe is wasting his time
he should as well tell his lawyers to give up and go home because OPTV has
received news that Paul has already been ordered to sentence Jobe.Paul is
trying to paint the trial with witnesses and lawyers who he does not
respect at all.
Baba has to bear in mind that MILE TWO will serve him food if Yahya and
Paul stay there any longer.Justice Paul maybe one of those Nigerians who
have a long list of titles around his neck.These sort of people are power
hungry and worship money.
The same people are what we have in The Gambia.Nigeria has aways been
derailed by people like Paul. Here he comes trying to help a mad man
instill fear and terror.
Paul will be disgraced in broad day light very very soon,possibly by some
people who know him very well.Let him watch out. We understand that he
visits the Gambia-L and Post so let him read this piece and we are waiting
for his stinking wick to sue us with Jammeh.God I am praying to be sued by
Jammeh in any country other The Gambia.

Justice Paul or Chief Justice,Who is closer to mad Yahya?
Justice Paul is far more closer to mad Yahya than Arif the Pakistani.The
forces that brought Arif are close to Yahya so Arif is just an agent being
Arif is shaky and is more of an administrator than a judge.He sits there
and passes files without even scrutising them.These people have mastered
mad Yahya's whims so they are there to get payed and go home.Arif is
working towards a final retirement and has so much at stake.Arif is there
because of politics and nothing else.That is why OPTV has been throwing in
that question every time ie Why did mad Yahya hire a Pakistani Judge?
Yahya likes Paul and he invites him to Kanilai for private chats. Can you
imagine a justice system like that?
Justice Paul is nothing but a painting on the wall showing that justice has
been decorated.
Justice should instead be honoured.

Binneh S Minteh
NewYork University.

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