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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 29 Jan 2006 19:12:12 -0800
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Alieu Sanyang <[log in to unmask]>
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Mr. Mbai,
  I am not a NADD supporter and NEVER will be. However, your making up of stories have just got out in the plains. This is why the few who were cheering for you when you fabricated the stories on President Jammeh all of a sudden became your critics.
  It is easier to say it is your "independent" writings that makes them so. First of all, Mr Mbai, you do not write any journalism art. You write compositions and I now understand why. It has everything to do with your background. You are not a journalist Per Se. You are a practicing journalist like many others who think that just by writing for a publication makes them a journalist.
  Mr. Mbai, if you were a journalist, what you write, what you print and how you write would have been more mature and defend-able. I am not surprised at the amount of critics you got these days on Gambia-L and the rests of the forums, for it is the kind of negativity it had been feeding on. It just happens to be the time to spit what was swallowed.
  Unless we as Gambians are able to differentiate the folks who are using others and the mediums we have, their selfish egos will be hidden. This is what just happened to you. Could'nt you see what happened to Dr. Saine too? Did you see him here trying to defend himself again? he will not. He is too smart for that.You should not be surprised. I see that when the debate got heated, you tried so much to spin and bring Mr. Sankarreh into it. If I recall well, he said he was not subscribed to the List. What both you and Sankarreh need to get is not who writes the story as much as what is written. I bet if you to write things that are not correct, you will continue to get such critics. It might just be from different camps depending on who you lied about. Stop thinking that because you write the truth that is why you are being criticized. No brother, it has to do with the lies being reported. When you write the truth, no one will criticize you. You will get cry-foul calls and nothing
  Mr. Mbai, be real to yourself. How many articles did you write here and said it is from sources? You have never tried to verify any of the information you got. My brother, you can continue to fool a lot of people but not all. And sooner or later, it creeps under you just like this one.
panderry mbai <[log in to unmask]> wrote:


Leader of the United Democratic Party Ousainou Darboe, yesterday also failed to attend the NADD flag bearer meeting, which was adjourned to Wednesday. He was represented by his deputy Yahya Jallow and Kemesseng Jammeh, said a well placed NADD insider. Darboe's conspicuous absence is indeed worrying at this hour, when the NADD leadership is yet to resolve the flag bearer stalemate. Sending representatives is not just enough as we hinted time and time in the past. Darboe, being a key stakeholder in this important decision process, should attend such meetings. 

We gathered that an agreement was reached that parties vying for the NADD Presidential seat should accept the outcome of the selection process, even whereas such decisions are not in their favour. Both OJ and Halifa agreed, but Darboe was not there to adopt the said resolution. His representatives at the meeting said they cannot adopt such a resolution in the absence of Darboe. That Darboe, himself should decide and not them. This led to the postponement of the NADD meeting to Wednesday. What is the point of sending Jallow and Kemesseng when they cannot effect decisions during Darboe's absence? We also learnt that the US based Save The Gambia For Democracy and Development project had dispatched a letter to the NADD leadership, which they made their position on the flag bearer selection process. Our source said the NADD leadership had included the STGDP letter in their decision process on the looming leadership crisis.

We have been repeatedly warned by Darboe fans to desist from writing on their leader and NADD in general, until a definitive agreement had been reached on the flag bearer issue. Well, one thing our friends failed to understand is that we are not here to dance to any one's tune, besides our esteemed readers, whose interest overrides the interest of few centred individuals, bent on burying the truth. 

We do not mind to be damned for publishing the truth, but we shall continue to update our valued readers about the political transformation taking place in our dear country. We will not allow to be censored by such individuals, who are not only economical with the truth, but the realities on the ground. Our sources are unimpeachable and we will continue take credible reports they provided to us in good faith.

Mr.Darboe, we harboured no grudges against you and people trying to condemn us for speaking the true state of affairs in our country are enemies of " PRESS FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY." We are not here to please you, nor to smear your image, as erroneously implied. The press being the watch dog of society, will not allow interest groups to dictate to them how they should do their job. It is an insult for a non journalist to tell us how to run our show. We know our field better than them. In as much as we are opened to observations, criticism and advises, we will never depart from our national duty. We are here to give all shades of society fair coverage, irrespective of one's political affiliation. 

We reported a lot of stories on Jammeh's corrupt and dictatorial policies and yet some over zealous Darboe fans don't want us to write or comment about their cherished leader. The other day, a friend of mine, who shared the same tribe with Darboe told me that "IF I WERE DARBOE'S DAUGHTER, I WILL SUE YOU TO COURT FOR HAVING REPORTED SUCH SENSITIVE STORIES AGAINST HIS FATHER." The friend did not stopped at that, he went online attacking my person for merely doing my basic journalistic work. I just laughed over it and said to him she is free to sue me at any given time. Knowing how rationale Darboe and his family are they will never venture into such undemocratic moves. The same people were calling me day in day out for having the daring mind to expose Jammeh. You can see the hypocrisy here....Well, they will continue to be shocked, as no one on this universe can deny me my God given right and freedoms in a country, which cherishes liberties of people.

Back to Mr.Darboe's repeated absence at the ongoing NADD meetings, we as Gambians should be concerned on Darboe's recent move. What is going on? Is Darboe, sending warning messages to his colleagues that without his nomination as flag bearer, he may as well call it a day. More questions than answers. Will Darboe, please attend these meetings in the interest of democratic change in The Gambia. 

We viewed his action as a "total contempt and disrespect" for NADD. Darboe, need to humble himself down and avoid being miscarried by enemies of the opposition. In today's Gambia, if you are not sycophant, liar or hypocrite, you are often termed as an enemy. We must adopt the culture of tolerance and tell our leaders the unpleasant truth. Hypocrisy will not move us any where. Most opposition coalitions in Africa failed, not because there was no popular will for political change, but due to the leadership greed confronting such opposition mergers. NADD, risked to fail, if its leaders are treating one another with contempt.

A NADD insider told me today"We will fail our people, if we cannot speak with one voice. The current trend is not promising at all." Indeed. If Lawyer Darboe, can absent himself from such meetings is indeed worrying. We respect Darboe, but this type of comportment is not the least healthy for NADD. Nobody, can stop us from commenting on this serious state of affairs. The press stands to be accused of double standards, if it fail to update Gambians on this issue of national concern. 

This issue of "NGAY BULLA FOR YAA PARAY" is not the solution to the current problem faced by NADD. The Gambian public and civilised world reserves the right to know what is happening with Jammeh's government, just like in the case of the opposition. I thank God that I'm not affiliated to any political party in The Gambia and as such I'm free to express my opinion on their activities, be it public or private. I also do not need to seek the permission from anybody to air my views on issues of this nature. Let my critics call me names,but I will report the truth. 

Some Darboe fans argued that the absence of their leader should not be an issue now since, he Darboe, had delegated two of his party officials to attend. That Hamat Bah, failed to attend the first nomination and yet there was no noise on Bah's absence. Yes,to some extent, the Darboe supporters are right, but Darboe being a "father figure" in our domestic politics should be a man of example and not otherwise. We always advocated that party leaders should attend the said meetings. It is evident that Hamat Bah, had not expressed interest in leading NADD. What is clear is that Darboe, OJ and Halifa are the ones so far identified. This rendered their argument untenable. 

Our NADD source said they are hoping that by Wednesday, Darboe will do justice to the coalition and attend in person. The proclamation taken by Halifa and OJ, should be adopted by Darboe, to find a lasting solution to this leadership crisis. The world is closely watching and we hope and pray that Darboe will attend the next meeting. NADD should move on and not to allow to fall into Jammeh's wishes-that is to see a Gambia without an opposition coalition. We rest our case. 

The author is the former Secretary General of The Gambia Press Union and also the Voice of America, radio Banjul Correspondent. Mr.M'Bai, who now resides in the US State of North Carolina, Raleigh, was a leading political and crime reporter with the Daily Observer and the Point Newspapers respectively. He can be reached on the following email addresses: [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask] 

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