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Dori Zook <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 25 Nov 2003 16:36:01 -0700
text/plain (115 lines)

A Warning To Atkins Dieters
NEW YORK, Nov. 20, 2003

Some doctors are raising a red flag about the safety of the popular, high
protein, low-carb Atkins diet.

Dr. Neal Barnard, a representative for the Physicians Committee for
Responsible Medicine (PCRM), explains on The Early Show that new survey and
data of previously unreported health problems raises questions about the
safety of the Atkins Diet and other high-protein, low-carb weight-loss

He says,” This morning, we’re reporting two deaths. One is the 16-year-old
girl who wanted to lose some weight and went on a popular low carb, high
fat, high protein diet, collapsed in school and died suddenly. Autopsy
showed a massive abnormality in the heart.

"Another case, a 41-year-old man, no prior history of heart disease,
collapsed suddenly and the same thing, the autopsy showed a massive heart
malfunction. A third case, a man happened to have a heart scan prior to
going on the diet and he got a clean bill of health, but after about two
years on this popular low-carb diet, developed chest pain, had stress test
changes and angiogram that showed a massive blockage in the heart.”

People claiming to have been harmed by high-protein diets reported health
problems on a PCRM's Web site registry. The online registry found:

42 percent reported loss of energy

31 percent reported difficulty concentrating

22 percent reported kidney problems

20 percent reported heart-related problems

Barnard notes, “The question is this: are these coincidences or could this
be a contributor? We are asking the U.S. Centers For Disease Control to
investigate what problems, what fatalities, could be or could not be linked
to this kind of diet fad. “

Although the evidence, so far from the small number of documented cases and
PCRM Web site survey, does not present hard scientific evidence or proof of
harm from the Atkins diet, there is enough of a pattern to warrant real
studies, Barnard says.

Since its inception in 1970, the Atkins diet has been controversial. It’s
also been very popular, especially in recent years. Barnard’s advice to
people who are on those type of diets is to get off of them and follow the
dietary guidelines that health authorities have established.

He says, “The fad approach has said, 'Let’s forget the fact that fat and
cholesterol are linked to heart disease and let’s forget the fact that a
meaty diet is linked to colon cancer.' We’ve known that for a long period of
time. In the pursuit of short-term weight loss, people have gone on this
approach. If we look, however, who on this planet are the skinniest and the
thinnest and the best with a long-term weight management, it’s not people on
high protein diets. It’s people in Asia who are on diets based on plant
foods, rice noodles and vegetables or if you look at vegetarians, they are
thinner and live longer than anyone else, so we should be going on that

The online survey is not a scientific study, so there are no hard facts to
say definitively that the Atkins diet is harmful. But the PCRM says there is
enough evidence for concern.

A major effort by the CDC is needed to keep track of the health effects
beyond the limited clinical trials, according to Barnard. Those trials have
focused on weight loss and only peripherally addressed the underlying health

The PCRM notes the following in its report:

While a few recent studies have noted that high-protein,
carbohydrate-restricted diets facilitate modest short-term weight loss, no
studies have investigated the long-term health consequences of consuming
such diets for weight-loss purposes.

Diets high in fat, especially saturated fat, are associated with increased
risk of cancer, diabetes and heart disease, and diets high in animal protein
have been shown to increase the risk of kidney problems, osteoporosis, and
some types of cancer.

Because fiber is found only in plant foods, and high-protein, high-fat,
carbohydrate-restricted diets tend to be low in plant foods, these diets are
also typically low in fiber. Low fiber intake is associated with increased
risk of colon cancer and other malignancies, heart disease, diabetes and

Some high-protein, very-low-carbohydrate, weight-loss diets are designed to
induce ketosis, a state that also occurs in uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
and starvation.

When carbohydrate intake or utilization is insufficient to provide glucose
to the cells that rely on it as an energy source, ketone bodies are formed
from fatty acids. An increase in circulating ketones can disturb the body's
acid-base balance, causing metabolic acidosis. Even mild acidosis can have
potentially deleterious consequences over the long run.

For these reasons, high-protein, high-fat, low-fiber and
carbohydrate-restricted diets, such as the Atkins Diet, especially when used
for prolonged periods, are expected to increase the risk of multiple chronic
diseases and other health problems, despite the weight loss that may
accompany their use, Barnard says.

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