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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Binneh Minteh <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 19 Mar 2004 16:37:26 -0500
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (180 lines)

Fellow Gambians, let us revisit  the extravagant life style of this
shameless mad President and his so call wife and make judgements as to why
they should not be the first to have faced Operation No Compromise if it is
not just a wretched movie.Should we trust one like Yahya to decide the
faith of our nation? Is it not an insult to all Gambians for having a fake
soul like Yahya as our President? Is he not just a liar? Is he not the
notorious thief in the Gambia robbing our meagre resources?

Even the  people of Swaziland spoke against their king when he wanted to
buy an aircraft,because their economy was weak.Their protests helped
minimise the king's extravagant life style,the US authorities warned that
they were not going to assist the Swazi government if they could purchase
an aircratf for the private use of the king.That reaction was genuine
because the king was ignoring the suffering population of Swaziland. The
king could not swim against the tide so he had to budge and listen even if
he did not want to,he was intelligent enough to listen. The king was not
elected and has extraordinary powers,but the voices of the citizens of
Swaziland rose above his personal interest. Gambians can try the same
things if we read and digest the following.

In The Gambia we have a so-called 'elected' king at Kanilai who does not
listen and chooses who to whip and who to spare.Should OPERATION NO
COMPROMISE exclude Last Lady Zeinab Suma Jammeh? As far as Binneh is
concerned she is the last lady for the following reasons.She is non
Gambian,she cares less about our people and she does what she likes and
spends as much as she can in the midst of poor farmers who cannot sell
their nuts. Zeinab's own husband is the so-called, head of state and
secretary of state for agriculture.

when this half 'naar' and half Susu joined our people behind the
curtains.She is from a very very poor back ground in Morocco.Zeinab came in
and caused a serious turmoil between mad Yahya and his former wife.She
wriggled through and burrowed her roots.We were told that her father was a
rich businessman.That is a very very big lie.Her father brought us that
company called BIVAC.This very company made the customs lose a lot and
today no one dares say so.After the YDE saga why not we further scrutinise
the history of the customs dept from 1994 to now? BIVAC was a mess and
Zeinab's father knew about that.We all remember that controversy. This very
company used to handle the clearance of all goods that passed through the
ports authority.The country lost a lot of revenue because of BIVAC.It
stayed there waiting for the end of the honey moon between the duo at state
house.Zeinab knows about that.She is not innocent she is behind a lot of
the things that are happening especially the dark and shady deals that take
place abroad.Zeinab should face future commissions too and the case has to
be studied from now.We all know that she arranged and brought Moroccan
architects to renovate the state house.Our national symbol! I think it
would have been even more accurate to invite British architects to do that
instead of Moroccans! The British colonised us and the architecture is

During her early days she stayed mute and masked her wanty eyes behind
those dark shades.The only thing Zeinab had on her was a Jellaba. After a
while we saw an image growing and she was transformed to a so-called
queen.That is! what Yahya wanted for himself as the mad King of The
Gambia.These lackeys lacked everything that qualified a person to be what
they want Gambians to accept for them at this stage.Here they are! burning
our weak dalasi like dry grass. Stopping this extravagant life is what some
call jealousy or hatred agianst Yahya.If that is the way then Binneh hates
Yahya and will hate him for ever.Yahya should know that him being hated in
a justifed way will not help him stay there any longer. Even first lady
Wade who was born in France and has rich parents does not show off like our
last lady does.She joins the Sangamar like her husband or flies Air France
when on a private trip.Senegal's economy is far stronger than ours,so why
can't Yahya lie low and serve the co untry honestly? He cannot because he
does not know what honesty is. Zeinab Yahya Jammeh,uses private planes and
spends thousands of dollars during her trips.This lady's side of the story
is being ignored by many but she is burning our dalasi more than anyone
back home.Zeinab does not care! she hates Gambians and sees herself as
queen because that is what mad Yahya wants her to feel.She does not speak
any other Gambian dialect.Her husband the mad man thinks telling her the
truth means losing her! OPTV has recieved information that Zeinab buys
furniture and ships it to Morocco and Guinea constantly.She has family in
both countries and all of them depend on her. She spends money on three
main things; -Her daughter,clothes! and then hires planes flying around the
world on an endless shopping spree.Her traces are all over the world,in
hospitals,super markets and expensive hotels.This is an open secret that
every Gambian knows,we do not need OPTV to educate anyone on that. Zeinab h
ires jets she does not use passenger planes.Let's do some mathematics on
the following expenditure and see. She uses $60,000 to fuel a jet.How many
bags of peanuts could her husband have bought from our poor farmers with
this amount,as the SOS agriculture? Mad Yahya will tell people that his
grand sons and grand daughters will not be born poor. How about the grand
sons and grand daughters of those citizens he is maltreating now? If former
leaders did like Yahya is saying on GRTS,would he have been here by now?
These cassettes have been kept at the GRTS and Yahya will leave that behind
as one of his sad speeches when he is languishing in Hague. Is Yahya
observing how his wife is living and spending? Even if Yahya was left to
escape with all that he stole,Zeinab alone would be able to finish his
savings within six months.My question is;whether Gambians should leave this
last lady go and misuse our money after her mad husband has been beheaded
at the McCarthy square? The same th ing happened in Mali when Amadou Tumani
Touray came to power.Musa Traore had 2 billion dollars and that was Mali's
external debt at the time,so it was forfeitted and used to safe the dignity
of a whole nation,which was held at ransom by two wicked married
couple.Traore and his wife faced the anger of Malians. The same situation
happened in the Phillipines,Marcos fell and his wife was not spared.
Dictators are usually helped by greedy and wicked wives who do not deserve
any kindness,particularly a person who is not even a citizen. Yahya's
citizenship is questionable,his own wife is Moroccan/Guinean,his daughter
was born at a hospital in America.Yahya is so fake that he is rejecting
anything Gambian in his future plans! Look at his surrounding and
understand why he is so wicked to Gambians! His stupid sefl tells people
that he does not travel abroad when on vaccation.How can he travel abroad
when he is being guarded at home by the little naar,she prefers leaving him
behind beca use his warambas are an embarassment for someone who wants to
be in Cancun,Mexico. This mad man! Yahya does not no the difference between
private and state visits therefore him spending holidays in any country
will end up being a big problem for the local authorities.He likes going
abroad on holidays but his surrounding does not favour that.Yahya's madness
and witchcraft can only be done at his zoo when he is on vaccation. Yahya
can never care that much about Gambians because of the following reasons.
He is probably not Gambian,his wife is not, and all his closest guards are
either from Morocco,Casamance,Liberia or other parts of Eastern Europe.How
can a person like that care for us? Samuel Doe was slaughtered with his
foreign guards,so Yahya should bear that in mind. Doe was far more
intelligent and brave than mad Yahya.

shamelessly criticising Baba Jobe, calling him a thief etc for failing to
pay tax?! How about when Jobe gave a bounced cheque to TOTAL just before he
the shameless liar departed to attend the last OIC meeting in Malaysia?News
papers and other sources quoted that story but it was buried after
that.OPTV knows how to tackle Yahya's fake stand and he will certainly run
away. Baba Jobe did all he could to fuel the mad man's plane during that
trip.Yahya had nothing in that whole plane other than Sedhiou Jazz Band! He
flew with a Jazz band to Malaysia and then said he was going to represent
Islam? From there he spread his wings to Taiwan and then begged some more
Chinese Dollars through lies and fabrications.Look at Yahya's website he
has sites of other heads of state,including that of Taiwan.Well.well,well
this mad man's website can tell you how he begs.Just read between the lines
and see.If he can have Taiwan the re why not Pakistan,because the Gambia's
chief justice is Pakistani? Baba Jobe's lawyers are not blackmailing anyone
they are saying the truth,my only worry is that,they may be shot by Alhaji
Martin and Musa Jammeh . They were shameless enough to tell us that some
government officials have not been moved by that threat! Can they please
send us the list of those officials.No government official said so.That is
a lie! Anyone who happens to be part of that madness will either be a close
ally who does not know the implications and how they will help us send
Yahya the thief out his hole,or they are enemies of Yahya trying to
disguise as supporters. If Baba Jobe reveals what he knows then Yahya is
done.OPTV will offer kolanuts to all marabouts to pray so that Yahya sees
this as threat then Baba would have the chance to speak. OPTV has learnt
that some of Yahya's cronies are striking a deal behind the scenes and at
the same time bluffing in the open.These shameless lackeys!

LAW'S FUNERAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When Alhaji Ebrima Suma died Zeinab's late
father,the new millenium was plying between Yundum airport and Conakry like
a bush taxi. All those who chose to attend the funeral particularly his
supporters were given a free ride to and from Banjul.Cooking pots and other
utensils were flown to Conakry and it was just like going to a nearby
village.How much was wasted?! Yahya would tell us that he uses his own
money! Goodness! Yahya should know that it is the state that he used to get
that money.He stole power and uses Gambia's name to get his money.The crude
oil,the contracts,and every other project that he uses to lie and get money
is possible because he is at the state house like a Kilimanjaro chimpanzee!
Yahya should wait and see if he will be able to make one dime when his
dirty mouth is out of those warambas. Yahya and his wife are the main
problem.Baba Jobe,Lang Conteh,Tari k Musa and others are scape goats.Let
Yahya stop Zeinab's shopping sprees for three months and see.

Binneh S Minteh

New York University

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