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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Jabou Joh <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 3 Feb 2004 21:21:38 EST
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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I also thought it rather interesting that Tarik not only came back to Gambia
knowing he was wanted but also that he was deported. I guess they bundled him
off because if he was tried, he could reveal bombshells no doubt.

Jabou Joh

In a message dated 2/3/04 12:14:32 PM Central Standard Time, [log in to unmask]

> The people of our unfortunate Republic that has been raped by Yahya and
> his gang are still the victims of circumstances.Here we are witnessing the
> wretched movie entitled:OPERATION NO COMPROMISE,this is sheer nonsense!
> Again another episode has been sent out there for us to be baffled and
> think that Yahya means what he said?
> Yes he means it,because he really means trying to dissociate his shameless
> self from the people he has been using to make money and then dump
> them.Yahya should know that these people also will spill the beans when it
> is convenient for them to do.Instead I would say that Tarik Musa is
> lucky.He was there he enjoyed all that he could,he sneaked behind and
> seduced many of their so-called women and now he has been deported.Tarik's
> deportation is another show where Yahya's stupidity has been exposed.Tarik
> could  reveal a lot,both on Yahya's private and official life.Tarik is
> gone but the traces are still there.
> Tarik Musa could not have been inviting Abdoulie Kujabi's kids and Myriam
> Jammeh to use his home-made gym,his swimming pools,be giving money to
> Yahya and his queen of Sheba and then be bundled out of The Gmabia like a
> he-goat destination Lebanon? Tarik Musa knows more than Zeinab herself can
> reveal.He has been there since the early days.He sponsored the rallies,the
> shows,the 'kulliwohs'-christening ceremonies,the birth days etc and now we
> are being told that he is a bad man.
> Tarik declared a bad man,by who? Yahya Jammeh?
> Binneh Minteh says to you Yahya give us  a break!!!!!
> Tarik came on board because he started giving candies to hungry kids like
> you in 1994.
> Why has Tarik not been declared a bad man from that time? He gave you a
> large part of his drug money,inflated vouchers and shady
> deals.You,Tarik,Amadou Samba,Abdoulie Kujabi are different parts in one
> music set.Your tunes cannot be different for a long time.There are people
> who have put in place a mechanism that will invite Tarik to spread all
> that he knows about you added to the containers of information that the
> OPTV is going to undo.
> Tarik's existence in The Gambia is a blame that many have to share.Here is
> a man who came to Banjul in the early ninties from Monrovia when he had
> only 500 US dollars in his pocket.He was assisted by the Diabs,Madis etc
> to place his order for rice.Tarik stayed there and then jumped towards
> doing business as Motor spare parts dealer.It is true that the former
> government saw him grow but Yahya came in at a time when Tarik's fruits
> were ripe and he ate the whole orchard with that Lebanese.
> Tarik even speaks Jola now,because he was taught how to seduce Yahya and
> his funny birds.Everyone remembers Tarik's broad smiles on the video
> cassettes where Yahya was seen pulling his 'warambas'.Yahya is fake and
> mad.
> TK Motors Tarik's company has it's roots in England,Tarik has no bank
> account that worths much in Banjul.Only a few days before he was deported
> we all know that he went to Lebanon and got married to  young beautiful
> Lebanese.Tarik knowing that he was wanted came back to Banjul without
> fearing for his life.Please people should realise that the JUNGLERS and
> The GREEN BOYS were ordered not to kill Musa.The dramma unfolded and he
> came to play his part in this wretched movie.Tarik bought his way through
> and then came only to satisfy that he played his role.Who on earth would
> think that Jammeh could leave someone he hates fly away freely like that?
> Lang Conteh also got married and came home.If Tarik could be deported then
> why not leave Conteh also face the courts like others?
> Yahya may not know but OPTV will pull the veil and expose his dubious
> character faster than he expects.How about if Tarik  decides to come and
> stage his counter attacks in Dakar? Or G/Bissau? Tarik may not  be in
> Lebanon at the moment and OPTV wil follow this trail for the benefit of
> the Gambians who were duped by YAHYA.Before YDE we saw on the news TK
> Motors was also accused of evading tax.Ok now how can some company be
> accused of evading tax and then the founder be deported?
> Evading tax in some countries in South East Asia is punnishable by death.
> Yahya should remember that Tarik speaks the dialect that his queen also
> speaks so we will see where the boats leads us?
> News Flash! Our sources recieved from the grapevine that Kujabi sent some
> kids out of his residence at Keur Seringue today in an angry tone.The poor
> kids wnet there to invite him as patron at the Assan Njie's show.A famous
> Senegalese artist/pop star.These kids are used to receiving heaps of mixed
> currencies from Kujabi at anytime they went there to invite him.This time
> they were chased and they testified seeing a different man who was angry
> at every body.Well Tarik's swimming pool is dry,Afra FM is quiet and the
> Pajeros that were being changed at TK Motors every week may be siezed very
> soon.
> The OPTV thanks those kids who spread the word at a cyber cafe in
> Serekunda.
> A lot of rumours and facts are mixed together in Banjul these
> days,however,Yahya's anger and depression is no rumour that is a fact.
> Will he resign very soon? Some corners are sending that signal too.
> Binneh S Minteh

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