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Mon, 24 Nov 2003 11:42:53 -0500
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As long as we carry the cross of "Political Correctness", we will never have societal parity in this country.  If one group (ex. the "government", the "schools", etc.) insist on certain verbage and actions without taking the time to look underneath at the real issues, class and race will continue to be societal stumbling blocks.

Since Johnson's "Great Society" we've created cultures and generations of professional "victims" who would rather "mother" children they can't afford and "father" children they don't value, while at the same time pointing the finger of blame at someone else for their plight.

There is absolutely NO reason that any individual of ANY race or creed cannot live comfortably in this country and know the value of a days wages for a days work.  Single mom?  Have three kids and don't know how to feed them?  Hmmm...who "made" you have those children?  Weren't you at least somewhat responsible for their birth?

I don't suffer from "white guilt".  Never have, never will.  Why?  Well for one, when I was a kid my parents had to decide between braces for me or groceries for the family.  Did they complain?  Hardly!  They realized that sacrifices in cars, entertainment, clothes and, yes, food would pay off for me AND them someday.  They knew disappointment, sure.  They also knew it was no one's fault, and if they were going to get pulled up by the boot straps then it was going to have to be their hands on the leather.


----- Original Message -----
From: kat <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Monday, November 24, 2003 8:04 am
Subject: Re: I dont think this is a Black White thing...

> The black people in my office building don't do that sort of
> thing.  They work
> just as hard and long as everyone else, no excessive talking, etc.
> I think
> it's the workplace attitude more than a race thing.
> My niece who is white, has dated black guys and Hispanic guys.
> She's been
> doing that ever since high school and she's 26 now.  It's no big deal.
> *shrugs*
> Kat
> On Monday 24 November 2003 07:04 am, you wrote:
> > Well, Deri,
> >
> >            I must tell you - what seems to be missed here - is
> the stereo
> > type about white people.  I live in DC. I love the way - the
> black people
> > here stereo type us - just becasue we are white and our lives
> are so easy -
> > we don't have problems  - its best to realize the knife cuts
> both ways - I
> > am with Ken on the black people I know are better off than I am.
> Bigger> houses, nicer neighborhoods, better lives ( no 11 hour
> work days for them)
> > better education, sororities and frats, gold watchs, Movodo's,
> cruises and
> > fancy vacations - its freaking shame the true issues never get
> addressed> that the poor no matter what color get shafted - it so
> easy to pick a
> > scapegoat, and never look at the real cause. Maybe becasue I
> live in a
> > major metro area things are different -  the company I work for
> is really
> > equitably racially and foreignly represented - of the 61 people
> in the
> > office - 16 are black, 16 are foreign, that's little more than
> half. but of
> > the 61 - only 28 are female.  Our team of eleven is pretty
> equitably - 6
> > women - 5 guys - 5 black, 5 white and 1 foreign. And I must tell
> you the
> > black ladies I work with have lovely lives and kinda fit the
> stereo type
> > work wise, come in at 10, leave at 4, have at least an hour
> lunch, have
> > great yak sessions, lots of phone time, and have a TV running
> soaps all
> > day.
> >
> >
> >                                                             Trisha
> >
> > > On Friday 21 Nov 2003 10:03 pm, you wrote:
> > > > So I wont add to the list...I will say that I have a
> > > > daughter...NDA...23 yo college student.  Who happens to
> drive a Mustang
> > > > GT Convertible.  Shes stopped all the time...so I have to
> disagree Its
> > > > not a black/white thing. She drove a Hyuandi for 7 years and
> was never
> > > > stopped.  Had the Mustang for 3 months and has been stopped 3
> > > > times...from illegal lights..which she didnt have...to
> running a
> > > > policeman off the road 2 hours earlier...which she didnt
> do...to just
> > > > stopping her for the Hell of it.  My NDA 17 year old son
> drives an Neon
> > > > R/T...hes pulled over even more than she is...for no
> apparent reason...
> > >
> > > You are right Betty, its not just a black/white thing, however
> what you
> > > are describing above is the police reacting to perceived
> stereo types. A
> > > 17yr old male driving a Neon R/T = up to no good.
> > >
> > > Stereo types exist because they are a form of 'lazy thinking',
> its a form
> > > of short hand, you don't have to think too hard if you
> compartmentalize> > everyone into nice neat pigeon holes. But, if
> you happen to belong to a
> > > group which has a widespread negative stereo type it means
> odds of
> > > success are stacked against you. We all rail against the
> negative stereo
> > > type of being disabled when searching for employment, but it
> seems we
> > > employ the same 'short hand thinking' to other groups in society.
> > >
> > > Stereo typing people also has a self fulfilling element,
> "Disabled people
> > > are not as good employees as the TABs (if they were there
> would be a lot
> > > more disabled people in employment)".
> > >
> > > > If you or I were faced the charges that Michael Jackson
> faces...DYFS> > > would have been to our homes and taken our
> children away.  He spent
> > > > what an hour at the police station?  My brother in law got
> stopped last
> > > > week in NYC for making an improper turn...and actually spent
> the night
> > > > in jail...handcuffed and shackled...with people charged with
> murder.> > > Jackson is back in LV.
> > > >
> > > > I believe in the Innocent until found Guilty thing as well.
> OJ got
> > > > off? Did that make him innocent?
> > >
> > > Afraid it did. I may not like the guy, I may wish the justice
> system was
> > > nearer perfection, but it would not be fair to treat him as
> guilty after
> > > his acquittal.
> > >
> > > > Something to think about for sure...
> > > >
> > > > Have a great weekend...
> > > > Betty
> > >
> > > Cheers
> > >
> > > Deri